Chapter 240: Cortana (1)

"Xanthus… is it really you?"


Viel felt a certain weight in his chest as soon as the silver-haired woman landed from the skies and in front of him. He already felt this earlier before when Noah mentioned that Xanthus had a child of his own, but it was only a single beat.

Now, his heart was drumming uncontrollably, as if it wanted to burst from his chest.


Viel once again found himself kneeling on the ground, with his breaths stuttering, almost thumping at the same time as his heart.

"Vi! W… what's happening to you!?"

Sofia gently grabbed Viel's shoulders as she controlled the lump of earth beneath them. It wriggled until it formed the shape of a chair in which Sofia quickly lay down Viel.

She then looked towards the woman that suddenly appeared in front of them. She has been repeating the same words over and over again, her steps growing closer to them as she whispered so.