
Have you ever wished that all your problems would just disappear? Or wished that you can just start a new life?

My name is Amaya and I wish for those things all the time. Ever since my birth, miss fortune has been by my side. Everytime something goes good, there is always something that goes bad. For example, when I turned nine years old I got a dog for my birthday. My happiness didn't even last three days. The day after I got the dog it was hit and killed by a truck. But, not even the worst of my problems out of my life. Not to mention that time I got robbed and lost all my money. Or that other time a bullet flew through my apartment window and hit my shoulder. Or that time the cops broke down my door and had mistaken me for someone else who didn't even look like me. But here's something that happened only two days ago. I got a job at a cafe as a waitress. On my first shift, a man came in and ordered dark coffee. When I came to give the man his order, my luck had a large dog come running in and knocking me over. I spilled the coffee all over the man. He was upset and demanded that another waitress take his order. Later on the same day a woman came in. She ordered a caramel frappe with extra caramel. When I came to bring her the frappe', another customer spilled water as I was walking and I slipped. Just like what happened with the man, I spilled the lady's order on her. At least she was nice and told me it was okay and that "Things like this happen."

The next day an older man came in, ordering pancakes and coffee'.When I came out to bring him his order, the same dog from yesterday ran inside and knocked me to the floor.


I quickly got back up, yelling at the hyper mutt as it ran away.

"Come on!! What the freak. Do you hate me or something??!!"

And just when I finished, I looked to my side and realized that I had spilled coffee and pancakes on the customer.

'I screwed up now.' I thought to myself.

My manager called me to the back to have a word with me. And the fact that I, too, was covered in pancakes and coffee wasn't a good look.

My manager shook his head as he began speaking.

"Listen. I just don't think you're cut out for this job. I looked at your history and it looks like you've been fired from lots of jobs. Don't worry, I'm positive you'll eventually find the right work for you."

"Wait. I need this job. Without it I won't be able to pay my bills. Nobody else is going to want to hire me. My credit score is just too bad." I tried to beg, but it didn't do much good.

"I'm sorry, Amaya. You're fired."

When I got home the sun was already going down. With being fired and all, I was feeling a bit down and tired so I slumped over on my bed.

"I wish I would just disappear" I fell asleep in seconds.

Next morning…. I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the sun. I could hear the sounds of birds chirping and wind blowing.

'How did birds get inside?'

But that was the issue. The birds didn't get inside. I sat up and realized I was in the middle of a dang forest. That's right, a freakin' forest.