Revealing The Truth to the Illusionary Mage

"I'm not lying! Let me go! I'm not—huh," Han Jing blinked and found his back touching something hard. 

When Han looked behind him, it was a solid ceiling and he himself was floating high up in the air several feet above the ground and with the Illusionary Mage giving him a blank look from the other part of the secret room. 

The two of them were in the hidden library that he once discovered Ellynn and Timothy going together before. Right behind Kai, the mage was surrounded by several bookshelves but Han on the other hand was floating in the blocked passageway that led to the ghost spectre. 

There were decent sharp chunky rocks below him and without any decent armor, he'd get stabbed to death if he were to fall to his death. Han tried to remember what actually led to this scenario and he quickly did.

Several memories coursed through his head and he understood what was happening.