That Funny Feeling

There was no amount of excitement in his face at all. 

A part of him should have long realized that it was only a matter of when the others around him would discover his secrets—such things could never be hidden.

The truth always came out, sometimes in unexpected ways and sometimes in trivial events that didn't seem so big at first. Maybe it was underestimating an opponent. 

Han knew for a fact that this world around him was as real as Earth, but somehow, he still expected that he could fool others here and reside as a simple person here for his own benefits.

That was a naive way of thinking.

The young man sat with his classmates in his first afternoon class, a certain sense of unease at what might actually happen… but with it never actually coming to fruit. The dread and anticipation of punishment was more aggravating than the actual consequence.

It was a common trick to play with one's mind.