Chapter 9 - The Girl Who Is Conflicted


Where am I? And who am I?

If she could say something, it would be her very first words. She had purple hair with light purple eyes. She didn't know who she was, everything was completely new to her. Her body, the forest, the blue sky... And the person in front of her.

He was sitting with his legs crossed and eyes closed. It was as if nobody in the world could interrupt his slumber. She felt like he and she were connected by something but didn't know what it was.

Who is he? Just when she thought that, the person exhaled and looked at her eyes. As if he remembered something, he quickly looked away from her.

She was confused of his actions, but then a cold wind made her shudder. She didn't know what that was, it was something she never felt before.

That was just a normal wind, but she didn't knew that yet. She was in the body of a 10 year old with the intelligence of the same but as a new born.

When the person looked away from her, he took out a towel from a crack in the space. She saw it.

What is that?

It's as if the place had split in half because of his hand. Little did she know, Nobody but she could see it. The person then came closer and wrapped the towel around her. She couldn't make out anything of his actions but she knew that she was feeling warm.

The person looked at her and spoke, "Now, what is your name?"

She knew he was trying to say something to her, but she couldn't reply. She didn't even know the language. She couldn't even remember anything.

"Could it be you can't speak?"

After a while when she didn't respond he asked with wide eyes. That only made her more confused. Although she couldn't show her emotions because she didn't know any of those nor how to respond to them. She just tilted her head to the side.

「Please name the helper」

She clearly heard those words. After that it seemed the person in front of her guessed what was happening. After a few seconds, the voice came again.

「That would be the case」

The person was deep in thought after that. after a few seconds, he said, "Angela" and continued,"I'm Luan"


As soon as she heard him say that, she could speak now. It was if someone had enabled her to speak now.

"Yep, that's your name" He said with a warm smile.

"Ange! " she didn't know why, but she felt happy. She copied the person's expression and said the previous words.

She pointed at Luan.

"Lu...An! "

And at herself.

"Ange! "

She liked the name she received.

After a while, luan taught her how to dress up with drawing on the ground. It wasn't that hard because she learned things fast. When this was finally over, she felt someone approaching. It had four legs and walked on everyone of them.The creature was calm before he saw her.

As soon as the Kai saw her, he immediately got ready to fight and lunged at her. But was interrupted by Luan.

"Wait! She's not an enemy!" He said as he used his Qi to shield Angela before he could come any closer to her.

Angela's eyes widen and she got back a few steps because of the scene. She saw a beast coming to kill her and luan consoling the him that she was of no threat. While a bright yellow light came from luan's hand and stationed around her.

Kai stopped and looked at him. If he was protecting the girl, then she must not be an enemy.

Kai wanting to befriend her got closer and sat down. Indicating he wanted her to get on his back. She did just that and Kai started playfully jumping around. At first she was scared of falling down because of his agility, but she soon got used to it and was having fun. Though she was occasionally looking at luan to see what he was doing.

Luan who was watching this was now sure they would get along and started his own business.


Angela heard the words luan said when he looked at her. She could see a transparent window in front of him. Words and numbers were written on it. But she didn't understand what it was.


When the two were tired from playing was some time, they stopped it and Angela walked towards luan who was checking something from the system.

He saw her and asked but didn't withdraw the system as nobody could see it. But to his surprise, Angela looked straight at the system.

"Y.. You, don't tell me you can see the system?"

"System...?" She asked as she tried touching the transparent window before luan. Her hand passed it and luan was sure she could see it.

He immediately remembered the words his father told him, "No one should know except them"

"Did he meant you?" He spoke and looked at Angela who was still trying to touch it. He knew things will become complicated as he grew stronger. First the system, then the people who could destroy him in a second and then the girl who came into existence from the system and can see it.

"Things are about to get salty"


When it was the next day Angela woke up early and stretched. Kai was also awake. She looked at luan was was clinching to his scythe. Kai found it a little suspicious because he never sleeps like that but decided to wait for a few hours before acting.

Watching him like this, Angela decided to do the same. She sat closer to luan.

After 2 hours when he still didn't wake up and didn't made any noise, Angela was clearly worried. Luan was the first person who she saw in this world she don't want anything to happen to him.

She started shaking him gently. Luan was breathing but he didn't make any noise.

Why is he like this? Why wouldn't he wake up?


This was all completely new to her, if luan woke up and turned out he was just sleeping, it would be fine, but what if he never wakes up? What will she do then? Just when those thoughts crossed her mind, luan's hand moved a little and he opened his eyes.

"... Luan?"

After she made sure he was safe, she breathe a sigh of relief.

Luan told everyone to get ready because he planned to go beast hunting with them and told them what their plan would be in the future.

They went to the town and he brought her a sword. It was just a normal steel sword one could get anywhere. After that, they started going to the neutral city.

Luan taught her sword techniques from the system and told her how to use Qi.

Qi that comes from the body is different for everybody, Some could have a light colour some could have a dark. It reflected on the race of the person. Angela had light purple Qi that complemented her appearance.

She was not ready to take the life of a monster, and when luan told her that those are just a stepping stone for them to get stronger because of this, she was depressed for a while. She knew that she was not a human, she could feel that herself.

'Am I... A monster....?' She thought to herself while looking at the hand.

Luan and Kai were sleeping and she was awake thinking different things. She knew she her life was not made by a person but the system. Is she not a real human but just a stepping stone for others?

She was thinking this whenever she had some time from fighting. She wanted to deny that fact, but it comes to haunt her whenever she's not with luan. Talking to him was something she liked, but she never told him about her fears. Luan liked killing, he was ruthless when he's fighting. But he showed kindness to Kai and her.