Chapter 148: Examination Begins

"Tch. They made it?"

The group of applicants was now inside a spacious indoor training ground of some sort, similar to the training ground of the Golden Pavilion, except, obviously not filled with gold. There were hundreds of people watching them from above on the side of the huge training hall.

And throughout all the proceedings, Guanbei's eyes almost did not leave the golden-haired kid for one second. He continued to stare at him, his eyes full of hostility.

He knew that he shouldn't be bothered, but the kid really irritated him for some reason. It would seem the others felt the same too, as they also stared at the golden-haired kid with a frown on their faces.

Most of them heard what the boy said. They all heard his confident tone when he said that they would die if he didn't hold back. So young and already so arrogant, and for a westerner too!?