Chapter 5 - Prologue 5: Western Whore

"Western whore! How dare you show yourself to me?!"

In a lively tavern, A handsome man can be seen beating a woman that has golden hair, most of the onlookers and bystanders were either sneering, laughing, or just blatantly ignoring the situation.

"Y-young noble, p-please stop it.", the woman cried, begging for the young man to stop.

The man who was beating the woman started to laugh as he continues to beat the life out of her, not caring that the woman was already puking blood.

"L..Li Zhao, p-please..", the woman said as she curled herself into a ball to protect herself.

"You dare say my name with your dirty mouth, western whore?!", the man shouted in anger as he kicked the girl, this time with more force.

His kick threw the woman almost 5 meters away until a table stopped her flight. The hot soup that was sitting on the table poured onto her golden hair and soft white skin.

"Gaaaa!", the woman shouted on top of her lungs, a huge amount of blood coming out of her mouth. Suddenly, she felt a strong "thump" on her stomach which caused her body to feel warm and comfortable.

Finding that she regained strength after the weird "thump", she summed up the courage to speak again.

"Li Zhao, w-why?! I thought you said you love me?! We… just the other night.. we", before the woman can finish her sentence, the man named Li Zhao interrupted her.

"Nonsense! I don't even know you!", Li Zhao sneered and laughed. "You're just probably after my money? Aren't you?"

Hearing this, the people in the tavern looked at the woman with disdain. They all knew that Li Zhao was a teacher in the Taizhou academy and was one of their prized cultivators, having reached a soul level of 300 , putting him at the 3rd stage of the Soul Pinnacle Realm in terms of Eastern standards.

He was not the kind of man to settle down with a mortal woman, much less with a western mortal.

"Tch, despicable woman… how dare he use our Teacher Zhao's kindness", one of the female mockingly said this, not caring if everyone heard her. Soon, everyone was slandering the woman as if she was not the victim in this situation.

The woman who was still lying on the floor couldn't help but grit her teeth. Her friends have told her that she shouldn't be mingling with cultivators, as most of them treat mortals like specks of dirt.

"Enough of this, guards! Take this dirty whore away!", Li Zhao raised his arms and called the guards that have been watching the situation until a while ago, not daring to intervene.

"W-what? No, please! Young noble!", the woman pleaded Li Zhao once again.

The guards immediately grabbed the woman and covered her mouth.

The people in the tavern couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the woman struggling.

"Heh, serves her right.", the people watching the scenario once again gossiped. Taizhou kingdom does not take kindly to westerners, and they are not afraid to show it.

As the guards were about to escort the woman outside of the tavern, Li Zhao called the leader of the guards and gave him a bag of silvers.

"…Kill her.", Li Zhao whispered into the ears of the guard. The guard was about to refuse before Li Zhao once again handed him a bag of silver, he hesitated for a second but then took the bag and nodded.

Even though the guard wanted to refuse, he was afraid to incite the anger of this young noble, he knew cultivators are quick to kill people they didn't like.

"Men! I will take it from here.", thus, the guard leader commanded his subordinates.

After leaving the tavern, the guard took the woman to a dark alley near the slums of the city. The woman, still gagged, was struggling with all her might.

"Sshh.. Be quiet, woman!", the guard strongly slapped the woman, causing her to fall down.

"Shit shit shit, what do I do? If I don't kill her.. I am sure he'll come after me.", the man was lost in thought, not noticing that he was talking out loud.

Hearing this, the woman started to panic and tried to run away.

"Y-you! Don't!", without a second thought. The guard grabbed the sword that was hanging at his waist and swung it at the woman's back.

The woman fell down, squirming and crying on the ground, wanting to scream but the pain from her back stops her from doing so.

"F-f*ck, this is your fault! Y-you shouldn't have tried to run away! That's right… this is your fault.. hehe..hehehehe", the man revealed an ugly expression as he laughed.

"Just go die in this corner, you shouldn't have tried to swindle Teacher Zhao, western bitch", the guard cackled as he left the woman alone in the dark alley.

Cold and alone, the woman couldn't help but cry. Maybe the guard was right, she knew better than to trust cultivators. In her mind, if ever she survives in this situation, she will not make the same mistake of falling in love with a cultivator again. But alas, the gods did not hear her wish as the cold wind curved through her body, taking along her last breath with it.

