Wake up and start (Chpt. 1)

Brrrrrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrrrrrrr-

Lifting the bed sheets you slowly open your eyes and turn off your alarm. "Ahhh" you groan as

you remember you forgot to do Mrs. Burnts math homework. You get up from the bed and look

at the time, the clock arms are at 6:21 AM. You walk towards your door and turn to the right to

go to the bathroom.

"Eww." You turn and see your cousin Sherry, 5 standing in the hallway with

her platinum blonde hair in pigtails, dressed in a white magnolia patterned dress. In her arms is

a delicate doll. "Why don't you get dressed before you get out, huh." You turn away to look in

the hallway mirror and realize you forgot to put on a shirt. "I forgot to put it on last night." "Yeah

right." You had enough and just went into the restroom without looking back at her.

Then you hear your mother from downstairs yell out your name. "Serran! Hurry, or else you'll be

unprepared when the driver gets here!" "Okay Mum!" You search around the restroom or your

toothbrush, then remember that you threw it out last night and got a new one, then left it in your

bedroom. You go back into your room and when you come out with a toothbrush in hand you

hear your older sister, Lorely 14, fighting with yo eyes of your triplet brother, Raymond. So you

call your brother out, "Hey Ray, what happened?"

"Well, sweet Lorely over here, wants me to get out of the restroom so she can spend 2 hours

trying to fix her broken face!" "Excuse me, broken face? From what I remember Annie rejected

your confession last Monday!"

"Can you both just stop, you'll make me, along with yourselves late." You hear them running to

their rooms to get ready for the day.

You walk over to the bathroom and close the door as you

turn on the lights. You see that Sherry left her doll on the towel cabinet. You leave it and go to

brush your teeth. You then go to the shower and quickly wash your hair. You run to your room

and change into your school uniform. It's a white collar shirt with a black button up vest, the

school jacket, then black or brown shoes and a big black or brown bag with one strap for your


You walk out and Sherry tells you, "Have you seen Tiffany?" "Yeah you left her in the

towel cabinet" "Okay, thanks!" You go downstairs where you see your family eating breakfast

together at the long eating table. Your mother gets up, she has shoulder length red hair, fair skin

and bright blue eyes. "Serran come and have breakfast with us." "No, you know I don't like

eating with him." You jerk your head towards your stepfather. A well built man, dark brown hair

and green eyes, with a slight tan and a scar on the left side of his chin. Your mother turns to

look in his direction. "Serran, I know that you don't like Edmund but please, at least try to not

fight." "Mom, you know why I don't like him yet you expect me to miraculously get along with him." Your mother hangs her head. Then your stepfather gets up. "Listen here. Stop being a

brat and don't start a fight with me." He then whispers in your ear, "You know she would easily

pick me over you, you little bastard, so act right." You look into his eyes, then storm out of the

room, up the stairs and into your room. You grab your bag and storm out of the house. You hear

fast footsteps following you, then you feel a hand touch your right shoulder. You turn around

and see your mother in tears. "Serran please… I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have asked that of

you. But you have to know something." She gets close to your ears "he may be near so we'll

have to whisper , we're only staying till your father and others finds a safe way for all of us to get

out of here." Your eyes widen, "so, so you don't even like this man?" "No..of course not, but I

have told your older siblings, now your younger siblings are the only ones that shouldn't know

about this yet, this is...a dangerous topic to talk about." "O-Okay" "Just go with the act, honey

please, don't tell anyone this either." "Okay." "Bye honey, thank you for understanding. She let's

go of the hug, "I hope you and Edmund can get along better." "Yes mom, I'll try." "Okay go, you

don't want to be late, your siblings are coming here any moment now." "Okay bye." "Bye"

You watch as your mother walks away and then you see your siblings come out.

"Serran! I thought you left without me." It's Ray's voice. "Nah, why would I leave without you?" "Hahaha." Then you hear your younger stepsister, Maya 12 years old say. "We should hurry up, we're

already about 10 minutes late." Then Ray let's go of your head and yells "Wait what!" "Ouch,

Ray stop screaming in my ears, please." "Sorry." Then your siblings start to run over to the

gates and you follow suit. There the driver is waiting then he says "C'mon kids, don't wanna be

late, this old mans got a date." Your older brother, Lucien 19, says "Adams, we all know you're

married already." "What? So I can't go on dates with Emily?" Then you hear Maya start giggling.

Then after that your siblings started talking to each other, and you just started reading a book.

Then Ray and Eadgyth started to play with his hair.

After 2 minutes Ray takes the book out of your hands. "Hey Serran, stop reading that and play with us." "...no thank you." Then you notice that Ray forgot his bag. "Hey Ray" "Yeah?" "You forgot your bag at home." He starts looking everywhere for it. "Jesus Christ, and we have Mrs. Courtney today." You take out your phone and text your mother that Ray forgot his bag at home. She texts back with, 'Okay I'll take it over there.' Then the car stops. "Okay kids, this is it, y'all can go out now." Then a jumble of voices say "Thank you for the ride Adams."

