Chapter 104: Fate is...

"I welcome you home, my children"

The smile of the boy with long golden hair was immaculate, even from afar, the soldiers that were advancing could not help but stop as they listen to his divine voice.

"I-is that the Great Spirit!?"

"Did the great spirit come here to help us!?"

"No, you idiot! The Great Spirit does not like war!!"

"Is the Great Spirit here to intervene!?"

Soon, the elves started clamoring as some of them began kneeling on the field of grass that was supposed to be their grave. Even a majority of the human soldiers prayed and kneeled, as most of them are devoted to their faith.

"Yes, my children, I am here", the divine voice continued to echo throughout the field, "You can finally rest now. You may have many titles… the Hero, the Great Spirit-"