The Moon Awoke Me (Chpt. 23)

The inside is lit by warm yellow light. There are a few other people checking in as well. All standing

around and waiting patiently. Then in a corner you see your family. There they are whispering to each

other. You go over and join them.

"They gave us our room keys." Your mother says. Then everyone separates into groups. "Go inside shower, we'll go out for some food in a bit, then we'll sleep, we have to

leave early in the morning." "Okay, bye mom." Everyone is in groups, except for Chris who said he'd take

a small room. Once everyone has already taken a quick shower you go out to the cars. After looking

around for a bit everyone decides on a little restaurant. Everyone goes and orders some food and drinks.

After eating everyone goes back into the cars and to the hotel. Once you arrive you change your clothes

and then go to sleep.

You wake up to the moonlight hitting your face, you look up and see that the sky is clear of nighttime

clouds. You can see the moon at its fullest, you are farther away from the city so you can see more stars.

They have a simple beauty, not like the flashy ones from the movies. They twinkle as if they are on a

beat. The. You look over and see that everyone is getting up. "What time is it?" You ask, "Uh, it's 4:06. We

gotta keep going, you should get up." You hear Everett say as he turns on his phone. You get up and fix

the bed, you then enter the restroom where Ray and Lucien are brushing their teeth quickly. You follow

suit and then go back into the room after you are done. You repack the little things you had with you and

then at 4:42 everyone is ready and you check out.

Once everyone, who are all still half asleep, except for your parents and Chris, get in the cars. You start

to move, you go down a couple of streets, every now and then you see people with signs, words written

on them in a language you can't understand, but you can see that they are angry and frustrated. Then the

sun came up at 6, everyone stops and has breakfast at a breakfast stop. "Then we'll go to Quarter street, we take a right turn and then-" you hear Chris and your parents talking about the path they'll take after

breakfast.You look outside, the place has trees on two sides of the building. "Serran!" You hear Étienne

say. "Huh? What? Sorry, I was spacing out." "It's fine, just that you'll be in the same car with me and we're

picking our seats. You can pick what seat you want." He shows you a paper that maps out the seats in

Chris"s car. There are only 3 seats left, one in the middle in the last row, one in the middle row in the

middle and one in the front row on the left side with the window. "Uh, I'll take the middle row seat." "Okay"

he writes down your name in there, he spells it wrong. He writes 'Seren' when it is spelled 'Serran' but

you decide to just leave it be. "Oh,, you spelled Serran's name wrong." You hear Rumor tell him while you

drink some of your apple juice. "Oh I did? Can you tell me how it's spelled?" "It's spelled S-E-R-R-A-N not

S-E-R-E-N, he has a pretty uncommon name so I'm not surprised." Étienne erases your name and writes

it again correctly.

Everyone finishes their breakfast and goes back into the car. You sit in the middle of the middle row