An old Friend (Enemy)

(King Robard's Castle, Round Table Room)

King Robard explained that the reason the dragons were sealed away instead of being killed was because of the abilities they possessed. Though it wasn't an ability the dragons, themselves, could use, they still had different abilities held within. Abilities that couldn't be trusted in the hand of anyone.

"Did you receive some sort of skill or gift when you killed the dragon?"

Amaya immediately thought of when she was notified with

[You have obtained the spirit of the 'Magic Dragon']

She still didn't know what it meant because it wasn't something she analyzed yet.

"I guess a message told me that I absorbed it's spirit or something. I don't know what that means thoo." Amaya stated.

"Did you receive any other messages?"

"No, that's the only thing I was told."

The King sat back and sighed. There didn't seem to be any noticeable ability gained. So he changed the subject.

"It is certainly a big accomplishment from you. However it's time I bring up your request from earlier on. I have thought about it. You have done so much such as clearing the legendary-rank dungeon. You've also defeated one of eight legendary dragons sealed away 150 years ago. I will lend you even more help. Though, I will need a couple days to prepare a force of knights to send out with you."

"Thank you, king. I'll also help clear one of the other legendary-dungeons when I get a chance. For now, I'll go ahead and prepare too." said Amaya, standing from her seat.

As she left the room, Kind Robard wished her farewell.

The First thing Amaya did after leaving the castle was look up at the clear, bright sky.

"This world really has the best weather….."

But she spoke too soon. Many dark clouds covered the sky above and right away, droplets began falling.


A sigh escaped her mouth as she disliked the thought of walking all the way through the rain. But that's when she remembered, she didn't have to walk.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I could literally summon a portal."

But before she did so, there was something she wanted to see.

'Analyze the spirit of the magic dragon'.

[You have activated 'Analyze']

[Spirit of the 'Magic Dragon'- An ability similar to a spirit pact. If you accept, you will be able to enter 'Magic Form'

In this form, you will gain the ability to fly and receive a shield that absorbs up to 70% of all dmg. While in this form, your magic attacks will be able to do up to + 2,000 percent dmg depending on your experience. While not in this form, you magic can do up to +300% dmg depending on amount of practice.]

[Do you accept this pact? Yes/No]

'I accept.' said Amaya.

[You have obtained 'Magic Form']

'I'll try it out later. For now, I'll head back to the Inn.'

A yellow glowing human-sized portal appeared before her as she walked into it.


When she walked out the other side, she was now back in the room, where Katsu was recovering, still asleep.

A small pair of arms wrapped around Amaya's side and a voice joyfully shouted.

"Amaya!!! You're back!!!"

It was Emi, looking more joyful than ever. Even her small tail was wagging.

Amaya went ahead and patted the top of Emi's head, replying.

"Yup. I'm free for the rest of the day, too. Also, try to keep it down. Katsu needs rest."

"Ohhh. Right. Sorry, I forgot."

"It's ok. Here, let's go outside, we can play hide n seek." said Amaya leading Emi out of the room.

"Yayyy. You never play with me."

Part of what she said had made Amaya feel a bit bad. Emi had lost her parents at a young age and was living on her own up until she was found by Amaya. So, Emi probably hadn't had anyone close for the longest time.

'I wish I could spend more time with her, but I've had so much to do lately. At the very least, I want to find her some friends sometime.'


(Imperial Army base, Interrogation room # 14)

Humbert willow left the room, shaking his head.

Atsuya stepped forward in hope that something was learned.

"How did it go? Get anything informative?"

"I'm afraid not. These dark mages have a mentality of steel. But, I don't think he'll be moving for awhile."

The two glazed through the window at the dark mage 'Kuro' who sat against the wall. His face was busted up, bleeding and his arm was bent out of place. His fingers were even severely broken.

"But if I learned one thing from that mage's rambling it's that the plan of the dark mages is something that has lots of depth to it and there seems to be lots of goals they're aiming for." Humbert stated.

