Chapter 176: The First Annual Xingcai Tournament

The winds were eerily quiet, the clouds were still, and the sunlight that seeped through from the skies was unfaltering, all signaling one thing-- the fated match between the glorious Xingcai city and the White Bamboo sect… has arrived!

Hundreds of people were currently gathered in a huge arena, which most probably was a part of the training grounds of the departed Heaven Bamboo sect.

On one side of the arena were the disciples and members of the White Bamboo sect. Some were handing out food and waiting for the matches to start.

On the other side were the drifter children, along with a group of people that Viel now calls his High Council. Made with Sofia, Xing Cai, and Princess Cha Jin-ri. And of course, there's also Jiff on their side.

Sect master Ma Ling was currently on the side of the stage, his expression, full of weight and pride. Behind him were 3 members of the White Bamboo sect, all of different ages.