Chapter 6 - Angela

"System, call the helper"

「Understood. Starting the process of Creation with the life essence implanted in the system」

"Wait, life essence? What's that? "

「The appearance of the helper will be as per the individual luan's needs」

「Would you like to let system decide the appearance of the helper by searching in your soul?」

"Huh, Oh ok"


「Appearence decided, requesting to share your dantian with the person」

"My dantian? go ahead" Said luan as looked at the system with complete interest.

「Using the Qi inside the individual's dantian...The process will take 1 hour starting now」

「Please, do not use soul aging skill before the process has been completed」

As the system said those words, Luan could feel that all of the energy from his body was being sucked out and storing in front of him.

The same could be said about the system, although it didn't had any body, it used luan as the medium to transfer the "life essence " it talked about to the body. It was a completely different energy that he had never felt before.


When the process finally started, the leg of a person was starting to form in front of him. He could see every single bone slowly forming it's shape with the veins gently covering it.

It was truly an amazing sight to behold.

But before he could think more, he noticed that his energy was already half drained

"I guess I'll have to gather more energy, as it wouldn't be enough to last for 1 hour."

When he said that, luan sat to meditate. 2 feets away from the "body" that was forming.






As the progression increased, the figure was becoming more and more like a human body. now, the flesh started to cover the body where it was completely formed. Though, luan didn't look as he was concentrating to get more and more Qi for it.




「The vessel of the helper has been completed」

「The helper and individual are connected with the individual's dantian. Sending the information about helper to luan's head」

When he opened his eyes, luan saw a girl standing in front of him. Her purple hair reached down her waist, as her light purple eyes looked at the surrounding in confusion. She was the same age as Luan.

But as soon as he saw her, he noticed something, and that... She was naked.

Luan looked away as fast as he could before he could see anything.

"Here wear this"

He took out a towel from dimensional storage and wrapped it around her all the while looking at the sky.

"Now, what's your name? "

"...? "

She only looked at him in confusion and didn't say anything.

"Could it be, you can't speak? " He asked with wide eyes.


「Please name the helper」

System interrupted them. Hearing it, Luan quickly guessed the situation. He could feel that his qi was being shared with the person in front of him.

'So, if she cultivates, will my qi also increase? '

「That would be the case」

"Hmm, interesting" Luan looked at the girl while rubbing his chin. All the while thinking for a suitable name.

"Angela" He murmured. And continued,

"I'm Luan"

"Ange...? " The girl said.

"Yep, that's your name" He said with a warm smile.

"Ange! " she grinned.

She pointed at Luan.

"Lu...An! "

And at herself.

"Ange! "

Upon seeing her demeanor, he couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Not Ange but Angela."


When Kai returned from his hunt, at first he growled at Angela but after Luan calmed him down, and seeing his relaxed face.He realised she wasn't an enemy.


Name: Angela

Race: ???

Cultivation: Qi Gathering 1

Hp: 130

Agility: 104

Int: 75

Strength: 120

'Her strength is weaker than me but the Hp is high.' Luan thought to himself while he saw the girl playing on Kai's back, now wearing clothes. They got along pretty soon.

"I'll have to teach her how to fight and we also have to think about the sect" Luan spoke as he looked at the horizon.


「Advising to join the sect, as it will help you in finding cultivation resources and a suitable profession」

"Profession huh? "

Profession is a term used for Alchemy, runes, etc. Although it wasn't of much use to him yet, he could still learn it just to be safe in the future.

"Ok, its settled then. We'll join the sect"


When Angela and Kai were sleeping it had already been midnight and Luan wanted to check the soul aging skill his scythe had. Because night was the perfect time for such exploration. He sat down and held the weapon in his hands.

"System, switch the Qi consumption of the weapon to soul aging."


His scythe had two functions as of yet. First was that it could be used as a normal energy weapon. If Luan injected his qi into the weapon, it will pass from the scythe in the surrounding and he could use qi techniques he learned. The second function was, of course soul aging skill. In this mode, the Qi will not pass from the scythe to the surrounding but used to unlock the skill inside the scythe.

Luan injected his Qi inside the weapon and just when his Qi dried out, he Moved inside the scythe and a bright light covered his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he could see an island of sand and surrounding it was water everywhere he could see. The sky was clear, it was blue colored, and there were some clouds and haze, it wasn't fully day, nor night, thus stars could be seen from afar.

Luan's jaw dropped at the beautiful scenery. It was the time of the day that he liked the most, and the small island with a single tree was a cherry on top.

He walked towards the island as the water was splashing. It reached just below his knees.

When he reached the island he sad down under the tree and started meditating. He felt no difference in Qi from the outside world. But he could tell time was much faster here.

In Qi gathering realm, one have to reach the limit of the amount of Qi they can handle, and once the limit is surpassed they reach the next minor realm.

After a while, luan noticed that he was getting tired, though it was not physically, but mentally.


"Huff, huff, pant"

After much time had passed, he could not endure the mental stress. He felt like he could go insane any moment now.

"Send me...*Pant*.... outside" Luan was extremely tired, he could barely breathe.

As soon as he said that, his consciousness started fading and he fainted.

"An? " He heard a feminine voice.

Someone was shaking him gently.

"Luan....? "

That was Angela, she looked worried. As the light of the day dropped on her sad face. When luan didn't wake up after several tries, she was scared something had happened to him.

"Ah, don't worry I'm fine"

When she heard that, she relaxed a little.

'I spent a little over 4 days there, so somewhere around 10 hours should have passed here' Luan thought as he stood up and covered his face to avoid the sunlight that was coming at his face.'


"Attack it's wings! "

"Although a bird monster is hard to handle, it could be good training for you "


As the sword hit the wings of a huge bird, it lost its ability to fly and started falling. It tried to flee with its other wing intact, but to no avail.

"Krek!! "


When it hit the ground, It immediately died.

"Good job, you're getting better and better at fighting" Spoke Luan as he went near Angela who was close to the bird.

They were in the forest which Luan had arrived in.

"Thank...You" Angela spoke with her broken English as she looked at the bird. Luan saw this and said.

"If you want to live in this world, killing is the only option. I know it won't make you feel any better but still..."

"Under... stood"

"Let's go, the Suishan city is just up ahead"

This part one month, the team has been going to the "neutral city" as the admission for the sect will happen there. Under normal circumstances, they would have taken 20 days to come here with enough rest at that. But they decided to hunt the beasts on their way to increase the fighting experience of Angela. Otherwise, they could go 100/hr.

As they went just a bit further on the road, they could see the city clearly. It was covered by a massive wall which went for hundreds of km in the opposite directions.

"It looks ancient " Luan said as they went towards the city.

Guards were standing beside the gate. They had a serious expression as they were checking people's bags.

When it was their time, the team passed quickly as they didn't carry bags with them. Surprisingly, Kai was allowed to enter as well.

The place was bustling with every age group of people who wore all kinds of clothes.

Some had detailed designs on them, some were simple, others looked cheap.

Tamed beasts could also be seen once in a while roaming around.

"This place is...Interesting"