Chapter 26 - Demonest

The shadow was looking at the ground. Or so did it seemed. No one could tell that as he was surrounded by dense black energy.

Angela and Luan, both of them stared at him with open eyes. They couldn't move nor take their eyes off him.

"Do you require... Salvation?" The shadow said.

"Do you...?" The shadow repeated that sentence over and over, and started coming closer.

"Wait, why is he coming here?" Luan said.

"I-I don't know." Despite shuttering she sounded thrilled.

"You're enjoying this...?" He said constantly looking at the shadow's movement and at her.


A crack opened before one of the graveyard and an insect like creature came from within. It had the body of a mantis and the head of a human.


Another grave opened and a another one of it came from the inside. Just like that, every grave was empty in less than 10 seconds. The creatures started looking around them.

"Where are you looking?"

As the two were looking at the chaos unfold, a voice called for them. The shadow was standing just in front of them and his hand twisted continuously.

Demonest's right hand grabbed Luna's head and his left grabbed Angela's.

He opened his mouth wide. So wide that both of them could easily be chewed by it.

"Oh no oh no oh no." Luan said. Angela was also beginning to show terror as well.

[The Demonest was killed by our ancestors hundred thousand years ago. But to this day, it is said that his soul has not yet vanished from the living world. He's finding a vessel for his undead soul.] This was written in the paper.

"Become....My....Vessel" Those were the last words they heard before the shadow closed his mouth on them.

As soon as they closed their eyes, everything became quiet.

"... What the heck?" Luan said. Both of them were standing above the gravestone of Demonest.


「It seems that it was an illusion.」

"Illusion?" Angela asked.

「Yes. This whole place is an illusion. There must be formation arrays in the whole town.」

"...That explains it." Luan said, "It was one hell of an illusion."

"Um!" Angela agreed. Both had a rush of adrenaline so they were shaking a little.

"Let's go!" She said and looked at the paper for the next destination. Luan followed behind her.


In the span of 9 hours, they visited 4 different locations with the new one being scarier than the other. Also there wasn't a definite or particular ghost for the places like it was for Demonest's graveyard.

They were now going in the middle of the town. It is said in the paper that when one has explored the town they need to assemble there.

Or, if they couldn't reach here for some reasons, they need to go where they entered from.

"Haaaa. That was not pleasing." Although he had fun exploring the different ghost locations, he realized it wasn't made for him.

"Are you alright?" Angela asked him worryingly.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." He thought, 'At least one of us is enjoying the place to the fullest.'

"Don't run from the adults~!"


The team heard the voice of a child no older than 6 years old and one of a grown man in the alleyway.

"What was that? Should we check it?" Luan asked her and she agreed.

"P... Please leave me alone. If my fathers founds about this, he will punish you!!" The girl said while moving back, the man came closer to her.

"HAHAHA, you will scare that little girl you know?" The person behind him said with a vicious smile.

"Big uncle please tell your friend to call my father back." The little girl was on the verge of crying.

"Yeah, of course we will. But after an hour." Lustful expression appeared on his face.

"Wh...What fo you mean later? I'm scared please. I want to go where he is." She started crying and rubbing her eyes simultaneously.

"Don't worry. Do something for us and we will 'safely' send you to your father~" He said almost laughingly.

The little elf girl was pinned down next to a house and the previous guy who was close to her grabbed her hair.

"N-No uncle please. Please don't hurt me...!" She cried in pain.

"I wonder how Elfs taste like~."

"What the heck is going on here?!" All three of them heard a voice behind them. It was luan.

"YOU GET AWAY FROM HERE BRAT!" The person who holded the girl down said.

"No wait! Why don't you come here as well! I'll find your hone too" The other guy said.

"It's dangerous for lil kids like you to roam here you know~ What if some meanie people take advantage of that, right?" He looked at Angela and Luan from head to toe.

