
[A/N: You guys know what is going to be in this chapter from the title. Some of you even commented that the neighbor is going to be an important character (damn me for making it too obvious and damn you guys for not being dumb morons). So, here you guys go.]

Shun returned home from his club activities to his surprise he found that his mother was home.

[A/N: If it was me, and not Shun. I would have cursed in my mind because I lost my precious time where I would do little rub-rub if you know what I mean.]

Shun: "I am back. Mom, you are home early today."

Mom: "I am planning to visit the neighbors today, so I got home early. Shun, you should also come along."

Shun: "Eh, why? I don't want to." [A/N: Bratty Shun.]

Mom: "No, you will come with me, and that is an order. I saw a girl your age entering the house when I came home.

When you were younger, you didn't interact with children your age mom was worried that you wouldn't be able to make friends.

If not for the kids from your basketball club (Tokiwadai), I would have assumed that my son was a loner."

[A/N: #savagemom. You know where this is heading right.]

Shun's face became so hot from the embarrassment that you could boil water on his face.

Shun: "Mom!"

Mum: "You will come with me, and that is final. Now go clean yourselves up and put on some nice clothes, I don't want you in one of the oversized shirts that you like to wear."

Shun could only put his head down and follow what his mother ordered.

Shun: 'I will not forget this humiliation. I will show it to everybody by taking over the world (of basketball).'

Shun came out of the bathroom with a royal blue shirt and black shorts.

Mom: "Good, you are lucky that I am your mother, it is because of my genes that you are good looking, and smart all your father gave you was his height. Now, thank me."

Shun: "T-Thank you, mother."

Shun silently cries in his mind,

Shun: 'What did I do to deserve this. Dad, help me.'

At the same time, Shun's father sneezed in his clinic.

Dad: 'Is my lovely wife thinking about me. I should buy her favorite flowers as a gift.'

Shun and his mother went to the neighbor's house, and they rang the bell.

They heard footsteps from inside the house, and when the door opened, Shun froze.

There was an extremely beautiful lady standing at the door, but that was not the thing that shocked him the most (it did shock him a lot, but it was not the main thing.), what garnered his attention the most was the color of her hair.

It was pink! [A/N: Ahahahahahaha.]

Shun: 'It must be a coincidence.'

Lady: "Yes?"

Mom: "Good evening, my name is Kageyama Yuki, and this is my son, Shun. We are your neighbors, as you have moved in today, we thought we should introduce ourselves."

Lady: "Oh my, that is very nice of you please come in, we can talk over some tea."

Shun noticed that the furniture was already setup.

Shun: 'It seems they used a packer and mover service.'

After they sat down, the lady bought them some drinks.

Lady: "Let me introduce myself; my name is Momoi Hana."

Shun: 'Momoi!'

Shun was now sure whose house this was.

As Shun was lost in his thoughts, he felt his mother poke him. Shun snapped out of it and presented the houseplant to Mrs. Momoi.

Mrs. Momoi: "Ara Ara. Aren't you a polite boy, ufufufu."

[A/N: The main boss character of this series will be Mrs. Momoi Hana. She is the 'ara-ara' and 'ufufufu' character in this fic.]

Shun blushed at the praise.

Shun: "T-Thank you for the praise, ma'am."

Mrs. Momoi again went 'ara ara' and smiled at him.

Mrs. Momoi: "I almost forgot; I should call my daughter. You kids can talk while your mother and I get to know each other."

Shun was nervous and excited because if his guess was right, then he was going to meet her.

Mrs. Momoi came back with a girl, who looked like her, she had pink hair tied up in a ponytail.

Mrs. Momoi: "Come on; no need to be shy, introduce yourself."

Shun was shocked and surprised that she was his neighbor, what were the chances.

Shun: 'The world must be playing tricks on me.'

Girl: "Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Momoi Satsuki."

Shun: 'I knew it.'

She looked just like in the anime, a slender teenage girl with shoulder-length bright pink hair, large darkish-pink eyes.

[A/N: She didn't have long hair in Middle School.]

She looked towards Shun, and her eyes widened as she blurted out.

Satsuki: "I know you!"

[A/N: We will be using her given name Satsuki to address her.]


(POV, change.)

Satsuki was setting up her room when she heard the doorbell ring, after a while her mother came, and told her that their neighbor had come to visit and there was a boy her age with them.

Satsuki descended from the second floor to the living room to see a beautiful lady with silver hair and purple eyes there.

Satsuki: 'She is pretty.'

She introduced herself and then looked at the boy who had come with the lady.

Her first thoughts were that he was quite good looking and that he could play basketball with his height. Suddenly, the thoughts about his looks and basketball clicked, and she recognized him.

Satsuki: 'Kageyama Shun, first-year from Tokiwadai Middle School.'

And then before she could think, she reflexively blurted out,

Satsuki: "I know you!"


(POV, back to Shun)

Shun was stunned, he knew that she might know him, she was the manager for Teiko, and was an analytical prodigy.

Shun acted like he didn't know her and was seeing her for the first time.

Shun: "Excuse me?"

Mrs. Momoi: "Satsuki, where are your manners."

Mrs. Momoi gently rebuffed Satsuki for her outburst. Satsuki apologized with a red face.

Satsuki: "I am sorry."

Mom (Yuki): "Satsuki-chan, you just said that you know my son."

Satsuki: "Yes, I know him I watched all the Tokiwadai games; I am a manager for the basketball club of my school."

Mrs. Momoi: "Ara ara, Shun-kun plays basketball, and is good looking, you must be popular at school. Ufufufu."

Shun was sure if his face got anymore red, it would bleed.

Mrs. Momoi: "Satsuki, why don't you go to take Shun-kun to the dining room and chat with him there."

Satsuki: "Yes, mom."