Chapter 21: Ironic Karma

"Grandma Ling, can't I go back to school now?"

Viel was slumping around the house bored, Grandma Ling did not allow him to go back to the academy. If a dangerous event like that happened to Viel in the academy, it will happen again. And this was already the 2nd time that Viel came home bringing horrifying news about the academy.

No. No. Grandma Ling was adamant for Viel not to go back to school. She did not want to worry about Viel in her grave. She won't be at ease knowing that Viel was still enrolled in that terrible academy that lets their student fight to the death!

At first, Grandma Ling urged Viel to go to the academy everyday, so Viel will learn to spend less and less time with her. She thought that it would somewhat help Viel to lessen the pain once she is gone, but she knew now that it was the incorrect decision.

"B-but… my friends are there! Please"

"No means no, Viel. Now go help your Grandpa with the logs"

Grandma Ling really did not give in even though Viel already climbed up on the bed pleading her. Holding her hand and begging her with the cutest of expression on his face.

Grandma Ling closed her eyes as she refused to listen to Viel any further. Viel, who knew he really had no choice in the matter, once again slumped around the house before getting bored and deciding to help Grandpa Ling.

"Grandpa Ling, I am here to help you of my own will!"

[Lu Yi: Gravity Shift]

'Eh, miss Lu Yi!?', when Viel asked Mr. Voice to help him lighten the firewood so he can load it on Grandpa Ling's cart. Viel was surprised to hear the name of her new friend that he met in the darkness. Could it be?

"Phew, good thing you did not burn the firewood this time, brat", Grandpa Ling wiped his sweat in relief.

[A Friend: Hell's Gate]

However, as soon as Grandpa Ling finished exhaling his breath of relief. A black hole suddenly appeared at the bottom of the remaining firewood.


Grandpa Ling was, however, too late in stopping the boy as the remaining firewood disappeared, only to appear on top of the cart slightly burnt.

'So it really is them! Mr. Voice, tell them I said thank you! Thank you Miss Lu Yi, thank you Mr. Jack, thank you Mr. Friend!'

[The illegal settlers accept the Player's thanks and expresses Happiness]

'Uhn. Thank you, Mr. Voice'

Mr. Voice also had an obvious change in the way he speaks. It was not as monotonous as before and one can even say that it has a newfound humor in his arsenal.

While Viel was talking to himself, an angry entity slowly creeped to him from behind.

"Y…you brat!", Grandpa Ling was so mad that his saliva almost flung towards Viel, but Viel, with his quick reflexes, bent his body forward. It was as if time stopped for Viel as he tried his best to avoid the incoming hazard that was about to hit him in the face. Like in the Matrix.

Wait, Matrix? What's that?

Viel, however, completely put the thought aside as he anticipated the living embodiment of sermon about to nag him to death.

Viel could do nothing but stand quietly on the side as Grandpa Ling shouted at him. Grandma Ling who was resting inside the house could not help but shake her head and smile. It was really a shame that soon, she was no longer going to be a part of it.

The scolding continued for a good hour before Grandpa Ling got tired and needed to catch his breath.

"Go play with your friends outside!"

"R-really!? B-but Grandma Ling said…"

"No buts! Go, go before you destroy the whole yard again!"

Viel smiled as he got the permission to go meet his friends in the academy. He hurriedly went back inside the house and put on his uniform. Grandma Ling was surprised to see Viel planning to go to school even though she strictly said that he was no longer allowed to attend it.

Viel just hurriedly said that he got permission from Grandpa Ling, he kissed Grandma on the cheeks and quickly disappeared.


Now, it was Grandpa Ling's turn to meet his God of Scolding.


Viel happily walked on the grounds of the academy as he was excited to meet his friends that he hasn't seen for days. It was currently their break time so Viel proceeded to go to the school's cafeteria.

"I am back!"

Viel entered the cafeteria while doing his trademark awkward pose. He waited for the response of the students.

But nothing.

The students were eerily quiet. Viel looked into the direction of one of the tables, but the group of students that were seated tried their best to avoid Viel's gaze.

This wasn't like before. Before, the students who knew Viel's strength, even though they were afraid of Viel, they also admired him for it. He was easy to talk to and was the light of the class, he always turned ordinary situations funny.

Even with his extraordinary strength, Viel was never arrogant. But the students of the elite class and the students who had the time to watch the mock battles now knew why. Viel was not arrogant, no. But he was merciless.

Every time they see Viel, they could not help but remember the boy that was laughing as he strangled someone almost to death. They still have nightmares of it.

They fear him.

Viel awkwardly walked away in disappointment as he went on to find his friends. The first one he saw was Diao Mei.

"Miss Mei! Where are the others?"

"O..oh.. Hi, Viel..", Diao Mei stuttered as she greeted Viel, "H-how are you? I'm sorry we could not v-visit you.."

Diao Mei was obviously flustered about something. She could not look Viel directly at the eyes, as she seems to be also avoiding his gazes.

"It's alright, it is pretty boring in the house anyway. Do you want some candy?"

Viel took a candy from his pouch and handed a piece to Diao Mei. But to his surprise, as his hand got closer to Diao Mei, Diao Mei yelled and flung his hand away causing the candy to drop on the ground.

"V-viel… I… I'm sorry!", Diao Mei stuttered as a tear slightly revealed itself on her eye.

