Here Was The Problem

Han gave a dull look at both Kai and Theodore. Now that finally had decided to come out of nowhere to give him the judgement that he was waiting for… he wished that they did it at a better time.

"Can't you guys read the atmosphere?" Han whispered-shouted at them and motioned for them to cut things out. If they could haul their asses out of here, that was going to be good.

He wished that he brought a handkerchief or something, because he really didn't expect tears. While a part of him was distracted and also glad that Sybeth was in a foul mood and it was clear as day, Ellynn herself was a mystery.

The exact reasons for her upset mood was still unknown to him, that he wanted to fish out answers from thin air. 

"Is it because these two are always with us?" Han started with the things that actually came to his mind. Somehow, now that he was looking at her face, more of the less savory things he was doing came to mind. "I'm already trying to make them leave."