Chapter 143: Do you want to visit them?

"There are so many things for you to see in our world, Viel...

...So don't leave us again"

Xing Cai looked at Viel straight in the eyes. She doesn't know if Viel was still blaming himself for what happened 7 years ago, so she was treading carefully on what not to say and do, afraid the something might trigger Viel's tragic memories of this world.


A loud scream resounded through the hall, instantly popping Xing Cai's thoughts..

"Mei! Where did you run off to aga-"

Diao Chan, Diao Mei's mother, came running from the stairs, her eyes obviously on fire. But when she saw Xing Cai and the others, her expression quickly turned into a smile.

"Oh my, you did not tell me Miss Xing Cai is here"

"Sorry to intrude without notice, Miss Diao Chan"

"Nonsense. The estate has been lacking people lately, I welcome your visit", Diao Chan said as she grabbed Xing Cai's hand with a smile.