"M-miss M-"

But before Viel can finish his words, Diao Mei once again apologized before she quickly walked away.

Viel was at a loss for words. He picked up the broken pieces of the candy as he watched Diao Mei's back. He saw Wei Song on the distance, but Wei Song could only shake his head and walk away.

"W..why..", Viel was stumped. He went to the academy, excited to meet and play with his friends. But so far, they seemed to be ignoring him. Viel just blankly stood in place while holding the broken pieces of candy in his hand.

"Viel, what's wrong?"

While Viel was lost in thought, a cute voice called for him from his back.

"M-miss Violet…"

Viel turned around to see the only other westerner in the Elite class, Violet. Viel then proceeded to tell what happened.

"Hmm, It should be alright. They're still just a little shock. Mei will come around. Just ignore that Wei Snot, he's not worth it"

Violet, like a mature young lady, comforted Viel. "It will pass. Don't worry", she said as she slightly revealed a solemn expression while touching her straight black hair. Having black hair as a westerner was a taboo in the west. After all, it was the same hair color as the deceased Demon God. So even though her family was not too affected during the war, they decided to migrate to the east in order to start a new life.


The two chatted in the cafeteria for a while before the bell rang and it was time to go back to class.

As soon as they got in the class, Diao Mei quickly approached Viel and once again apologized to him. Saying that she was not really scared of him and that she was sorry about the candy.

Viel could clearly see that there was still hesitation in Diao Mei's words as she was slightly shaking.

"Thank you, Miss Mei", Viel immediately hugged Diao Mei. This caused the previously shaking girl to instantly freeze as her face was filled with red.

"M-miss Mei!? Are you alright!?"

Once again, noise came back to the gloomy classroom. Although most of the students were still afraid of Viel, at least he still had his friends.

After a while, Viel noticed that Xiao Pei was not around. It wasn't really that common for Xiao Pei to be absent, so Viel just shrugged his shoulders and didn't think much of it. Xiao Pei was the school's number one class cutter, after all.



"Have some respect towards the Princess!"

"It's Headmistress! How many times do I have to… ugh… nevermind. You may continue your report, little spy. You said the boy has been absent for a couple of days now?"

"Yes, Headmistress"

In a slightly dimmed room, A boy can be seen kneeling on the floor with a serious expression on his face. Along with him, there was a bald man who was also kneeling in front of a voluptuous beautiful woman- Headmistress Cha Jin-ri, the Royal Princess.

"I tried to visit him in his house, but the old couple said that Viel was resting. It would be weird to push any further. I apologize, Headmistress Cha"

"No, it is alright. What about his grandmother, what is her condition?", Headmistress Cha waved her fan as her huge bosom slightly jiggled.

The boy could only shake his head. "I am afraid she is dying soon. Even Elder Xing Cai has said that Grandma Ling… Grandma Ling's case… is hopeless", the boy stuttered as he reported this news. A visible sadness can be heard in his voice.

"I see. If Cai already checked up on her, let's leave it at that. You are dismissed, little spy", Headmistress Cha once again waved her fan, signaling for the boy to leave the room.

The boy quietly exited the room, as soon as he was out of the building, he yawned and covered his eyes to let it adjust to the sun light.

"Hhmm, now what do I do, should I go to class?"

The boy's face slightly revealed itself as took his hand away from his face. It was a boy with a huge scar on his face. It was Xiao Pei.

"Nah… I'll go tomorrow"

Xiao Pei said, knowing that tomorrow was a free day and they didn't have classes.


"Is this the house?"

"Sshh, be quiet"

In the woods, a group of men can be seen hiding in the plants. They were currently looking at a humble house from afar.

"But the boy who left earlier, wasn't he…"

"Yes… yes it was, what a lucky coincidence could this be… keke"

The group of men that were hiding in the shadows were the men who almost kidnapped Viel, and also the ones who was almost killed by Li Zhao. What a string of events, who could have known that the boy who made them a eunuch was their target this time? What is this if not some twisted karma.

When they realized that their target was the boy's grandparents, they hesitated at first. But they knew that if they disobeyed Li Zhao's orders, they will suffer a fate worse than death.

"So, should we do this now that the boy is gone?"

"No, you dimwit. Our employer said we should wait for a week or so…"

"Who cares, let's just do this while that monster is gone!"

The impatient man stood up, but before he could do so, a fat man pulled him back.

"Are you stupid!? Do you want to suffer the same fate as the boss? He told us to wait so we will wait!"


"Sssh! Be quiet. Let's go before someone notices us."

And thus, the group quietly left and disappeared into the woods.

"Dear, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I thought I saw something there. Must be a rabbit or something. Hear, drink the medicine."

Grandpa Ling could not help but stare at the woods. He was sure he saw the leaves moving, but he disregarded it as he heard Grandma Ling coughing vehemently.

Grandma Ling made sure never to forget drinking her medicine so as to not worry Viel. But the medicine's effects were slowly becoming ineffective, her body was already rejecting it.

She could not help but look into the distance, she knew. Her death was near. She could not help but hug Grandpa Ling and once again tell him to take care of Viel. She always told herself that she was ready, but now the death is coming, she could not help but be in tears.

Seeing Grandma Ling's worry, Grandpa Ling could not help but kiss her in the forehead.

"Don't be silly, Chunhua. Who was it that was shouting at me without a pause just this morning? You might outlive me just yet"