Chapter 14: Tell the truth

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Colonel Diff, who was standing at the finish line, watched his watch immediately. When he saw the stopwatch in his hand, his face was again astonished.

After sprinting for 100 meters, Qin Ge only took 5.7 seconds. Although the One Piece World monsters gathered, this speed is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people, and Colonel Diff is even more surprised.

It is naturally the responsibility of 优秀 to recruit excellent talents internally, but again, if a good talent is really recruited, then the senior management of the navy will naturally reward the referees.

For example, if Colonel Diff recommended Qin Ge and the talents of Qin Ge were also recognized by senior naval officers, then as a referee, Colonel Diff is enough to add a strong stroke to his resume. Great achievements.

Colonel Sundiver naturally wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, so the better Qin Ge performed, the more surprised he would be.

No doubt, when the speed test was over, Colonel Diff stated on the spot that he would not only recruit Qin Ge into the navy, but would also recommend Qin Ge to the upper levels and send him to the naval headquarters to accept the current military school selection.

"Colonel Diff, I still have a companion, and she is also a Demon Fruiter. I don't know if she can also refer to a military school in the Naval Headquarters!" Qin Ge said suddenly after Diff announced the results.

所说 What he said is naturally Nicole Robin. He will not leave Robin alone to the Naval Headquarters, but intends to let Robin join the Navy with him.

Although the outcome of O'Hara's Qin Ge has not been determined, the identity of Robin archeologists must not be revealed.

Instead of waiting passively, it is better to take precautions. Sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place. Qin Ge has such considerations.

And if you can enter the Navy Headquarters military school, you can also develop a good Robin. In this world, strength will always be ranked first. If Robin can become strong, then even if it is exposed in the future, Then it can better cope with danger.

For what Qin Ge said, Colonel Diff was naturally very surprised. After all, those with the devil fruit ability can not be encountered casually, but a strange and powerful symbol.

"Alan, are you telling the truth, you really have a companion of the Demon Fruiter. If so, then I think the superior will be very glad that I will recommend the internal one for the Devil Fruiter!" Colonel Diff Seriously.

No one can ignore the demon fruit ability, otherwise the devil fruit will not be chased and contested by so many people who desire to gain strength.

Qin Ge naturally expressed certainty. In this regard, Colonel Diff naturally urged Qin Ge to bring the demon fruit ability, he wanted to make sure for himself.

"Yes, but we have just arrived here, and we are a bit tired along the way. After my companion has rested for a night, I will bring her back tomorrow!" Qin Ge agreed with pleasure.

"Alright, but Allen, you better move directly to the base to live. Although there is still a period of time before the selection conference of this year's military academy, the headquarters will usually send people to pick up the people recommended by the various branches of the four seas in advance To the Great Channel, once I recommend you, there should be people from the headquarters soon! "Colonel Diff reminded.

"Is that so, then I'll move over tomorrow!" Qin Ge is naturally indifferent to moving to the base. Anyway, he lives the same everywhere.


When Qin Ge left the naval branch base, he led the suitcase with the bounty directly back to the original hotel.

"Robin, I have one thing to discuss with you!" After returning to the hotel room, Qin Ge saw Luo Li, who was sitting quietly by the window, reading a book, then lowered her suitcase and walked over.

"Alan, what are you going to talk to me about?" Robin put down the book in doubt, and looked at Qin Ge with curiosity.

Although in order not to worry Little Luoli, she did not explain the true reason along the way, but under the imminent joining of the navy, Qin Ge could not hide it, and decided to explain the actual situation after some consideration.

"Robin, I hope you can understand what I say next ...!" Qin Ge looked at the other apologetically, even if he started to talk.

Not only does it include the danger of O'Hara, but it also illustrates the fears of the world government on the truth of the text of history, as well as taking her away from O'Hara for her safety and the preservation of the tinder of archeologists.

"Is this really the case? I knew that Dr. Kroba had a problem purchasing me new books, and no wonder everyone was so nervous when I proposed that I wanted to study the text of history!" After listening to Qin Ge's explanation, Robin was silent. After a long time, then murmured.

Robin's response naturally made Qin Ge very surprised. Although Xiao Luoli was shocked at first, it seemed that she had long thought about the general ~ ~ and soon accepted the situation.

"Robin, have you already seen that Dr. Cloba and I are lying to you!" Qin Ge asked tentatively.

Xiaolioli glanced at Qin Ge at an oblique angle. Although she was still very young, she already had the grace of the future intellectual sister, and said lightly: "Although my interest is to study history, it does not mean that I do not like to watch Other types of books, Allen, have to say that your acting skills and ability to make speeches need to be improved! "

Qi Qinge turned black and looked at Little Loli's gesture of contempt. He said with a smile on his skin, "I'm really sorry, so you can see through the truth so easily!"

"Huh, it's good to know ..." Xiao Luoli raised Yang's head, proud of her face, and was about to express her wise views, but Qin Ge had already acted in accordance with the embarrassment in her heart.

"Oh, let go of me, can't I just say it's okay!" Little face was pinched left and right by Qin Ge and pulled towards both sides, causing Xiao Luoli, who made a grimace appearance, to quickly ask for forgiveness.

"Be honest!" Qin Ge hummed and let go of each other.

However, when Qin Ge really let go of her hand, Xiao Luoli apparently did not give in as much as her mouth said. The next second after Qin Ge had just given her hand, her arms were folded in front of her.

With the appearance of beautiful petals behind Qin Ge, a few immature arms seemed to grow out of him, and quickly grasped his hands and feet.

Obviously, this is Robin's use of his demon fruit ability, wanting to restrain Qin Ge with the flower fruit ability.

"Allen you are dead, dare to pinch my face, I want to let you know how serious this consequence is!" Xiao Luoli made a vicious look, staring at Qin Ge hatefully.