
I sat up. Everything hurt. What had I been doing? I stood up and looked around at the chaos that had just occured and everything came back.

"Did.. Did I really do this?"

It was so gruesome. Something in me clicked at the thought that I had the power to do this. Something dark.

I began walking back towards the village. 'Where did all that power come from?' I had asked myself that question over and over again on the walk back and never came up with an answer.

I walked up to the door of my house and looked around. It was awfully quiet. Something was right.

BOOM! The force of the explosion shook the ground. The house next to me disappeared. Ruble was left in its place. BOOM! A house a few yards over was next. This one was more extreme. It sent me flying and brought my house down with it.

"This is fun! I haven't had this much fun in thousands of years." The voice came from the village center. I ran as fast as I could towards it and stopped almost immediately. All the villagers were either dead or being slaughtered.

It was an Orc. A huge one. It was much bigger than any other Orc I'd ever seen. He was surrounded by goblins and shamans. I guess they were his underlings.


I recognized that voice. Yunoji! Shit. How am I supposed to fight that thing? It's huge, and to be able to control so many other monsters it must be strong. I have to think of something. Come on, THINK!

I looked in the direction of the huge orc. His back was turned to me. Yes! An opening. I pulled out a dagger from my belt-holstered sheathe. My sword was strapped to my back. I figured it'd be too much and harder to sneak attack with it so I left it alone. I began slowly and carefully making my way toward the villagers.


I heard a goblin screaming from close by. Dammit. They spotted me. Luckily the big one wasn't too worried about me because he held no reaction to the warning. He trusts the ugly things way too much, and with reason too. Although goblins and shamans aren't that strong alone, with the sheer amount, this is gonna be difficult.

They began to surround me. I have to try and take out the shamans first. They aren't a threat in terms of power but they are really good with healing magic.

I took out my sword since a sneak attack wasn't an option anymore. It was so light. I guess all that training and working out paid off. I used the sword one handed and duel-wielded it with the dagger.

Three goblins charged me first. Goblins usually only brandished a sword or a club and nothing else so a shield or duel wielding was the best option against them if you wanted to play it safe.

One was quicker than the other two and was the first to attack. It swung downward with a double-sided short sword. I held up my sword to block and used my dagger to slit its throat. It fell to the ground and the sword slide away. The other two attacked right after at the same time. I dodged one and countered the other. I caught its sword with my dagger and spun around with my sword outstretched, slicing into its neck and severing its head from its body. I dropped the other with a leg sweep and brought my sword down into its chest.

Before I even stood up more was coming at me. I jumped back and looked around to plan my route to the shaman. They were standing away from the combat with their staffs, ready to heal any injured goblins. They were coming into play now that the goblins saw I wasn't giving in easy. They all began to rush me. It would be harder to kill them with even more attacking from all angles so I need to go for the shaman, now. I rushed through a gap in the goblins where they had begun, but not fully finished, forming a circle around me. I had to do this quick.

I jumped up and bounded off a barrel that was filled with something with an awful stench. I landed some yards away from and began to rush.

Now look, shaman aren't easy to kill, but they're more support than combat so I wasn't too worried.

I held my hand out behind me letting the sword drag the ground as I ran. I began to raise my sword and swung it upward as I approached the nearest one. I cut it clean in to. It split apart and I kept running further into the crowd. I flailed my sword around and made contact with flesh every swing. I had killed a good few before goblins began running in.

Here's where it gets difficult. They attacked four at a time from every angle. I jumped to get away from the ambush but they were too quick. They had moved with me and were already on top of me when I hit the ground. One drove his blade toward my arm at full speed, leaving a slash from my shoulder to my elbow. I screamed in pain.

I could hear the roars of excitement from other creatures standing on the sides who hadn't felt the need to step in.

I brought my fist up as hard as I could into the goblins chin and sent him into the air. I used my dagger to split him open as he flew upward. I turned and caught a club to the side of the head. I was dazed. I staggered. A sharp pain exploded in my back and stomach. I looked down to see a sword stuck through the lower half of my torso. More pain as the sword was pulled out and I fell to the ground. A warm familiar feeling swelled up in my chest. The same one from earlier.

I felt a sense of calmness and relief wash over me. My wounds didn't hurt anymore. I could feel the power began to take over my entire body. This is it. I have to use this before I black out again. I have to save everyone.