Constant Changes

So many mysteries... 

This was the only thought in Cylius' mind right now.

As his gaze just wandered around the ceiling and the room, his perception automatically turned on itself, showing him all their information unconsciously.

He was at first kind of surprised but now, he just ignored the effect altogether. 

His perception was changing. 

He could feel it. 

But it was also not alone. The rune inscribings on his soul was also changing right now. 

Whether in or out, the rune inscribings were getting blurrier by the time passes. Each second and moment made it blurrier, although it was on a very miniscule effect. 

His eyes, or specifically, the rune inscribings on his eyes that had been turning and drawing people into itself was now also getting blurrier.

It was threatening to vanish out of existence anytime.