Chapter 169: The Wait

"You want us to say that to them!?"

Amira, Jiff's sister, could not help but cover her mouth as her face turned red. The shock from hearing Viel's words truly petrified her.

"Are… are you sure about this, Viel?"


Tilly's face, as well, was flushed red as she looked at Viel with a complicated expression plastering her face.

"O...okay then", Tilly nodded as she stood up straight and let out a huge breath, "Let's do this!"

"Are we really doing it!?", Amari tugged Tilly's clothes, "What if they don't believe us!? We will look like per--"

"Trust in Viel, Mari", before Amari could finish her words, Tilly grabbed her hand and looked at her straight in the eye, "He is a genius who broke through the Earthen Core realm in just a single breath!"


Tilly nodded, her face filled with satisfaction, "Any man who can do that is surely a genius!"