There at the school gates you see the principal standing, waiting for your siblings and you to go

through. But of course you'd think they're in trouble, well the school isn't allowed to get your

sibling and you in trouble because of your biological father. Your step siblings can't get in

trouble either because of their father, who is your stepfather.

You stepped into the school yard, then entered the school building. There you see crowds of

other kids in uniforms, talking and walking to their first class of the day. You walk towards the

third hall on the right. You walk into the hall and walk down to the last class in the middle of the

end of the hall. You enter and see Mrs. Courtney is already at her desk, "Ray I see that you

don't have your bag." "Um yes i left it at home, my mother is coming to drop it off for me." "Mhm

then you can read with Serran meanwhile, sit." "Yes, Mrs. Courtney."

You sit down in the first row, and take out your Latin book. Then the bell rings and Mrs.

Courtney stands up and puts on her glasses. Then the class goes quiet as she starts to speak.

"Did everyone remember to do their homework?" "Yes Mrs. Courtney ``''Okay then, everyone please turn toward page 40." "But before class starts we have students transferring from

another class, Min please come in."

There you see your oldest triplet brother walk in. Ray and

you are visibly surprised. "Hello there, my name is Min Chernyshevsky, I come from the German

tutoring class." "Hello Min." The you hear whispering around the class, and everyone is looking

at Ray, Min and you." Then the teacher looks over at Sara, "Sara can you share with the class

of what you're talking about?" Then Sara goes red, obviously knowing Mrs. Courtney knows

they were talking about you and your brothers. "Um you see Natalie was saying that um…"

Then Natalie stands up and says "Min, Serran and Ray have the same last names, so I was

wondering if they are siblings." Mrs. Courtney sighs and then looks at Ray and you. "Ray,

Serran please explain to everyone this." Mrs. Courtney already knows but you know they

wouldn't believe her. "Yes Mrs. Courtney, Ray, Min and me are triplets, so this is the reason we

have the same last name."

You know that they wouldn't think that you were cousins, because

most of your mother's siblings were killed, died, or have no partner or desire to have children.

Your family is quite famous with the locals, your mother was a singer and the daughter of a

famous designer and actor, your father is the CEO of a famous company that produces

perfume, cologne, scented candles, and anything to do with scents. Your stepfather on the other

hand is the CEO of a modeling company, once a model in the same company when it was still

his fathers. But after sometime your mother left the light and resided to be a stay at home

mother. Your father is still well known among the world, although not as much as before.

Ray interrupted your thoughts. "Ser, you can sit down, class is about to start." "Oh, yeah."

You sit down and class starts.

After 4 long classes you walk down the big hallway to the big doors that take you to the cafeteria. A big

room with long tables all around. It has white walls and roof, black floor. On the right there is a

door that takes you to a place where you can buy your lunch if you didn't bring lunch.

You walk in and go to the last table to the left, where your siblings and some friends are sitting.

You bring up your bag to the table and bring out a box with your lunch inside.

Your very picky

about your food since you have a sensitive stomach. So your mother packed you a salad made

up of avocado, tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, radishes, she put in a little bit of ham and

cheese for you in a little box. Then a silver mug with a top, which she always puts tea inside.

You open it to smell what type of tea it was, it's peppermint tea with milk. Then you see that Ray

isn't at the table. You catch Lucien's eye, he realizes you were looking for Ray. So after putting

down his fork and noodles he smiles, "Ray is buying his lunch, he forgot to tell mom that it

wasn't in his bag." "Oh, okay then."

You carry on and start eating while doing your math homework.

After sometime you see Min

and Ray walking over to the table. They sit down next to you and then Ray looks over at you.

"Serran, can you help me with my homework at home ? Please." "...fine."

Then again after another 3 long classes. you walk out of your last class and turn to the study hall. Which has the library connected to it, to

pick up some studying books for all of your classes. On the way there you see Min walking to

the study hall as well. You run up to him and tap his shoulder. "Hey Min are you gonna go pick

up something?" "Yeah I also have to drop off some books." Then you feel a push on your back,

you turn around and see Lorely smirking at you and Min. "Mom said we're getting picked up today so no study hall for anyone. Tell the others if you see them." "Okay, wait for us outside

then, we'll look if anyone is studying."

You walk into the study hall. It's a room with little tables, each has a lamp and a shelf for your

books in the back. At the front are shelves filled with books and a librarian in the right corner.

You look around and see if any of your siblings are in here. You find Eadgyth looking at a shelf

filled with books about flowers. "Hey Eadgyth, mom said we're getting picked up today, so we

can't stay here in the study hall." "Okay imma just check out this book real quick." "Okay, is

anyone else here?" "Um I think I heard Everett." "Okay thanks." Everett is your oldest step

sibling, he's usually quite unlike your oldest biological sibling who is Lucien. There in the last

row of desks you see Everett studying. "Everett, moms picking us up today, so we can't study."

"Okay, I'll pack up." He stands up putting his books in his bag and turning off the lamp. You two

walk out of the study hall and there you see Eadgyth, Min and Lorely. Lorely gets up from the

wall and starts to walk to the entrance. "Cmon moms already here." "Okay."

