Cutscene of a Family Board Game

Most of the day-to-day occurrences in the lives of the Han family was simple, the youngest one attended her academic life without any question and did her best to excel in that life, and perhaps Jinjing had friends.

And that was a mystery that Han Jing didn't know about.

Maybe she had problems with teachers? Was she bullied by her other classmates? Did a young girl around her age actually get crushes? Han Jing didn't think she had any of those, but who was he to know?

It was easy to take it for granted and not think about how the other people closest to him, his family actually operated in their daily lives. Han Jing wished he thought about it more often, but wasn't it kind of cringy to think about it?

At least, Han Jing knew that his twenties were usually the age where someone like him moved out of his parents home and finally separated from them. He'd gain independence, find a new life and new people to surround himself with.