A few moments later, her body suddenly shifted slightly as something seemed to have moved in her stomach. A very tiny sound can be heard.

[Unexpected Error : Player's Parent is dying]

[Ejecting Player from Parent… Successful]

Blood suddenly flowed from between the woman's legs, clearly different from the blood that was coming from the woman's back because of the sword wound.

This blood felt like it was alive as it started to squirm on the spot.

[Processing Sequence 03 : Simulate Growth]

The puddle of blood bundled itself slowly into a ball before it took the shape of something organic. Head, body, and limbs can suddenly be seen forming from the puddle of blood. The thing grew until it somewhat already resembled a human baby.

Suddenly, a beeping sound can be heard.

[Warning : External factor "Excess Soul 02" trying to overwrite player's sex]

[Warning : External factor "Excess Soul 02" trying to overwrite player's sex]


[Player's sex is now equal to Male… developing reproductive organs accordingly]

[Output : Excess Soul 03 expresses anger]

[Continuing Growth Simulation]

[263 days… Growth Simulation Complete]


Where there were once a puddle of blood, a human baby took its place. The human baby was very small, at least smaller than average, he also has thin strands of golden hair on his head, the same as his mother.

One by one, the baby's limbs started moving, his mouth motioning like it was chewing on something. The baby moved like this for a couple of seconds before finally opening his eyes. Swaying his head as if he was trying to find something, he stopped when his view settled down on the woman that was lying on her own blood. Seeing his mother, the baby opened his mouth.


"L…love", the baby suddenly spoke, if others could see this scene they would surely run away.

For some reason, the baby seemed to have associated the word "love" to a very warm feeling. Perhaps, he "heard" his mother while he was still in his mother's womb.

The baby tried to stand before falling flat on his butt, realizing that he can't do so. He started to crawl towards his mother.

With great struggle, he finally reached his mother. He stared at her face for a while as if examining her, after a while, tears suddenly fall down from his face as he hugged her.

"…love", the baby spoke while tears were still falling down from his face, after awhile, he opened his mouth and yawned. Feeling sleepy, the baby decided to close his eyes.

However, before he can do so, he heard a loud voice.

"Yo, guys! Look at this!", a man wearing worn out clothes called his friends over.

With the way they are dressed, they seem to be some low-level thugs belonging in the slums.

"Yo, what the f*ck, a dead westerner"

"Hehe, does it matter… look at her, she looks good…hehe", one of the men wiped his mouth as he started to drool. The other two men smiled and couldn't help but agree with their friend.

Slowly, they started to advance and make their way to the dead woman.

"Yo yo yo, what the f*ck, there's a baby here", one of the men was startled as he realized that there was a baby hugging the woman.

"Is that her baby? Yooo, f*ck. What kind of f*cked up motherf*cker kills a mother with a newborn baby?!", one of the thugs commented.

Hearing this, the other two thug looked at their friend in disbelief, before they started laughing.

"Kakakakaka, maybe you should try looking into the mirror. Anyway, let's throw this baby away.", the man drooled as he grabbed the baby.

But to his surprise, he couldn't seem to be able to pull the baby away from her mother. He struggled and decided to use both of his hands before he was able to throw the baby away. The baby flew and hit the cold hard wall.

"Kekeke, now then… Let the feast begin!", as the men were about to pull down their paints, they suddenly heard a small, squeeky voice.

"Y…young noble…—stop"

As they heard this, a sudden chill went through their spine. They all look into the direction of where the sound came from, to their surprise, the baby that was thrown earlier is now standing up.

"Y…young noble.. p-please stooop", the baby was looking at them with cold eyes.

Seeing a baby, not even a year old, standing up and speaking, the men opened their mouth in disbelief. At first, the men were confused as to what they were seeing, but suddenly a huge pressure came down upon them.

"Y…yo…guys? Are you seeing this?"

"O-oi..W…what the f*ck is tha-"

Before one of the man could finish what he was going to say, his whole body exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

"Stooop", the baby once again spoke.


The remaining two men immediately started to run away without even caring and wondering about what happened to their friend. The baby looked at them for awhile with a curious face as they ran away. The baby quickly lost interest and shifted his eyes to his mother.

He slowly walked towards his mother and once again hugged her.

The baby opened his mouth but soon closed it again, seemingly trying to find the right words to say.

