My Final Choice

I keep glancing at the bracelet Jimin got me so much that I bump into someone. Without glancing at the person, I apologize before running off to catch up with my class who seem deadset on leaving me behind.

I step into the bathroom of my hotel room, wanting to take a bath when I realize my bracelet is gone.

I glance around the brown, wood-like tiled floor, then realise I must have dropped it somewhere else. Where could it be? I've gone so many places today! I bite my lip in worry. Jimin was so nice to buy it for me, and it was beautiful too...

I run the bath with a sigh, deciding to check my room after I've bathed. I settle into the white bathtub, the soapy water which would normally feel so blissful suddenly feels too hot, so I hurry and wash myself.

Not long after getting in, I get out of the bathtub and dry myself off with a fluffy white towel, rivulets of water pouring onto the tiled floor.

I quickly get dressed and exit the steamy bathroom, beginning my search for the bracelet. Sadly, I don't find it anywhere in my room.

I sit down on my bed, ringing my hands together as I wonder where it could or would most likely be. Suddenly, I remember running into someone earlier.

"It must have fallen off when I ran into that person..." I mumble, and I make the decision to sneak out of my hotel and look for it.

So I tiptoedl down the hallway, grateful for the carpeted floors which quiet my footfalls.

I make my way down stairways and around the dark corners and finally outside until I've reached the general vicinity of where I ran into the person.

"Where is it...?"I mutter to myself whilst brushing my hand through the dewy grass, unable to see much in the darkness of the night. I search for forever until I finally grasp what feels like my bracelet.

"It's he-" I yipe when my feet suddenly give out from beneath me, my ankle screaming in pain as I sprain it in a large hole.

"Ouch... Excuse me? Is anyone here? Help!! I'm stuck here!" I yell, suddenly wishing I'd taken someone with me for this search.

Taehyung's eyes spring open as he's roused from his sleep. Not knowing why he's suddenly awoken, he grabs a silver beaded bracelet from his pocket. Deciding to give it to Y/N, he rises from his bed and leaves his room, stalking down the hallway with hushed footsteps as he approaches Y/N's door.

He rings the doorbell, but no one answers. His bare feet shift upon the red carpet. Taehyung wonders if she's asleep, but after a few more rings, he realises she's not inside. But where could she be?

He decides to set out in sesrch for her, worried that something might happen to Y/N should she be left alone at this hour.

After an hour of being stuck in this wretched hole, I plop down on the damp soil with a scowl. Hopefully someone will find me soon...

My eyes widen as I hear someone calling my name in the distance.

"Oh! Jimin? Over here!!" I call out his name by instinct, no hesitation found in my tired voice.

"Y/N?! What are you doing here? What happened to you?!" I'm surprised to see a shocked Taehyung calling down to me, wondering how I got in this hole.

"Oh, Taehyung! Can you get me out of here first?" I plead tiredly.

"Hold on a second!"

He disappears for a moment before returning with a rope, "Hold onto the rope tightly!"

Taehyung pulls on the rope with all of his strength, pulling me up with ease. I'm saved, I think.

"I was so scared when I went to your room, and you didn't answer!" Taehyung hugs me, trembling slightly.

"Can we just stay like this until I calmed down a little...?" he breathes, and I nod.

I remain in his embrace, patting his back to comfort him even while my heartbeat increases. I worry that Taehyung knows of my feelings, but he lets me go with a slight blush of embarrassment.

"Sorry that you had to see me like that," Taehyung mutters whilst biting his lip.

"Don't be, Taehyung. By the way, why did you come to my room?" I query with curiosity.


"Right, you were curious why I was here. I was looking for my bracelet, I lost it earlier," I shrug.

"A bracelet? You didn't have to come all the way out here to find it. I can just buy you a new one," Taehyung frowns.

He finally finds the bracelet which was hidden deep within his pocket, but stops in his tracks at Y/N's next words.

"No, you don't understand. Jimin got that bracelet for me, Taehyung. I would feel bad for losing it within seconds of him giving it to me," she explains.

"So the bracelet is that important to you..." he mumbles dejectedly, so low only he himself can hear.

"Sorry for interrupting you just now, what did you want to say?"

Taehyung pushes the bracelet back in his pocket, "It's nothing. We should head back before the teacher finds out we snuck out this late."

In the blink of an eye, the Japan trip passed and prom approached.

"Y/N, do you want to go to prom with me?" Taehyung queries with a smile.

"Umm, I..." Jimin notices my gaze on him and joins the conversation.

"Do what you like, I don't care," and with that, Jimin leaves the classroom without waiting to hear what I have to say.

"So... Since you didn't say anything, I'll take it as a yes. See you at prom then," Taehyung smiles before exiting the classroom with the rest of the students.

I sit alone in the classroom, mulling over my thoughts.

It's time to give an answer to both Jimin and Taehyung. I shouldn't pull them along and waste their time... I make my decision.