
Zet stayed there for another day he helped the old men rebuilding their Huts .

He also built a fence for them to keep them safe from animals or other attackers.

Zet spent his whole day gaining wisdom from the old men . He learned how to plan effectively , how to make perfect strategies and how to analyse a situation perfectly .

At night they shared their stories again . Zet asked them " don't you have anything that you wish for , your lives seemed so satisfactory. "

Old man sighes and spoke "we want the same thing that every animal living underground wants , we want to see the sun again, but we all know we will only be able to see it at our last moments ".

Zet slept peacefully that night he felt as if a burden has been removed from his mind , all these time he felt he has to do his best and nothing less but all he got was betrayal . He found it from people least expected ,organization was his family he could have given his life if told to do so . He looked up to Cesar as his parents .

After all this he felt as if he don't have any reason to live but these old people taught him to live even in the worse condition . Zet thought " well, from now on I will try to bring changes in peoples life that I come across."

Zet got up earlier than the old people he decided to climb outside and do something for these old people . He was resistant to the virus he got out it was early morning outside . Zet fixed a large circular glass on top of the underground roof and airproofed it . Now sunlight was able to pass through it and virus was outside .Zet left the place and went ahead in the underground path .The old men woke up and to their surprise they could see sunlight coming through their huts window . They went out and saw the circular glass fixed on the roof through which rays were coming .Tears fell from their eyes as they feel the warmth of the sunlight on their face.

Zet continued his journey ,he checked his mobile for his location , he was quite far from his destination almost on the outskirts of the city . As he was going to return he saw a group of workers , they were there to repair railway tracks .

Zet joined them in their work and spent about 10 days with them . He slept on floor with them and earned few bucks . To the workers it was astonishing that Zet could lift heavy weights easily and could move and work much faster than them , even though they have been doing that work for years . Zet was now abled to lift heavy weights and had a better understanding of balancing masses .

As Zet discussed with them ,he got the information that a weekly train pass from that path containing weapons and goes straight to FISHKERS headquarters .

Zet was all set to go now , he spend the rest of his time training his body as the old men adviced him to do. He had to focus on reflexes and efficient movement and fighting techniques. He meditated to keep his mind calm .


A big humanoid type thing was making noise "aarrrrgh " inside a glass chamber . Kraken was giving sneaky smile from outside the chamber . The doc (Nova )was terrified as she saw the monster making noise .Kraken said while laughing " At last we are so close to success after this many experiments " .

Nova:- " It's terrible its worse than death , he lost his conscience , he's not human anymore . "At that time Caesar came rushing inside the lab and gave an astonishing look at the monsterous thing . Very soon caesar's astonishment turned into treacherous smile .

He spoke up loud " this is amazing , I was really worried how I would control these solders but its all solved now , I want more of these types "

Nova raised her voice against him " these things can only bring destruction they are not even human anymore , the virus has completely affected their nervous system but the serum has enhanced their muscular strength "

Cesar gave a serious look and spoke " sometime we have to depend on destruction to protect people and abandon humanity in order to save it"

Cesar left the room speaking" we don't need her anymore , keep her in home arrest I got recent news that Zet is on move , we have tracked his movements . In order to get information he has to contact Nova and we will be waiting for him "

(Underground passage )

Zet's waiting came to an end and he got aboard the train carrying weapons for the Fishkers . During all this time Zet hadn't cut his beard so they had grown large . Zet thought while massaging his beard's 'well I guess its good ,now they won't be able to recognize me easily ,ha ,ha ,ha.

Zet was waiting for the train to reach headquarters and was getting both bored and hungry . The only place he could have find food in a goods carrying train is in drivers cabin . So he headed straight to the cabin . He peeped through the window the driver had a burger by his side .

Zet thought ' I will have to take it in a way so that the driver won,t notice . So will knock on the window and as he will check for someone I will steal the burger. Yeah that's it , it will work perfectly . '

Zet made plan for 5 minute and again peeped through the window , sadly the driver was having his last bite on the burger . Zet wanted to cry out loud "nooooo" but he couldn't . He then went back to the other compartment with his hunger inside .

Zet began checking for the equipments . To his surprise most of the equipments were ammo type and he had never seen them being used by the organization . The primary work of the fishkers was to rescue people and not to fight so they don't have very heavy weapons in general . But the containment had missiles , advance guns , granades as if someone is going in war agnaist a country . Zet picked up the necessary weapons like hand guns and granades . He saw the trademark on the weapon , it wasn't of their colony .

Train came to a halt ,it had reached its destination . Guard came and began unloading the trains . Zet moved out sneakily as the guards were busy unloading the train .

The train had stopped in the under ground station beneath the headquarters , Zet had never been there . He really wanted to explore the area but he was too hungry to do that . His stomach was making sounds . He went straight to the department canteen , he completely forgot the fact that he has to sneak inside .

As he was eating a large burger , the vendor asked him " sir, I think I have seen you before ". Till that moment Zet was eating carelessly as he used to eat always in the canteen . He turned around and spoke changing his actual voice " Oh , yes I usually come here to deliver ..."

Vendor :- " Deliver what sir "

Zet :- " well you , uummm, its confidential I can't disclose that "

Vendor :- " oh, sure sir . as you wish ,just enjoy your berger "

Zet was sweating too much , he saw a person putting a box of toilet paper outside . He spoke " it's time for my important work" and went there , picked up the toilet box and began walking away from the canteen .

The vendor gave a weird look thinking " Are these toilet papers so important , I think I was underestimating the importance of toilet paper . Well without them the FISHKERS frontliners would be in trouble at morning "

Zet went staright to the personal chambers of doctors . He thought he should act like a toilet paper distributor so he began announcing loud " toilet paper toilet paper " as if he was selling newspaper . Everyone began staring at him . He soon realize that he was behaving differently . He soon found the door with Mrs. Nova name on it .

He knocked on the door , Nova asked him without opening " who is it ?"

He answered " toilet paper ", she said "I'm busy ", he said " toilet paper"

She got frustrated and shouted " don't need one ". He again said " toilet paper 10% discount , everyone needs it . At least in the morning ".

She opened the door quickly and spoke " since when has been the orgainsation began taking money for the toilet papers "

Zet spoke showing his face " toilet paper , for free ".

Nova spoke putting hand on her head " stop it you fool, I know who you are Zet "

Zet thought ' does she really know me ?, naah she is just making a wild guess. '

Zet spoke " I'm not Zet I'm his brother Bet , ha ,ha , you are confusing me for someone else "

Nova spoke in serious tone " I really didn't expected you to act idiotically "

Zet :-" okay fine , I will come straight to the point . What the heck is happening to my body and by the way do you have any idea about Caesar "

Nova :- " He will be arriving soon , this was a trap and you fell right into it . You can ask him yourself then . "

" Very soon he will come and kill you along with me . Caesar is the one who tried to kill you earlier . He is creating monsters for some reasons ...