The Axe Wielder and Prisoner

What could anyone do at this point of time? Donovan was nothing more but a guy with a beef skewer for a weapon—that is to say, he felt the wave of danger seeping outside that made the axe on his back feel useless when he made his way towards the gates of the city.

Han for all his ridiculousness and method of interacting with people in Kraelonia Academy as if they were nothing more but sideshows simply breezed past through the Guardsmen stationed at the gates. 

Donovan's eyes bulged but then he was stopped by the woman who was on duty.

"Where are you going out so late for, boy?" the guard asked him with a tired smile on her face. Working definitely did get tiring especially if one was stationed to stand for hours and inspect everyone coming in and out. "You don't want to be outside tonight at this point of time."