The Dreaded Truck

According to some human statistics back in 2017, there were about 150,000 deaths per day that occurred consistently enough. It was something that some or many didn't think about as they went about their lives. 

It was not some failing in human character or anything else in the eyes of those who observed it—it was simply something that was unavoidable.

So most turned their eyes, pretended that it did not exist and simply lived each day as if they were invincible. That nothing would take them down—until something actually did. Whether it was disease, accidents, old age… or even their very own hands.

Life was so short and fleeting—but to those who knew that and were unafraid to look death in the eye, they blazed and lived in spite of it. 

A flame that was glorious in sight, burning and always bright before it finally flickered and died but also reaching out to others and also lighting something within them.

That was what most looked for.