Chapter 5: Persuasion and departure

"Dr. Cloba, bother!" Nicole Robin bowed slightly, expressing his respect, and not forgetting Qin Ge behind him.

"Dr. Cloba, this is Allen. He drifted to our island because of a shipwreck. This time he came here to put you on the table, because Allen told me something before and I do n't know what to do. Deal! "Nicole Robin let go of his body and exposed Qin Ge behind him, and quickly explained.

"Oh ?! Have you encountered a shipwreck? This is really not good news. Your child is called Allen, don't you know what you said to Robin? Let our intelligent Robin not know what to do!" Dr. Loba showed regret, and looked at Qin Ge with curiosity.

He did not show contempt because Qin Ge was just a child. Instead, he showed enough respect for his peers. Perhaps it was because of this serious attitude that he knew the world government 's blank history. He dare not to hesitate to explore and also resolutely explore.

Qin Ge does not have Luo Yan, but rather simply repeats what Nicole Robin said.

If Dr. Kloba can still smile at the beginning, then after listening to Qin Ge's words, his face is replaced by dignity and suspicion.

"Is everything you said true, Ellen!" Dr. Kroba stared at Qin Ge with a gazing eyes and said calmly.

"It's true, O'Hara is about to face destruction!" Qin Ge nodded slightly and said in a heavy voice.

Although the reason was invented by him, it is true. Even Dr. Cloba and others stop researching, but with the caution of the world government, there will never be any hidden dangers. Sooner or later, they will cover up the blank hundred years History erases all risk factors.

Dr. Kroba fell into silence all of a sudden, what Qin Ge said was too important for him and the archaeologists of Ohara as a whole.

Although he was talking to Robin just like a child in front of him, they are indeed studying a blank history that the world government has forbidden and allowed, and if the world government really knows it, they will definitely make up for it.

Although Qin Ge said that the world government would destroy the entire Dr. O'Hara Jean Cloba, he still had some doubts. However, considering the information parsed from the historical text, the world government may not take radical measures to eliminate hidden dangers.

Dr. Kroba's silence made Nicole Robin, who noticed a bit, flustered in her mind, apparently keenly aware of the problem in Dr Kroba's expression.

"Dr. Cloba, the world government will not really destroy O'Hara!" Nicole Robin said nervously.

Hearing Nicole Robin's words, Dr. Kroba also responded from silence. After seeing Nicole Robin's nervous expression, he quickly smiled and said, "How come, O'Hara is the world. Famous archeological sites, even the world's governments, dare not easily offend! "

Hearing this, Nicole Robin was relieved a lot, and the tension on her face was relieved, but there was still some confusion in her heart. If this is the case, why did Dr. Cloba look so just now? heavy.

Wu Qinge didn't say anything, because he had seen that Dr. Kloba had actually believed his words, and now he was just comforting Nicole Robin.

"Dr. Cloba, how about talking?" Qin Ge said suddenly.

Both Dr. Kroba and Nicole Robin could not help looking at Qin Ge.

"Okay, let's go to my room!" Qin Ge's words also fit Dr. Kloba's thoughts. He just needs to know more about the situation now, so naturally he will not refuse.

Although Nicole Robin was also a little curious, but after seeing the two intentionally avoiding themselves, they naturally did not force it, but instead they waited smartly outside.

Qin Ge and Dr. Koloba stayed in the room for more than half an hour, and did not know what they said. Anyway, when they came out again, Dr. Koloba proposed to let Nicole Robin temporarily intervene first. Qin Ge left O'Hara together because he needed to purchase a new batch of books.

"Robin, don't worry about your aunt, I will say hello in the past, and now I will let you take you to the port!" Dr. Kloba said.

"But doctor, how can we let us go for new books, shouldn't it be grown up!" Said Nicole Robin, puzzled.

Dr. Kloba naturally had an excuse, and smiled, "This is actually a test for you. After all, good archaeologists need to have a thorough understanding of history, but also need to understand related issues. I am familiar with it, and this new book purchase is to make you feel better about the work of archeologists! "

Nicole Robin thoughtfully ~ ~ Then focused on: "Well, I will do the job well, and I will become an excellent archeologist!"

Dr. Kroba nodded comfortably, and at the same time looked at Qin Ge standing next to Nicole Robin, both of them nodded slightly, which was a tacit understanding.

Quickly, after getting a nominal purchase of new books from Dr. Koloba, but in fact the cost of living, Qin Ge took Robin directly to the port.

"Dr. Cloba, are you really assured that Robin will buy a new book, and the other boy I never seem to have seen in the town, will there be a problem!" An archeologist in the tree of omniscient Going to Dr. Kloba, a little puzzled.

"You don't understand, only he can ensure Robin's safety, well, go and call everyone together, I have something big to announce!" Dr. Kloba shook his head, and at the same time commanded.


"Okay, don't keep peeking, just ask any questions!"

At the port of O'Hara, he had bought a ticket and boarded a merchant ship. Standing on the spacious deck and waiting for the sailing Qin Ge to see Nicole Robin around him, he was helpless. Turned and looked at each other.

Nicole Robin's face was reddish, but her curiosity was overwhelming, and she couldn't help saying, "Alan, what did you and Dr. Cloba just say, why did you come out once you came out?" , The doctor asked me to buy new books out of the island, and let me listen to you along the way! "

"Nothing, Dr. Kloba just asked me about my situation, and then seeing that I was pitiful, let me work in the tree of omniscient for the time being. This new book purchase is actually my first job!" Qin Ge said in a serious way.