Disciple Of Darkness

I watched from behind a pillar made of stone, while the battle took place in front of my eyes. Well, I'm not sure if you could really call it "watching"

My eyes were barely able to keep up with their movements. To me, it looked like lots of blurs and sparks flying.

This was a part of my plan, to watch from the sidelines. It sounds dumb, but hear me out.

With my [Analyze] skill, I'll be finding both enemies weaknesses. If it comes down to it, I have a new and special ability. In an easy explanation, Ace and Dashiel are the bait, until I feel ready to fight. So, I stood watching them from a distance.

Previously when I was almost forced into joining the Dark Mages, I remember getting a message in my view.

[You have met the requirements to become a Disciple of Darkness]

I didn't know what it meant, but one thing was certain, in that moment I could feel an ability become awakened from within.

That was when more messages came into view, all about being a 'Disciple Of Darkness'

[Do You Accept Your Position As A Disciple Of Darkness?]

[Yes or No]

[Perks of Accepting: 1. You will be given your very own servant to serve under you.

2. You will gain another ability, being unique to your personal traits.]

Anything with the word 'Darkness' couldn't be good. Still, I could sense that this would benefit me.

So, I accepted.


[You Are Now A Disciple of Darkness]

I felt another ability awaken within me. This is why I became certain about creating this plan.

Now, I stood watching Dashiel and Ace fight against the enemies with everything they had to offer.

I observed the red-haired enemy 'Aika'

I learned the workings of her skills and her weapons. Then, I did the same thing to the other enemy 'Isla.'

I learned the workings of all of her skills.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Daheil became overwhelmed and was knocked back, barely keeping his balance. But his enemy didn't give him any time for recovery, Aika kept slashing as Dasheil tried to block every attack..

The edge of the opponent's blade was about to obliterate Dahsiel's face, but there was no way I was going to let that happen.

'Here goes nothing.'

A stepped out from the pillar and let my first ability activate.

I sprinted towards the battle ground and time around me completely froze. I was the only thing that was still able to move.

I closed my hand tightly. Right when I came close to Aika, I swung one great punch into her side.

Time unfroze and the impact from my attack set it, Aika's body shot across the area, smashing into a wall.


She was knocked out cold. I was so excited at my power but, I quickly realized someone else was surprised by my power too.

Dashiell was staring at me, he just couldn't think of what to say.

"How did you move that fast?" He asked.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back on balance.

"It's a secret. Please don't tell anybody about this."

My back warmed up from a scrothing ball of fire about to blast into me. I honestly didn't expect to react so fast, but my body spun around and my hand deflected the ball away. It blasting into the ceiling.


I gave a confident smile to the one who casted it. Isla tilted her head, I could tell she expected her magic spell to land. She was probably surprised how it didn't.

Her mouth started rambling to me about my actions.

"King Silas offered you a place in our organization, and here you are, fighting against us. I'll be sure he knows. Until then, take care."

Isla's body started glowing greater than any source of light. Me and everyone else became blinded, until the light faded. Isla was gone, without a trace. The only thing left behind was the many bodies of Dark Mages that ace had previously slain, along with the unconscious Aika.

Ace and Dashiel's posture became relaxed and their muscles softened. The battle was won.

"I guess we could relax now, huh." I said.

Dasheil looked at the ground, but not with a happy expression. He shook his head.

"There's still many battle taking place across the forest as we speak. Knight's are dealing with numbers of dark mages, as well as the countless spirits."

I was fast to offer my help.

"Then let me fight along with them."

I saw it on Dasheils' face, he did think about declining my offer. But he gave in, he knew that I could hold my own now.

"Okay. First, we should regroup at the camp. Also, someone has to take that red-haired dark mage to a cell."

Ace stepped forward, walking in the direction of the unconscious Aika.

"Allow me. I'll make sure to get her to a cell fast. The two of you can head back to the camp right away. Don't worry about me."

Worrying about someone like Ace wasn't likely to be on my mind, unless some other amazing opponents show up.

With everything in this specific area settled, me and Dasheil made our way back towards the camp. Though, a few dark mages did try to ambush us along the way. In the end, we effortlessly fought our way through.