Chapter 108: To Weber's!

"Let's buy you some new clothes!"

"Eehh. Do we need to? I can just wear what I am wearing now"

Antoinette was trying her best to drag Viel out of her office. She needed some time to rest as well, might as well take a walk outside and have some fun while picking out clothes for Viel to wear.

If she considers it like dressing up her own life size doll, she is sure she can let out some stress from being stuck in her office all day for the past year. Antoinette thought that with her being promoted as the Guild's leader, she could finally take a much needed vacation whenever she wants to.

But alas, with the rise in pay, also came the rise of the hours she was needed in the guild. She hasn't even stepped out of the office for almost more than half a year now.

And so, using the excuse of buying her star adventurer some new clothes, she can finally step outside… since it is work related, or so she tried to convince herself.