Utility utilized - grinding time

It was one hour in the actual world, but Matt finished reviewing 5 subjects of his lessons, 2 essays and dozens of turn in "Need for Speed" games in-between studying. He had to play offline mode since the online mode will resume normal time flows.

Matt then checked his mind tab. As he deduced, his smartphone contributed his activities to the progress. Matt made better progress when he intensified his activity. Convinced, Matt started exploring the new utility tabs.

"Open Utility tab."



- Body Training Utility (physical training and guidance, enhance body workout).

- Mind Drill Utility (mental exercise and stimulation, enhance brain capacity).

- Life Utility (ease living conditions)

- Defence Utility (provide protective capabilities).

- Stealth Utility (reduce visibility and presence).

- Attack Utility (increase damage dealing).


First, Matt attempted body training utility. His divine space changes into a gym with multiple machine and exercise equipment. In front of him, there were various training videos to play. It's like when you search on YouTube for an exercise video.

The videos were sorted from the simple workout for beginners until the special forces workouts drill. Matt then chose a warm-up video and played it. It surprised him when his body automatically following the movements in the video. He need not watch the video, he could even nap during the video duration.

Next, Matt initiated mind drill utility. This time his divine space morphed into an old library with tall books racks reaching the ceiling. Similarly, Matt offered an array of videos, from logic problem solving to war strategy. He chose a simple chess opening strategy video. With the video, it steered his thoughts to follow the video and maintained his focus. The utility tuned out everything else in Matt's vicinity from his focus.

After the video ended, Matt felt a bit muddled. He used much of his mental capacity during the drill.

A little rest later, Matt recovered somewhat. He opened the next category

only 2 icon was active this time. red icon of fire and star icon of light. Once he taped on the fire icon, a Sparks grew into a little flame ball on his index fingertips. Matt could control the size and distance of the blaze. From pinhead size to a ping pong ball. the maximum distance Matt can push the fireball was until 2 feet away from his body before it fizzled.

After a few trials, Matt could move the flame above his head and down to his feet smoothly. He could feel the warmth of the flame but his skin and clothes were not scorched. satisfied with the function, he then tapped the other icon.

This time his index finger started glowing with dim light. Matt then tested the brightest his finger could be. it's like a bulb have been installed on his index finger. He then tried to move the light. However, the light could only move on his skin surface. He could not push the light outside like the flame. The biggest size of the light was about palm-sized.

"This would make a nice magic trick. Also handy for camping" Thought Matt.

Matt wanted to continue his little exploration but his stomach rumbling furiously. He had to stop and purchase something to eat. Clara wasn't ready for lunch yet since little time passed outside his divine space.

Matt proceeded to wash his body and changes clothes. Then he went out to acquire food. First, he ate a meal at the stalls then he did some shopping for canned food and dry food. When no one watching, he went into an alley and left all the shopping bags inside his divine space.

Next Matt took a bus to the lake again. This time, other than lending a hand to a few strangers, he successfully finished his videos recordings, edited it and updates his vlogs.

On his way back to the bus stop, he walked by the place where it all begins. The small bridges where he dropped his smartphone. He paused his steps and look around. The scenery made him felt torn. Now he wielded great power, at the tender age of 14. Now, what was his purpose? Which path should he take?

He looked at the lake scenery and pondered a bit. Unknown to Matt he was already stood at the chair where Hermes in the old lady disguised, told the story yesterday.

He took a seat and open the phone camera to take pictures. after a few snapshots, Matt saw an icon that wasn't there before. It was a closed eye in grey colour. This icon was not there in the video mode. He tapped the icon and the eye opened while the colour changed into a golden shade of grey.

Then Matt proceeded with a few pictures, he snapped the trees, fishes near the surface of the water, the passing by the couple, and few other objects.

Then he checked the new pictures, subjects in all the picture have some sort of colour envelopes them. There are also wisps of light in some other picture. In a glanced, people would assume this camera was broken or something.

Looking at the results picture, Matt planned to contact Hephaestus to ask about it later. He also decided to plan for the future, and find purposes of his power (smartphone).

Not wasting any more time, Matt return to the orphanage only to see Jack and Josh walked out of the front entrance. They greeted him with a head rub, few pushing and shoving playfully. Before the pair drive off, Jack told Matt that they left a surprise on the attic for him.

After the pair vehicle vanished into the corner, Matt hurried to the orphanage attic. He found a package on the table there. He grabbed the package and returned to his room. On the way out of the kitchen, Matt saw Clara busily clean the kitchen. He offered to help and chatted with her while doing the chores.

"Jack and Josh dropped by just now while you are out. They asked for you," told Clara.

"Yeah, I met them at the front. they got me something," Matt gestured to the package. It was a silver box with textured surfaces, a bit smaller than a shoebox.

"Birthday present?" guessed Clara, "Maybe they cant make it before your birthday so they give you in advance."

"Well not really but kind of..," replied Matt. "Maybe the new products they developed recently and want me to test it out. Normally they wrapped my birthday present in Christmas wrapper".

Clara giggled. "Misleading and recycling in a package, just what they love to say."

Matt went to his room once the kitchen was cleaned up. He left Clara to arrange for dinner next. Once inside his room, Matt directly opened the DivineStore.