Back To The Basketball Club

[A/N - 1: Before starting this chapter, I would like to tell the readers about the Japanese Schooling System.

Japanese schools have three trimesters separated by vacations.

At most schools, summer vacation covers the 40-odd days from July 20 to August 31; winter and spring vacation both last around 10 days, from December 26 to around January 6 and March 25 to around April 5, respectively. The new school year starts in April, at the end of spring vacation.

Which means the test for the bet with Satsuki will be in the second semester.

The tests are taken at the end of each semester, which means the so-called lunch date would be held during the winter vacation. And we are currently just before the middle of the second semester.]


Shun was humming and skipping his way to the basketball club. Today was finally the day Shun was going to restart his club activities.

Shun made his way to the locker room to change out of his school uniform. When he finished changing his clothes, Sugimoto entering the locker room.

Shun greeted Sugimoto.

Shun: "Hey, Sugimoto. Today is the promotion test for the second string, are you ready? How is your condition?"

Sugimoto sighed while opening his locker.

Sugimoto: "I am really nervous if I don't pass the test and move to the second-string then the I would have to wait for another month."

Shun put his school uniform and bags into the locker and locked his locker.

Shun: "Promotion test will test your physical capabilities and skills, you don't have to do anything flashy, to pass the promotion test. Perform the basic properly, and you would easily pass the test."

Sugimoto looked towards Shun with hope in his eyes.

Sugimoto: "Really!"

Shun nodded and explained.

Shun: "The strings are based on the difference in physical capability and skill level. If you want to advance, then all you have to do is cross the threshold score for that string, and of course, it doesn't mean you have to excel in both physical and skill areas.

If you lack in physique, then make it up with skill, and vice-versa. Of course, there are always exceptions like specialized sixth-man."

Sugimoto felt his mood go up.

Sugimoto: "Then, I will be fine. I am an experienced basketball player, after all."

Shun headed to the door of the locker room and said one last thing to Sugimoto.

Shun: "Sugimoto, entering a string is one thing, but making the bench on the team is different. The bench players have to stand out from others, and even then, you might not get to be a regular. So, work hard and don't stop improving."

Sugimoto felt that he understood the serious nature of Shun's advice, so he nodded equally seriously.


Shun entered the gymnasium and immediately felt that he was at home. The squeaking sound that the shoes made with the hardwood were more pleasant-sounding to Shun than any other piece of music.

The chaos caused by shouting and talking around the court made Shun calm down.

Shun greeted the people in the gym, and the people talked and caught up to the people.

The coach entered the first-string gym, and all the players gathered around him.

The coach allowed his eyes to roam and see all the members of the first-string.

Coach: "Now that the third-years have retired from the teams, we have to choose their replacements."

The coach ordered the third-year to separate from the group and stand at one side.

Otsubo and Ishida were asked to stand beside him.

Coach: "Before I tell you the new addition to the team, I will be announcing the new captain and vice-captain of the first-string team."

Coach smiled and announced the new appointments.

Coach: "The new captain for the first-string will be Mibuchi Reo."

Everybody clapped for Mibuchi. Mibuchi was good at communication and knew everyone in the club. He was a good player and could lead the team efficiently. Mibuchi had no problems with confrontations, and people felt comfortable talking with him, so he was perfect for the job.

Mibuchi was asked to stand beside the Coach as the new Captain.

The Coach continued.

Coach: "The new vice-captain would be Kageyama Shun."

Everybody clapped for Shun as he made his way forward. No one was surprised at Shun's appointment as the new vice-captain. Shun was the MVP of the Nationals and had won all the individual awards, plus Shun had proved that he could lead the team on the court in any area of the game.

Next on the docket was the inducing new members of the team.

Coach: "As Otsubo has retired from the team, Aone will be taking over as the team's center, and Shun will be taking over as the team's point guard. This means with Mibuchi as the team's shooting guard, we have to fill up the positions of power forward, and small forward."

Aone was the tallest of the members on the first-string, so he was the only player that could play the center on the team, and Aone himself had no problem playing the center.

There was a tall first-year in the club, but he was a total beginner at basketball, so even with his height, he was stuck in the second-string.

Shun was sure that if that first-year trained hard, he could make it to the first-string just before his second year, and he could make it to the team in time after the next Nationals.

Coach finally announced the names of the new members.

Coach: "Yūki Tetsuya will be the new power forward of the team."

Shun looked at Yūki Tetsuya and immediately recognized him.

[A/N - 2: Yūki Tetsuya's profile]

Shun: 'I only start staying late when I started my shooting training, but I know that he had been staying late every day from the day he joined the club.'

In Shun's eyes, Yūki Tetsuya was the most hard-working member of Tokiwadai's basketball school.

Shun: 'He is not exceptionally talented, he isn't as tall Aone-san, but he works harder than anyone else.'

Shun had kept an eye on Yūki Tetsuya's progress from the start, Yūki Tetsuya was good enough to enter second-string's team right from the start.

Shun: 'The sheer hard work carried him to a spot on the team just a little over six months, very impressive. No scratch that this feat is extremely impressive.'

Shun smiled, thinking about playing with a fellow first-year.

Yūki Tetsuya bowed to the team and said.

Yūki Tetsuya: "I am looking forward to playing on the team. Please, take care of me."

Everybody congratulated Yūki, and the coach continued.

Coach: "Moving on, the position of the teams small forward will be filled by Kaitani Riku."

[A/N - 3: Kaitani Riku's profile.]

Shun looked at Kaitani Riku. Kaitani was short, he was only 160 cm tall.

But if you had to describe Kaitani in one word, then that word would be fast.

Shun: 'Beside me, he is the fastest person I have seen in the first-string. Not only that, but he is also very explosive and dexterous. Perfect qualities for a small forward, his skills at the basket are not very good, but we can work on that, there is a lot of time before the next Nationals.'

Just like Yuki Tetsuya, Kaitani was also a first-year. This made the team have three second-years and two third-years, during the next Nationals.

Kaitani also introduced himself to the team.

Kaitani Riku: "My name is Kaitani Riku. I am still new, so I am looking forward to everyone's advice."

Shun looked at the current Tokiwadai team and thought.

Shun: 'Our average height has fallen, but I feel good about this team. With this, I have two of my year mates on the team.'

Shun went up to the new two first-years regulars and talked to them.

Shun: "Hey guys, congratulations on making the team. Let's have fun, playing together on the court."

Yuki and Kaitani hadn't interacted much with Shun, because they had transferred from the second-string just before the summer vacations, and after that Shun had made himself busy with shooting practice. So, they weren't that close to Shun as they were to the other first-year's.

Kaitani: "Yeah, I am looking forward to playing with you, Mr. MVP."

Yuki: "I am looking forward to playing with you, Kageyama-kun."

Shun smiled and said.

Shun: "How about we go out and celebrate your entry to the team today."

Yuki and Kaitani looked at each other and then nodded.

Kaitani: "Sure, sounds good."

Yuki: "It will be my pleasure."

All of them smiled and made their way to the other members who were about to start their physical workout.



A/N - 2: Yuki Tetsuya is a character from the series, Daimond No Ace / Daia No Ace.

The link to his wiki profile is given in the comment section.


A/N - 3: Kaitani Riku is a character from the series, Eyeshield 21. His height has been increased to match the basketball standard (still short).

The link to his wiki profile is given in the comment section.
