Chapter 12: In exchange for a bounty

Another navy also performed similarly. He looked at Qin Ge, who was calmly walking into the base with a hand-held head, and had no idea of ​​Qin Ge as an ordinary child.

No matter how Qin Ge killed the pirates, but at such a young age, Qin Ge was able to lift his head without changing his face. This is very abnormal. Even an idiot knows that Qin Ge absolutely does not look So simple.

海军 Under the guidance of the navy, Qin Ge quickly came to a registration room in the naval base. This is the department of the navy specialized in obtaining bounties for the capture of pirates.

The person in charge of the registration room was very surprised how a child like Qin Ge came here, but when Qin Ge took Barton's head out, it was as convenient as the two navies before. .

"Yes, this is indeed the head of Piton Barton, who has been rewarded with 5 million berry. I will let people prepare the bounty, but it may take some time. You can sit and wait!" Somewhat surprised, but the Navy in charge of the inspection still carefully checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, he nodded.

But after saying that, the navy still couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and couldn't help saying: "This little brother, would you mind asking, how did you get this pirate head? I mean this pirate really Did you kill it! "

Wu Qinge nodded with a smile: "Of course, otherwise, how could I exchange it for a bounty!"

Wu Haijun exclaimed: "The little brother is really amazing. I have never seen a young bounty hunter like you!"

Wu Qinge shook his head and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bounty hunter. He killed this pirate just because he wanted to rob me of the merchant ship!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge said a word, and then said, "On the contrary, in fact, I want to see if I can join the Navy in addition to the bounty this time!"

"Little brother, do you want to join our Navy ?!" said the Navy in amazement.

Wu Qinge asked, "Isn't it possible, is it because I'm not up to age!"

The navy quickly shook its head and said: "No, no, although our navy recruits are mainly for adults, we also conduct special operations for special situations, such as recruiting some outstanding talents, and Special treatment will be given! "

"Oh ?! What a special treatment!" Qin Ge said with interest.

The navy thought about it, and then said, "Anyway, as far as I know, every year in our navy, we select excellent young girls from various places and send them to the Great Waterway Headquarters for selection. Once they pass the selection, they can at least enter the navy. Branches receive more perfect training, and the best of them can stay directly in the naval headquarters academy and get the best cultivation! "

Speaking of this, the navy's face was full of envy.

Compared with the navy in the four seas, the navy of the headquarters is the real elite. Even with the same rank, the navy of the headquarters is far superior to the navy in terms of strength and authority, and it can even be said to be three levels larger.

I heard from the other party that Qin Ge was also a little thoughtful. It seems that the Navy really attaches great importance to the new generation. The purpose of setting up such a form is naturally to cultivate better talents.

When Qin Ge thought about it, a young navy came in with a suitcase and sent the five million berry bounty.

"Brother, do you really want to join our navy? If so, I think our chief should be very welcome. I can personally recommend you to meet our chief!" When Manberry's suitcase was handed over to Qin Ge, it was also full of expectations.

"It will trouble you!" Qin Ge, who had already decided to use the strength of the navy to enhance his strength, naturally would not refuse, nodded decisively.

"Okay, then I'll take you here to meet our sir!" The Navy said happily. After Xuan was about to hand over his work to other colleagues temporarily, he was leading Qin Ge to the highest building in the base.

The four naval bases in China usually have a naval colonel or a brigadier as the highest commander.

Quickly, Qin Ge was led by the navy into an open office, and at the same time he met the highest officer in the naval branch base, a naval colonel.

The other person was sitting opposite a clean and translucent desk. It looked like he was over forty years old, but it seemed that after years of training, his body was extremely strong. The suits he wore were bulging, and at the same time he was on his shoulders. In the face of righteousness, his face was full of fortitude.

The navy colonel naturally expressed doubts about Qin Ge's arrival, but when the navy leading Qin Ge's arrival explained it, the colonel was surprised.

"Colonel Diff, this little brother has just submitted the head of the Pirate Barton who paid a five million Berry bounty. He wants to join our navy, so I will bring you the report!" Qin Ge led Said the salute of the Navy.

"Killed the pirate who had five million Bailey bounty ?! Is this true, Sergeant Jean!" Colonel Diff immediately became calm, and looked at Qin Ge with a look of indifference ~ www.mtlnovel in surprise. .com ~ Although he was rewarded for killing five million bailey pirates, he was a naval colonel, and he has gained a lot of strength today.

But the teenager in front of him looks at most not more than ten years old. If he really has such strength, it will naturally look amazing.

"Back to Colonel, the pirate's head has been tested, and it is true!" Sergeant Jean quickly said.

Wu Wenyan, Colonel Diff was even more surprised. After nodding slightly, he looked at Qin Ge up and down with curiosity, and said for a long time: "Boy, what's your name!"

"Qin Ge Allen!" Qin Ge said calmly.

"Qin Ge Allen, you want to join our Navy. As a Navy colonel, I naturally welcome it very much. Similarly, our Navy will also give special treatment to outstanding talents, but only if you prove that You are good enough! "

Colonel Diff said slowly, while also staring closely at Qin Ge, and continued: "Although Sergeant Gene said just now that you submitted a pirate head with a reward of five million Baileys, this is not enough to really prove You're good, so next I will test you as a test! "

"If you can pass, not only will I approve you to join the Navy, but I will also report to my superiors, and find a way to send you to the Naval Headquarters for a more complete training, then Ellen, are you willing to be tested!"

当然 "Of course, I'm willing to accept all the tests!" Qin Ge smiled slightly, and smiled slightly.

This situation did not exceed his expectations. After all, his killing of Barton was only seen by those who were on board the merchant ship. Since the other party can become a Navy colonel, it is natural to have rigorous considerations. Believe.