

Arran asked Dom that "why did you let him live".

Dom replied that " My enemy is roger but he is already dead in your hands. vex is not at all my enemy".

Arran said that"But he is a bad and cruel guy".

Dom replied, " yep I know, but Clovis should kill him ".

Arran questioned that "who is he ?"

Dom replied that "He is a Dwarfer, he is the king of dwarf planets ".

Arran exclaimed that DWARF planet!!! the king of dwarf planets??

and said I hate dwarfs they are robbers.


Arran said I know he is a robbery theif.

Dom replied that You don't know about him .. BULLSHITT. T.

The soldier says "Your majesty I am sorry for the disturbance, could you please concentrate on handling Jet? Because we should land now.

So now three of them safely landed on earth.

That night at dinner Arran asked Dom that, say about Clovis.

Dom started explaining like this,

When pollution and population increased on earth people migrated to different planets. At that time there are some rich and some are poor people so, this made the survival of people poor.

One day on mercury Nora gathered some poor people and divided them into 8 groups, Those 8 groups gathered all the poor people from all over the planets and they settled on some dwarf planets (Eris, Haumea, Make Make, Pluto, Orcs, Cheron, intermedia, Quaoa).

That dwarf planet is not as like other planets, they are United and their present king is Clovis. They rob

from rich people and help poor people.

Arran asked him "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM"!!

Dom replied " 4 years back when I am sleeping all alarms activated immediately all over the city due to the robbery in houses by the Clovis team. They were caught by Tim. So that all of them were prisoned, we interrogated Clovis so he explained everything to us. so we released him and his team from the prisoner.

Arran said I have to say sorry to cloves because I thought he is the wrong person, but when got to know about him he is a good person truly.

Dom tried to say something but Arran said Before he is talking,

DOM!! then why only Clovis should kill vex

Dom replied that that's what I am gonna say but you stopped me 'you brat.

Arran exclaimed Oh I am sorry for

that don't mind it ...

Dom continues to say like, 6 years ago The King Of Dwarfers and his team robbed something from the mars. At that time King Of Mars Walt got frustrated and ordered to kill dwarf people who lived on the planet of Make Make. But unfortunately, Clovis lived on that planet . Mars soldiers made that whole planet bloodshed. Clovis family is killed by vex in front of him. So vex came near to Clovis to kill him, but all of a sudden he got a messenger and brought a big deal that is to destroy the whole planet with Nukes.

one of the Dwarfer entered the Mars spaceship secretly, all the Mars space ships returned to space.

The Dwarfer saw that vex is guiding his soldiers to destroy the whole planet with Nukes, immediately the Dwarfer informed to people of Make Make, while he is escaping from the spaceship, one of the soldiers saw him, and the soldier killed the Dwarfer.

People in Make Make got information.

Clovis and a few escaped by space ships, but the remaining people were left in Make Make and after that, the whole planet is destroyed into ash. The escaped people approached Richard the king of dwarf in Orcus, they had explained all that happened to the planet of Make Make.

Richard had sent a message to Walt

that I am gonna come to the planet Mars to met you, I hope this would be a peaceful meeting.

Walt had replied to Richard's message that, ok I too hope this would be a peaceful meeting.

so according to their deal, Richard went to Mars, and he warned Walt

not to make any violence. Then immediately Walt gave an order to his soldier and said to arrest him, and Richard says like this " How did you believe me like that I would come with peace of mind you FU*KER". And all of a sudden thousands of space ships attacked Mars. Then Richard says like this I am here to destroy your planet and there are my soldiers coming to destroy your planet. Then Walt replied that " I won't let you do anything", He spelt...

Both started fighting, besides this, Clovis tried to kill vex but he escaped, so finally, Richard is killed. So many Dwarfers were lost, remaining Dwarfers returned.

Arran said that Ok then, now we have to find out where is Clovis.

Dom said He is in Quaoa.

Arran said Ok... we are going tomorrow to Quaoar.

Dom said that What about CHARLIE MAGNE???

just then CharlieMagne arrived and shouted THE BOOK IS DESTROYED..!!

Arran exclaimed that WHAT WHICH BOOK ??!!

CharlieMagne replied " daily news of mars ".


GOT DESTROYED.. he yelled.

Arran shouted, "shit situations are favourable to vex."

Dom said again we should meet Clovis immediately right now.

CharlieMagne said that who is that Clovis ??!! Arran cried "come on it's a long story" and explained everything

CharlieMagne said when we are going to Quaoar???

Arran said you are not going to come, only me and Dom and few soldiers too,

that's it.

CharlieMagne said then okkk.

Dom and Arran and few soldiers started to Quorar.

Then they soon reached the place Quorar.

On that morning at Quorar, some people with weapons came close to Dom and Arran, and one of them came in front and said that WELCOME TO THE DWARF PLANET, QUORAR, SIR RICK AND SIR ROCK he said, Arran said oh yes !! we are Rick and Rock, The person asked with confusion who is Rick and who is rock among you he asked, then Arran and Dom at once I am Rick and he is Rock nn..no..o

he is Rock and I am Rick, and both says wai...t..!! I will say ok you say first, they made the person confused.

