Double trouble

The mutant swung his hand to chop Zet's head but Zet bent down avoiding the blow and gave a hard punch to the mutants stomach . It flinched a bit , although the impact wasn't huge but it was heavy enough to get noticed .Zet landed a number of consecutive punches on his body the mutant was backing of . But after few seconds Zet was tiered, his movements were getting sloppy . "Bam" mutants punch landed on Zets body . He get thrown to all the way end of the corridor . Even with his advance healing ability it took him few seconds to recover from that damage . Zet took a look at the mutants . Earlier he was planning on fighting all three of them at once but now its hard for him even to defeat a single one . He was worried that if he would delay then the mutants will start killing doctors and patients but to his surprise two of the mutants were standing back watching him fight with the other mutant . It was as if they were getting entertained .

Before Zet could get up "bam" , he got hit with another blow from the mutant and his head slammed hard to the ground . His ears got numb for a moment . Zet was thinking " this is bad , I'm not getting time to recover .He is strong . I need a weapon ". Number of things were going through his head as he was desperately dodging the mutants blow . Zet saw beside him was a operation room and on the table was a knife ,few scissors and bandages . Zet tried to grab the scissior but it was far. The mutant kicked him and Zet got banged on the wall . He could clearly feel his ribs fractured . He was fainting slowly but then , he got his sences back as the scissior and the knife fell before him . He saw a nurse was standing there beside the table ,trembling with fear .

Despite her fear she somehow managed to throw the knife and scissior towards Zet . The mutant turned towards her . Zet took the opportunity and gave a cut at his ankle ligaments . The creature began screaming "AArrgh " . Zet then gave a cut behind his knee joints and the huge mutant fell down on his knees .

Zet got up and got behind his neck . The mutant was moving his hands ferociously but Zet was avoiding them he put the secissior in his neck . But it wasn,t enough to kill him . Zet took it out and inserted it again and again till the mutant's movements stopped . It fell down and Zet got unconscious due to heavy damage .

Kraken was seeing all this through the CCTV .He was astonished and speechless after seeing the fight . Zet fought one on one with a mutant and even won the match . The mutant he defeated just now was no ordinary . It was no 18 .The higher the number the perfect was the experiment and stronger is the mutant .

(outside the hospital)

The soldiers were firing continuously but the mutants were moving too fast . The FISHKERS were on standby and in centre was Caesar . He was precisely commanding his soldiers to work in harmony .It went on for around five minutes .

The mutants were not attacking they were moving around as quickly as they can .Cesar began thinking'are they getting pushed back by the soldiers ,are these mutants so weak . It's not possible .They can put up a fight agnaist these amount of soldiers if they want to but it is as if they are strolling time for something .

Cesar called Kraken "I think something is wrong in here . It seems they are following some kind of plan . I'm quite sure they are trying to keep us engaged in here .I need more update about their activities ."

Kraken :-" Sir, Zet is inside the hospital and he defeated one of the mutants all alone . But he is gravely injured and uncounsious right now . The other two mutants are not moving from their place . I can't really figure out what they are up to . I need more time to analyse their plan . For now the mutants aren't attacking the hospital patients or doctor .It seems they are waiting for something "

Cesar gave a sigh of relief . He was too much worried about his sick daughter . He wanted to go inside the hospital to kill the mutants but his duty as an assistant commander was more important . Without a leader the soldiers will not be able to coordinate .He was trying to kill the mutants outside as quickly as possible so that he can go inside . But the mutants were not attacking head on .Caesar brainstormed all the possible chances for the mutants to attack . The main question was' why were they attacking that particular place that too in an Organised way '.

(Near the big gate joining Hospital to the stadium )

Tank's teammates were taking him to the hospital . Although he had multiple fracture but he could still talk . Music was playing inside the vehicle and all four members along with Tank were relaxing . Shino was driving the vehicle . He was new to the group, after Zet was gone he was hired as an intern . In the back seat Neo and Lucy were sitting beside Tank . Arron was one of the most active member of his group . He was sitting beside Shino.

