Chapter 22 - Wanna Be A Master

On one of the great mountain, the Guild master was sitting on a wooden log. In the middle of the courtyard he watching beautiful yellow leaves of the Gingo tree falling down.

The dropped leaves turned most of the 20 meter courtyard into a yellow ocean.

"You know that new recruit we've got recently?" He said a elderly person who was sitting besides him on a proper traditional oak chair.

The elderly's long white beard was as long as his torso itself. His face was sardonic with pale skin and wrinkles.

Every violent wind blow that came towards the courtyard once in a while, immediately calmed down upon reaching it. His aura was as stable and pure as the heaven itself. Everything and everyone in the area felt a sence of protection and calmness by his presence. Even a violent bird which was killing another of it's kind a few Km away from them quickly forgot all his hatred like it never existed in the first place.

He rubbed his hands against his beard.

"How many more times are you going to tell me that...?" He asked in a rather light tone.

"Don't joke around! He is someone destined for greatness in the world!" The guild master said hysterically, but the elder was unfazed and just smirked as if this wasn't the first time he had watched this sight.

"For the ninth time, if you want to take him as your disciple, just do it. Why wait so much?" He asked in a laughing smile.

The Guild Master Fitzgerald got up from his seat and looked at him surprised.

"No! I will take him when he reaches the meridian opening! His true potential will reveal in that stage." He said and nodded, satisfied with his own answer.

"Hmm, is that so? That's a shame if you're not taking him now I'll teach him the ways of Alchemy and spell creation." The elderly said and yawned.

"Y-You traitor! How can you!"

"Don't worry, I was joking. I won't take your very first disciple. Well, Enough about that where are they anyway?"

The guild master widen his eyes as if he remembered something.

"Wait let me search."

Fitzgerald sat again and closed his eyes.

His consciousness scanned thousands of Km around him in almost every direction. He could see everyone and everything clearly in a bird's eye view. His eyes seemed to look into the very soul of a person. Whether it be a human, beast, monster, or a demon. No one noticed this. but he could see them.

The elder waited for him to complete his search.

After a few seconds of starting, Fitzgerald opened his eyes again. But his previously black eyes and eyebrows were narrowed in total confusion and surprise.

"... My god...!" He spoke as his breathing became heavy from what he felt.

"What happened?" The elder was caught off guard by his actions and shouted a little.

"He-He's making an Elemental Core." Guild master said. When the elder heard this, he narrowed his eyes and sat down again.

"You shouldn't have reacted like that. Making an Elemental Core is rare but not THAT impressive. You know this right?"

"There's a reason for my reaction. If you had felt what I did you wouldn't be this quiet right now!" The guild master spoke in a little annoyance.

"I've seen many things in my life, there are handful of things that could get a reaction from me." He resumed rubbing of his beard again.

"He's completed 95% of his core." Guild master said in a serious voice.



He told the elder everything he knew about the two. From the two's arrival in the sect and how much time they have been away from sect.

The elder was speechless for a moment. He is looked down and started thinking about something.

"Are you sure their age or appearance is not deceiving?" He asked the guild master.

"No. If that were to be the case, I would have immediately seen through their disguise, unless they were stronger than me. And someone like that wouldn't join the sect."

The elder said. "If what you're telling me is true, then he has insane talent for cultivation. Fitzgerald, make sure to keep a watch on them. If anyone finds out about this, it could endanger their life."

"You don't need to say the obvious old man. I've already used a concealment spell on them to hide their Core."

"Oh? It seems you're not too stupid after all." The elder said mockingly.

"...I'm hurt old man Shanan."

"Anyway." The elder Shanan said. "Show him a fight of people from meridian openings at the 1st realm."

"Ha? But why, won't that discourage him? " Fitzgerald asked.

"No not necessarily. With a talent like that, he could reach that level in no time. If something, it will motive them."

And so they talked about the details for an hour before night arrived and the Shanan left.


In the isolated luan just passed time as usual. Doing nothing but wait and meditate. He didn't notice, nor did the system about what had just happened.

At this point he had been in this world for a little below almost 20 days. He didn't go outside it even once. The reason being he didn't wanted to get out of his form. And he wanted to finish his secluded training in one go.

'Just a few more months and I'll be done.' He thought not as a complaint but more of a statement.

'All my experience I had gathered fighting is all gone. Even if I remember my techniques and strategies, I don't have any experience. I will have to do something about it after getting out of here."

The Core was near completed, so he started deciding what he would do after getting out.

'Qi gathering is not how great I thought it to be. Everyone I've seen up until now, whether it be a villager or a town folk, has reached it in this continent.' He thought. 'I just hate this. I can't even use Qi except make a shield I don't even have any knowledge about how strong it is.... I am really oblivious, about aren't I?


He just took a single breath and all of the Qi in 100 Km across of him in the isolated space started coming towards Luan violently to no end. All that Qi was absorbed by him. Although he felt like it will overpower him and he could get lost in the endless sea of energy, he didn't stop.

"Huff...Huff...Well at least one thing is going right. My breathing technique of the forgotten sect has went from Initial proficiency to Minor proficiency. The amount of Qi I can absorb has increased significantly." He said with a smile and tired eyes. He had been meditating non stop for more than 2 years.

But still he didn't wanted to stop his progress here, as this was not the limit for the technique.

The second restriction of the technique for him, was that it couldn't be used by him at it's full potential, as Luan's body was not ready to handle so much Qi at once nor was he powerful enough to control the unimaginable amount of energy/Qi.

If, by any chance he could control the Qi, and his body would be able to endure it inside of him, he would be able to easily gather Qi in 6000 Km in diameter. At just minor completion of the technique.

For instance, he could even suck Qi from the other side of the country if that were to be the case.