And the person shouted Shut....u...p... you both and say just any one of you

Dom replied ok ok my name is Rick Rock and his name is too Rick Rock but people call me Rick and he is called Rock, and finally, we both are called Rick Rock bro's

so, the person says ok I finally got clarity, you bastards.

The person goes to Clovis and says your highness RickRock bro's are here to meet you, sir. Clovis loftily said bring them in he ordered. Dom and Arran came to Clovis exclaimed excitingly Dom sir... ! you?? but my general said Rick Rock bros.

Dom answers Yaa Clovis we just made fun of.

Clovis asked Dom that who is he beside you..??

Dom replied that he is an EARTHLING CALLED ARRAN.

Clovis asked Ok Dom sir, how can I help you..??.

Dom replied that you are not going help us but we are here to help you, to kill vex...

Clovis replied WHAT TO KILL VEX..!!

ok, then but where is your Tim.

Dom Exclaimed sadly,



Arran said No that's impossible.


Dom said yes show me the evidence Clovis.

Clovis replied Take a look at this footage Dom.


How did you get the footage??

Clovis replied when our team is on earth for a robbery, we've heard some sounds from a far distance.. we thought to look into it so, we walked to that place, we are shocked to see, there are some huge armies on the planet Mars, Jupiter and unknown.

Arran said the unknown army is the OZLEND army.

Clovis continued to say, then I saw Tim killed so many Jupiter, earth and ozlend armies.

Arran said that means he is supporting VEX.

Dom replied we have to save him.

Clovis said and we have to kill vex.

Dom said We should change our plans, First, we have to save Tim and attack

Mars suddenly.

Clovis said Any of one should enter Mars, there are a few of my team members they will help, who will go?? then.

Arran answered I WILL GO ..!!

Clovis asked ARE YOU SURE.

Arran replied YES, at the same time we are attacking mars.


Arran said PHOBOS, ONE OF THE NATURAL SATTELITE OF MARS. keep four of our armies on it, when I saved Tim I will send you coordinates of a place to attack, then you should attack suddenly. Dom, you inform Charlie Magne immediately, Clovis you inform your army for war.

Later they started to Phobos.. a few hours later they landed on Phobos, 1hour later CharlieMagne and 3 armies landed on Phobos...

As per the plan Arran landed on Mars secretly and he met the Clovis robbery team. With the help of that team, he got the information of the general of Mars army from where he lives.

Arran and the team reached the general's house, but it is highly secured by the army man.


one of the team members said don't you know who we are.., we are the robbers we can enter the house easily.

Arran replied yes you are, let's do it.

They entered the house but one of the army men saw them in the corridor and he tried to inform their army immediately Arran punched on his nose, he fell, they tied his hands and legs and they put a full tissue roll in his mouth, and kept him in the bathroom, and kept a bord written OUT OF ORDER.

They entered the general's room, then Arran gave a tight punch to the general, warned him then general explained

A few months ago roger is constructing some weapons, for that he needs an element called Snoktum and which is only on Earth, so he is preparing to attack Earth at the same time I saw Tim informing to earth so we chased him and finally, he got caught in our hands, roger had beat him with a rod on his head, he thought he is dead, but he didn't so we erased his memory and made him a bodyguard

and Arran asked him where is he, the general said he is at downstairs. general pleaded with him to leave but Arran killed him. But unfortunately, a person saw him killing the general so, the person immediately informed and he said sir I am gonna inform roger but Tim declined and said no anything after his death, Tim tried to kill Arran and the team. They fought for few minutes. All of them the team were badly beaten. Then Tim kicked on arrays back, Arran tried to talk but he is out of control and still beating him, Arran is frustrated and with anger, he gave a tight punch on his head Tim with a confused look saying what the hell I am doing and where am I., Oh Arran... what are you doing and why did you punch me wait a moment roger is going to attack on earth, Arran explained everything to Tim.

And then they escaped out from the house

later Arran had sent the coordinates 26.7451 degrees N,69.3451 degrees E . Dom got the coordinates and all 4 armies attacked on Mars.

so many soldiers were dead. Dom, Arran, Tim, Clovis, Charlemagne went to vex and then they attacked, but vex ordered his soldiers to protect him, Vex jumped on Tim with a sword to kill him. Clovis tried to protect Tim but the sword entered straight away to Clovis's stomach and came out from another side. cloves is badly hurt. Tim fought and sliced vex's head into two parts. vex is dead. Clovis called Tim and said please take care of my dwarf planets and you should become their king and rule them in a good way. Tim replied no don't leave us, please.

Clovis is dead. Mars has surrendered.

Later four armies returned. Tim arranged a meeting on planet Quaoar with all Dwarfer's. Later all Dwarfers came to the Quaoar. Tim said Clovis is dead. All of the Dwarfers felt sad. Tim said From now I will be the king of your dwarf planets from now onwards we are not anymore stealing from others we are producing ourselves and we will make our own thing's and now we are happy to say we are going to make an organisation called U.P.O.