You all walk to the entrance where the rest of your siblings are waiting. You see the car. Inside

you see your mother in a big cab. "Kids hurry, hurry inside." You see that she's in a panic,

something is definitely not right, your mother is usually calm. Then Lucien steps up towards your

mother, "Mom what's wrong?" Your mother looks around for something or someone, "It's your

stepfather, we're leaving but not today, in 2 days." Two days, that's your stepfather's birthday.

Lots of people are going to be there, relatives, friends and more. "Why? What happened?"

"Come inside I'll tell you all inside." Your sibling and you get in the big car. "Okay, kids...we have

to leave. If not your stepfather is going to kill us all." "Why? Mom this isn't reasonable, my father

would never harm me." It's Eadgyth. "Eadgyth, honey you don't know the reason I'm here, and

I'm planning to explain to you." "Then explain already and stop stalling!" Lucien steps up again,

"Don't speak to my mother like that and just let her explain!" "Stop it both of you, Chris please

go, I'll explain once we're moving." "Okay, Fount, where do we go?" "Take the long way to our

home." "'Kay" the car starts moving.

"Your father, Edmund, is… my sister's ex husband. But she isn't with us anymore." "What

happened to her?" Min says with confusion in his tone. "...Your stepfather killed her, he tried to get her inheritance, but since she had

children, you for example, it all went to you and your siblings." "What? But from what remember they were happy but then, my father said she was cheating, so they were going to

divorce." Eadgyth exclaims in surprise. "Heh, that's a lie." "He said he got full custody of us all, so we weren't able to see our

mother and that it was the reason." "No, he killed my sister, he pushed her from his bedroom

balcony. So before he can kill you all, I came to save you." "Why?" "Because I want my sister to

be able to know her children are alright." Your mother started crying. "My sister's death was a

warning, but I'm not alone, the rest of my siblings are going to help, along with Chris." "Who's

Chris?" Eadgyth tilts her head in confusion. "Chris is the driver up there, he's also your mother's

best friend." She points to the man in the driver's seat, a man with blond hair and green yellow like

eyes. "Hey kids." He waves to the back of the car. "Hello Chris." "B-but mother, how are we

going to leave?" Min asks your mother while looking worried and nervous.

She glances to Chris,

her face tear stained but smiling. "Your father is going to visit your grandparents in two days,

that's when we'll move our big things, like shelves and some clothes some more as well. Then

on the first day we'll pack the little things in boxes." Chris cuts in "Then at night I'll pass by

and grab those things. Then on the day he goes to visit your grandparents, I'll sneak you all out." Maya looks at your mother and asks, "But where are we going?" "We're going to my place."

Chris looks back to tell Maya this. "Your place? Where is it?" "It's in Eronktov." "What?" Then your

mother places her hand over Maya's hand. "Maya, I don't want him to find us." "...okay I trust

you." "Thank you."

Everyone went silent, then after about half an hour the car stopped.

"We're here, y'all be safe in

there." "Yes thank you Chris." Everyone came out of the car, and there on the stairs was your

stepfather. "Edmund, were you waiting long?" "I'd wait till the end of my life for you." You now

notice that your mother is acting. When she was with your father, she wouldn't close her eyes,

she'd look at his eyes and smile. It was so obvious but you didn't notice. He then proceeds to lift

your mother's chin and kiss her. You can tell she doesn't enjoy being kissed by him because

she balls both of her hands. "Okay, kids get changed, I'll go make dinner. "Okay

mom." Everyone says while getting inside taking off their shoes and changing to slippers. Then

you see Sherry, come out from a corner. She probably took a bath because now she's in a blue

dress with a golden colored ribbon on the waist.

"Everyone already went to change, why aren't

you?" she says with a blank expression "O-oh I was about to go now."

You run up the stairs to your room, you notice that boxes were placed under your bed, in the

closet and behind the hidden door. You decide to start packing the things that no one would

notice were gone, your headphones, some books and some other stuff. Then you hear a knock

at your door, you hurriedly put up the boxes. "Come in." It's Lorely, "Time for dinner hurry and come down." "Okay." You run down stairs and sit. The meal already on the table. Spaghetti with meatballs. Everyone sits down. Then once your mother sits down everyone starts to eat. No one talks during dinner.

After a while everyone finished their dinner. Then without having to speak everyone knows what to do. The older kids in charge of cleaning dishes. The middle kids are in charge of cleaning the table. The little one, Sherry, has to clean herself up by cleaning her hands. Your stepfather has to dry the dishes, while your mother starts sweeping the floor. Your family doesn't have maids due to your mother not wanting to make others do what they should be doing.

Everyone is fine with it except your stepfather. Then once everyone is done, bath time starts. From youngest to oldest. Once that is over everyone gets their toothbrush's and toothpaste to wash their mouth. Once everyone get through its already 21:30 (which is 9:30.) Then everyone says good night and goes to bed. You instantly go to sleep. You dream of your life before your stepfather came. The trip to France.

Slowly you drift to deep sleep without a dream.