Chapter 80: Bring Me The Princess

Even though it was right in front of her, Ilrina still could not believe of the brutality that was in front of her. She had spent almost a whole day with Princess Sofia, and although she was extremely rude and uncaring about the lives of others, mostly elves, she thought that it was just a façade. A facade that the Princess shows to strike fear towards her enemies.

But this?

His brothers and sisters were being treated like nothing but objects.

"Are you eating us!?", Ilrina shouted as she slammed her fist on the huge table beside her, causing the body parts of the elves that was on the table to tremble and bounce.

Hearing this question, Princess Sofia's expression turned, as if she was so disgusted by the suggestion. "What? No", the Princess choked, "That's disgusting. We are not you", said that Princess as she almost retched.

"We don't eat humans!", Ilrina once again shouted.