Chapter 29 - Fun Fight

Two people were walking from a room to the insanely big arena.

There was nothing for 300 meter inside the arena and there were staircase at the end of it.

"Why do you think the elders ordered us to fight in this town?" One of them asked. Who looked mature mentally asked.

"Who knows. But whatever the case it was, I'm certainly happy." Other replied, "10 platinum coins are enough to bribe me~" The second guy said.

"It's a shame we can't fight up close." The other said.

"True. But who cares if we'll make some money from a few moves?"

"Anyway it's almost time for us to start fighting."

They stopped at a hundred meter distance from each other.

'"Ok let's start the thing."

"This will be quite embarrassing." He thought.


"You are a formidable foe and I, my esteemed self recognize that fact! So I challenge you to a three attacks duel!" If anyone of the audience could see his face clearly, they would have noticed the embarrassment on his face.

His opponent was also embarrassed from his speech. He thought, ''...This is so cringe.'

"Sure, I full heartedly except your challenge." He said.

"Why don't you go first?" The second guy said in a grin.

"If that's what you want." The other person spoke.

He took out his shiny and premium looking spear from his back. It looked like he was giving his energy to the spear. All of a sudden the spear glowed extremely brightly with a green colour, so much that only the outline of it was visible.

"Spear technique: First form of the three forms."

"Spear's agility"


Then he threw the spear at an unimaginable speed. It was close to breaking the speed of sound. People could barely look at the spear before it had already reached the second person.

"I-It stopped?" Someone in the audience said.

The people could only see the glimpse of the attack because the two were fighting far away from each other.

There was a transparent 3 cm wide shield before the other guy. There was also a huge crater ahead of him that formed because of the attack.

His grin grew even more, but it wasn't meant as arrogant but fun.

"I guess so it's my turn."

He put his left hand behind his back and pointed his first finger to the sky.

A massive ball of energy formed in the air and the person sent it to attack.


The huge ball came toward him at fast speed.

"Oh god! The amount of energy in that attack far exceed anything I've ever seen."

"What could that guy do now? Avoid it? It's impossible, Defend against it? That giant thing"

"Or maybe..."

"Come here." First person gestured his hand to his spear and the Qi came from his hand connected them both. The spear returned back to him.


"Spear technique: Second form of the three forms."

"Spear's destruction."

A violent burst of Qi came from the spear and spread all around the arena in a 70 meter around him.

The violent Qi from the attack made a hundred Qi spears and all directed their points at the huge ball in the sky. The guy then moved his hand upward and a real spear just like the one in his other hand, appeared. It was so instantaneous that everybody thought he took it from thin air.

Luan was observing this scene very closely.

"So you finally used a better spell. Alright I accept it with one of my strongest attacks as well!"

"Unique ability: Increased Damage." His body started glowing faintly.

Swirl! Boom!

Both of the attacks crashed, they were so powerful that nobody was able to keep their eyes open from from the shock and sound. The temperature of both the attacks reached serious degrees.

"This is my special ability! Increased Damage! It can increase the strength of my attacks by many times and reduce the Qi required to use that attack!!"

"Omg Omg Omg Please what is this strength!?"

"Oh My Holiness!"

Everyone of the people watching trembled in fear, they kept their eyes closed not wanting to see the amount of destruction that was happening.

"This is so cool!" Luan said with immense excitement in his eyes.

Race: Human

Cultivation: Meridian Opening Realm 1

Hp: 1200

Agility: 1600

Int: 120

Strength: 1030

"If this is what a Meridian Opening in first realm can do, what about....The Pure Energy?"

The entire place was abolished to nothing. The ground had broken into several tens of meters down. The previously flat and plane arena was utterly destroyed to smithereens for almost one hundred meter.

"Amazing. I want it....That power." Luan said. Angela was impressed by it as well.

Dust roamed in the area and the two people scratched their heads.

"Sheesh, I guess we should stop now or there won't be a ground to do any thing." Second guy said

"Alright, sounds good to me. Our mission is already completed." The other guy replied.

Qi surrounded their body in all direction and they started going up in the sky.


The next second, they vanished from the vicinity. Nobody noticed that the two had already fleet from the arena.


"Is that what meridian opening can do!?"


"We need to get stronger as well." Luan said.

"Um." Angela replied.

"Let's ask someone here about the closest Core location."

After the battle of the meridian opening, they started going outside of the city. People were getting started with their normal life as well.

"Huh?" Luan saw someone familiar across street, "That's the same guy we talked to before."

He glanced at them as well, "Oh you're those kids from before!"

They went towards him. He was storing materials in his cart.

"What are you doing?" Luan asked.

"Well, I'm a merchant so I was about to leave this town." He said, "By the way, do you kids want to go somewhere?"

"Yeah something like that."

Luan told the merchant that he wants to travel to the nearest location to make a core.

"Hmm. Well, the nearest location from here is the Earth Core's" Merchant said, "But they are opposite to every other Core location out there.".


"Yeah. They are the last thing in the northern land."

"Then what should we do?"

"Hey I know. How about you two tag along with me? There is the lightning tower in the city I was about go to and also the storm mountains aren't too far from there."

Luan thought for a second before answering.


"Great! Let me get the cart ready and we'll start moving."

He took some more items from a few shops and loaded them in the cart. It was a small cart without a roof. Luan was a little confused but didn't ask anything.

He sat at the front along with luan and Angela at the back.

"Now let's move!" The horses started moving and the three left the city.

After a while, the merchant noticed luan's face, "Do you want to ask something?

"Oh, yeah actually. Why didn't you just put all these things in a storage space?" Luan asked.

"Hahaha, you must me kidding me. A small merchant like me doesn't have that amount of money to spare." He replied.

"How much does a storage space cost?"

"The lowest price of one is at least 10k gold. And they can't store much anyway." He said, "The space is just half a meter wide in that price range."

"That expensive" Luan said in a slightly higher tone.

"Yep. So this is the best I can do as of yet." He. looked at the sky smiling.

"I want to reach the heights no merchant has ever reached before. I'll start from the very bottom to the very top!"