"You think his friends will come to rescue him?" Atsuya asked.

It was a hard question to answer as the Dark Mage's Association was hard to predict, doing everything from killing adventures and knights to saving children and cooperating with the king at times.

"I can't say for sure but, we've already thought of that possibly. Everyone is on guard, watching out for anyone suspicious."

Humbert then stated how he had some other business to attend to and that he would be leaving for the next over town.

Atsuya said his goodbye as Humbert headed off.

After some time of standing and waiting by the interrogation room, Atsuya took another look inside, seeing that Kuro still seemed unable to move.

'He won't be going anywhere. It's for me to take a water break then.'

He began walking down the hallway, heading to the break room. However, something was a little off while his footstep continued to move him. There was no sign of any of the ther knights and building members around. It was like they had all left it just vanished.

'Could everyone just be slacking?'

As he came closer and closer to the end of the hall, it still didn't seem like that was the case. Reaching the end, she turned his way down another hallway. Passing the window of the outside, he could see no guards standing around either.

'That's odd. Even the guards are gone? Where did everyone go?'

As kept focus on the windows he passed, hoping he would see anyone outside. There was still nothing.

'Somethings definitely not right.'

Squish. Slip. Thump.

Atsuya stepped into a puddle of wetness and had fallen on his side.

"What the.."

His heart almost stopped when he looked at his hand. It wasn't water he had stepped into. It was a red-like substance, blood.

He quickly got up and saw that the blood was smear all down the rest of the hall, until reaching a room.

Atsuya tightened his fist and each of his muscles tense up when he reached the room. With a sudden movement, she swung the door open.

Five corpses of knights were ,laying on the floor, lifeless.

"I need to alert everyone."

Atsuya grabbed ahold of his magic communicator and began to speak into it.

"Code Red. I just came across dead allies. Anyone, respond."

There was no response from the communicator.

Tmp Tmp Tmp Tmp

Slow and steady footsteps came from behind. A young man's voice spoke.

"I've already taken care of everyone in this building. Aside from my best friend and you, of course."

Atsuya quickly turned and saw who was responsible for the disappearance of everyone.

It was a man with long silver hair who wore a black mask to hide his identity along with a red cloak. Over his shoulder, he carried Kuro who was unable to move.

"You! I remember you. " Atsuya spoke with rage.

"It has been awhile, old friend. However, I have no time to play around this meeting. I hope you enjoy this."

The ceiling and walls caved in as the body of a serpent wrapped around Atsuyas body and lifted him into the sky.

[You have activated 'Limit Break' x 8]

He broke free and with a single kick, ripped the giant snake's body to shreds. Even from the height he was at, Atsuya still gently landed.

"I'm not going down that easy. You should know this."

The masked man placed Kuro down against the wall, replying.

"Yes, I'm aware. It seems like you have more fight in you than last time."

"Last time was an ambush." said Atsuya as he recalled a time 3 years back.

He was helpless, laying on the floor, barely conscious. He was the only one still alive as the other adventures he was with were all slaughtered mercilessly. The one responsible was a man with a black mask and long white silver hair. He kneeled down to Atsuya, grabbing and lifting his chin.

"Oh, I know you all weren't expecting us to catch on to your little plan. Don't mistake the dark mages for fools. Especially one of the leaders such as myself. My poison will be killing you in a matter of minutes. Looks like this is the end of your story, Atsuya."

This was the last thing he remembered before losing consciousness.


Atsuya dashed forward, swinging his fists as the man kept up, blocking and dodging.

Fwsh Fwsh Swsh Swsh Bmp Bmp.

Atsuya spotted an opening and firmly grabbed a hold of his opponent's arm, throwing him through multiple sets of walls until he tumbled on the outside grass.

Smash. Smashh. Smash Smash.

The Silver haired man regained his balance and the bottom of his mask began to crumble, revealing a wicked smile.

Atsuya held his side in pain.

"You're a tricky one."

In the moment he had grabbed him, something came out from under the man's cloak and bit Atsuyas side.