After a few seconds, tears suddenly fall down from his face again.

"M….mother?", the baby spoke as he hugged his mother tightly.

Soon after, he started to cry as loud as babies could cry.


An old lady was walking through the streets of the slums while holding a basket full of left over bread. She was humming while walking and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Hm hm hm, I got a lot of leftovers from the store. That old man should have no complaints anymore.", the old woman was speaking to herself as she walks.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAH!", suddenly she hears a loud crying sound.

Like instinct, she dropped her bread and started to run to the direction of the sound. When she reached a dark alley, she couldn't help but reveal an ugly expression.

"Ack, isn't this the smell of blood?", it didn't take too long before her question was answered. In front of her, a mother and a baby was in the middle of a river of blood.

Seeing this, the old lady quickly ran towards the two and started checking their conditions.

"Hm, no good. The mother is dead. What kind of heathens will do this?!", the old lady revealed an angry expression before calming down as she turned to look towards the baby.

"Aw, hello there little one..Were you the one crying earlier? Here, come.. come to grandma", the old lady slowly and gently reached out her hand and tried to grab, but suddenly, the baby looked at her, seemingly full of killing intent.

The old grandma quickly retracted her hand and sweat quickly fell down from her face.


'For extruding this kind of pressure… what…", her surprise didn't last long as she suddenly revealed a sad expression.

Tears suddenly fall down from the old lady's face as she once again reached out her hand.

"It's alright, I am not going to hurt you… come to grandma"

Hearing this, the baby looked at the grandma with a curious expression. Then, he looked at his mother… then back to the grandma again.

"It's alright, this grandma will take care of you", said the old lady while still reaching her hands out to the baby.

After a while, the baby let go of his mother and flew towards the old lady's arms.

Seeing this, the old lady was alarmed at first but stayed calm, afraid that she will startle the baby on her arms.

"T…t..that's right, this grandma will take care of you", the old lady continued to soothe the baby on her arms while she was sweating buckets.

'I.. I guess babies fly nowadays?', with this thought, she left the dark alley and decided to report the body to the town guards before finally deciding to go home.


In a tiny home slightly outside the city..

"Honey! I am home!", an old lady joyfully cheered as she went inside the house while carrying a baby. Suddenly, a loud sound can be heard. An old man can be seen running towards the old lady.

"Finally, woman! What took you so long?! You better have brought some fo-", but before he could finish his sentence, he looked at the tiny thing on her wife's arms.

"…What is that? W-where's our bread?", the old man hesitantly asked, seemingly afraid of the answer.

The old woman stared at her husband for a while before finally revealing a strange smile.

"I…I forgot", the old woman replied, slightly chuckling.


"ssshhh, don't shout. You'll wake the baby"


"Eeh, I picked it up?", the old lady looked at her husband with a slight smile.

"Wh-what do you mean you picked it up?!", the old man continued to shout until saliva came out of his mouth.

"Like I said, I picked it up and I decided that we will take care of him", the old woman was full of resolution, not wanting to be budged.

"What do you mean we?! Tch! Anyway, send it to the guards!", the old man walked away angrily, deciding that arguing with his wife will lead nowhere. But before he could reach the door,

"A-anyway… do you have a name for it yet?", the old man said in a quiet voice.

"Eeeeh? I thought we were going to surrender him to the guards?", the old woman jeered.

"E..Do whatever you want!", the old man slammed the door as he went outside, full of anger.

The old woman chuckled before pointing her attention to the baby in her arms.

"Don't mind grandpa, that man ate a bagpipe when we were still in the army. He isright though, you do need a name… hmmm", the woman tilted her head and stared at the baby in front of her.

"Hmm, since your mother was a westerner… How about…", the woman was still lost in thought until he saw the golden strands of hair growing on the baby's head.

"How about Viel? Do you like that? It means "Morning Star" in western language."

Hearing this, the baby smiled and laughed.

"Oh, you like that.. don't you, little one?", the grandma made baby noises as she played with baby Viel.

Suddenly, the baby's mouth opened.



'S..surely, babies can talk very young nowadays?', the old lady was dazed. Her common-sense edging to the point of no return.

The lady shook her head and tried recollect herself.

However, when she was about to regain her composure-

"O-oy, w-what the f*ck", the baby spoke again, imitating the thugs earlier.


And just like that, 5 years have passed.