Arron turned back and spoke laughingly "You see guys my shot was precise and perfect .It got through the mutants leg when I shot it . HA ,HA I'm great."

Lucy spoke with a taunting voice " shut up you dumbass , if only you could have fired earlier ,captain Tank wouldn't have been injured this much "

Arron :" Oh come on! I wasn't getting a clear shot . Anyway I think you are enjoying your time with Neo "

Lucy blushed a bit and spoke " shut up ! it's nothing like that ".

Neo remained silent as always . He don't speak much .He only speaks when it's necessary and up to the point.

Shino poke up suddenly in a trembling voice " si , si , sir there are more of them ahead".

Arron turned and saw three huge truck size mutants were standing at a distance . His face turned pale , the situation was bad . Even with their full planning and coordination they had difficulty killing one of those and now there were 3 mutants standing infront of them . Moreover they had to head to the hospital as quick as possible due to the injuries of Tank.

Tank called Kraken to get info on the monsters . Kraken gave them the details "all three of the mutants were having criminal background .They were prisoners . They were experiment number three ,four and five .Number three was a thief . Number four was charged for homicide and number five was a serial killer . Beware all of them are quite stronger than the one that you have faced . Try not to engage . I will be sending other FISHKERS team to that location."

Tank: "we will wait till reinforcement comes ."

Arron:"We can't wait for long you are bleeding too much ".

Tank :"According to the information we stand no chance against them, we have to wait ".

Arron spoke in a low voice " I beg your pardon captain , I'm gonna disobey you ".

He got out of the vehicle and arched his bow, loaded an Arrow and took aim towards the mutant standing in front.But before he could shoot the arrow , he saw the mutant wasn't there . Arron thought ' I'm sure there were three mutants at that place but now I can only see two . Lucy shouted from inside of the vehicle look beside you and "swisss" before Arron could turn he was lying flat on ground .

Arron :-" What the heck he is too fast , I can't even see him moving ".

Lucy moved out of the vehicle with her gun . She bent down to help Arron .

The mutant came rushing for his next attack but before it could land a blow Neo chopped off it's hand . The mutant was much faster than normal humans , he had no idea there would be some who can match his speed .

Tank relaxed a bit after seeing it he still remembered the time when Neo was selected in the group . Zet had choosen him personally . Neo was below average in everything except for his extraordinary foresight . He was able to predict his opponents next move by just seeing his standing stance.

Neo trained day and night to increase his strength and speed . Neo would have been the next captain but due to his low age and inexperience in battle he was given the position of vice captain.

Neo was holding a long blade nearly 1.5 meters in length . The mutant was screaming due to his loss . He ran right towards Neo and without a slight hesitation Neo chopped off its Head .

Neo turned back to help Arron but another mutant was already before him . He gave a slash but the mutant stopped his blade with his bare hands .Neo knew in an instrance that this mutant was different its skin was tough to cut . The mutant (no.4) punched Neo with his other hand and he got flow up to a distance . Neo got up but he clearly got heavy damage from that blow . His legs were losing their stability .

Lucy pointed her gun towards the other mutant who was supposed to be No.5 . Arron was getting up from the ground . Lucy began firing but It was'nt working

.The mutant wasn't getting any damage at all. Before she could take out any other weapon the mutant was in-front of her . He kicked Arron and swung its hand to throw Lucy up to few meters. Then he walked towards Lucy with a creepy smile .It spoke in a monsterous voice " I really love tormenting girls .In my list of serial killing I had killed almost 10 girls .I really enjoy the way they scream". The monster walked up to her an stepped on her leg .She screamed as her leg bone was breaking.

Neo was boiling from inside but was stuck fighting with the other monster . Tank was trying to crawl out of the vehicle as he was seriously injured from the previous battle.