"You start there, I want THE--"


Just when he was about to finish his sentence, Angela's sword pierced his head like a butter and he never spoke again.

"WHAT THE...?! WHAT DID YOU PUNKS DO?!!!" The guy who had pinned the girl down screamed. He stood up and looked at them with immense anger but when he looked at Angela clearly, saliva dripped from his mouth.



"Shut up." Luan said using his qi. That made the person hesitate for a second.

Luan started going in the right direction. Two meters later, he found a thin sharp stick. Half as long as the forearm. He started breaking it down into several smaller pieces.


But luan didn't stop. He continued, breaking the thin stick faster. His previously big eyes had switched to small cold ones.

"DO AS I SA--"


Before he could saw anything, he felt a surge of pain coming from his right eye.

"Ah, Ah, AAHHHHHHHHHH!!" His scream made all the small animals in the vicinity shiver and run.


"I WILL END YO-" Another piece of stick came towards his at insane speed. He could only react when it penetrated his knee.

"NOOOOO!! AHHHHH!!!" He fell on the ground.

Luan came close to the guy and sat next to him while he was crying in pain.

"What did you say...About her again?" He asked with cold blooded eyes. His previous big eyes completely transforme.



"ARGHHA AHHHHH!!" Another stick went inside his naval now. His healing was barely keeping up with the damage and blood loss.

"Go ahead. Tell me what you said about Angela." Luan repeated himself. But the man didn't respond, instead he cried with everything he had and begged him for mercy.


Luan dropped the remaining sticks and took out two handkerchiefs from the storage.

"Was this the mouth you used to insult her?" He asked the man.


The man realized what was going to happen and started begging luan and even God to let him live for another day. Angela and the girl was watching this from the sideline but didn't intervene.

Luan used the handkerchief such that his hands were covered by them. He then placed his hands vertically on the both ends of the man's face.


「It is recommend to take information from him and then kil-」

But luan didn't listen to anything anyone has to say.

"I was already furious when you were trying to harass that little girl, but now you've done it." He said as he teared the mouth of the person apart. It didn't take him too much power to do so.

His jaw separated from his face and his skull was crushed from luan's great strength.

He had gotten his first human kill.

Half of luan's face was covered in blood but he showed no emotions. He threw the handkerchief on ground and looked at the girl.

"Are you alright little girl?" He asked her with a smile. Becoming a completely different person in a second.

"Y-Yeah! Thank you brother." She said to him but didn't get too close. Instead he took the initiative to get towards her. He took out another handkerchief from the storage and cleaned his face.

"Good thing nothing bad happened to you." He said.

The girl didn't move and when he was in a hand's distance to her, he patted her and calmed her down.

Then he looked at Angela.


"I lost myself there. I should have ended him quickly." Hearing this, she was stunned for a second but those words alone made her happy.


They started walking to the middle of the town again.

"What are you doing here?" He asked that girl.

"I...I was here with my father. But then I got separated and these two guys came from the...The house and said they said they know my father." She almost started crying from the terrible memory.

"Shh. Don't be scared. They couldn't touch you right?" He tried comforting her.

"Yeah. Because of big brother and sister." She said

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Warola Magicson" She answered which surprised luan to an extent. He didn't know people had family names here.

"You have a family name?"

She looked at him in confusion.

"Big brother, everyone has a family name." She said.

Luan just looked at the side and said, "Umm, yeah. I forgot that."

Nobody used their family name in this world. Even when he was with his parents, they only called each other by their first name. So this was new to her.

「There could be two reasons for this. Firstly, she could be from a nobel family so they are not afraid of being called peasants. Secondly she showed trust on individual to not being called a commoner.」

In this world status is decided by birth. Their family names matter as much as their cultivation. A person from a normal/low level family won't tell others their family name. while someone from a noble family would do the opposite.

'Is that so?' He asked, "Warola, are you a noble?"

"No big brother. I'm a commoner." She replied.

He talked to her and understood her a little bit more.