Aomine Daiki was trembling to his bones in his seat. He looked at the clock in front of the classroom, above the green board.
There were five minutes till the end of the period and the start of the lunch break.
Aomine: 'In no more than ten minutes, she will be here with her homemade lunch. I can't run from this if that devil founds out that I skipped out on her lunchbox, then I don't know what would Kageyama do.'
Aomine eyes started to turn red from looking at the clock without blinking, with each passing second, his panic started to grow.
The bell that signified the end of the period rang.
Aomine couldn't help but stand up in his seat; all his instincts were screaming at him to get out of the classroom and hide so that she couldn't find him.
Aomine had only once made the mistake of eating Satsuki's cooking, which was the first time she served him her cooking, and Aomine had puked rainbows in the toilet minutes after.
Since then, he had stayed miles away from her cooking.
Aomine instincts shouted at him, so he looked at the door, and there she stood, with a smile on her face and a lunchbox in her hand.
Everybody in the class present looked at the girl who was not from their class. Almost every boy's eyes were drawn to Satsuki.
If there was a fact nobody could deny was that Momoi Satsuki was extremely attractive. She was cute, outgoing, and had a personality liked by all. Satsuki was extremely popular in the school, every clique in the school liked her.
She was smart, so she got along with the smart kid of the school, she was the manager of the basketball club, so she got along with the jocks, and she had a nice personality, so she was able to talk with everyone she conversed with, even the most withdrawn introverts.
So, when Satsuki entered the classroom, every boy in the class in the class peeked at her, but to Aomine, she looked like the devil incarnate who was going to make his next week living hell on earth.
Satsuki's eyes shined with brilliant light when she saw Aomine.
Satsuki: 'Today, I will finally get rid of my reputation as a bad cook.'
She walked towards Aomine and called out to him.
Satsuki: "Aomine-kun, I have bought lunch for you."
Satsuki only called Aomine by his first name when alone or in the company of close friends, in front of others she addressed him by his family name.
Satsuki turned the seat in front of Aomine's desk to face his desk and sat down.
Aomine looked at the darned lunchbox and saw that there was only one of them. He looked up at Satsuki and asked.
Aomine: "Satsuki, why is there only one of the lunchbox, are we sharing one?"
Aomine seriously hoped that they were going to share the lunchbox.
Aomine: 'If she eats her own cooking, then maybe she will see that her cooking is inedible.'
Satsuki smiled and replied happily.
Satsuki: "Of course not, you need the energy for club activities. As for me, mom made me a pretty heavy breakfast in the morning, so I am not hungry, and I could only manage to make one set, so even if I was hungry, I couldn't eat with you."
Satsuki set the lunchbox and a pair of disposable chopsticks in front of Aomine.
Aomine had his hands in his lap; he forced them to stop shaking.
Aomine took the chopsticks, removed them from the packaging, and snapped them from the middle, to make a pair of chopsticks.
He held the chopsticks between the base of his fingers and opened the lunchbox.
The issue was that unlike some terrible cooks whose food was at least appealing to look at, Satsuki's food looked as bad as it tasted.
Aomine looked at Satsuki one last time before taking the first bite to hell and saw that Satsuki had her phone out and was pointing it at him.
Aomine: "Satsuki, are you recording me?"
Satsuki looked away from the screen and explained.
Satsuki: "Shun-kun wanted me to record you eating the food, he said to record at the beginning, middle, and the end. I am going to send the clips to him after you finish eating."
Shun's laughing face appeared in Aomine's mind, and Aomine felt both anger and fear towards Shun. He gritted his teeth and took the first bite while imagining beating Shun to a pulp to decrease the suffering.
Aomine almost gagged and threw up, but he held it down and swallowed. He looked at Satsuki and said.
Aomine: "T-This is really good."
Satsuki smiled at the compliment to her cooking.
Satsuki: "Thank you."
Aomine started to stuff food down his throat as fast as he could.
Satsuki, who saw that complained.
Satsuki: "Aomine-kun, eat the food slowly, or you wouldn't be able to completely enjoy it."
Aomine shook his head as he half-chewed and half-swallowed the food and said.
Aomine: "I can't slow down. The food is too delicious."
Aomine lied right through his teeth and spoke out loud enough for the people in the classroom to hear.
Aomine felt a little guilty for making Satsuki cry and thought that he should ease her worries about her cooking even though her worries were true.
But what Aomine didn't know was that with that single sentence, he lost the homework copy privileges for the whole week from all the guys in the class.
By the time Aomine ate the lunchbox, it seemed like he had obtained enlightenment. He had gone through pain in his stomach to numbing in his tongue.
Aomine thanked Satsuki for the food and quietly got up from his seat. Satsuki asked where he was going.
Satsuki: "Aomine-kun, where are you going?"
Aomine: "I am going to the washroom to wash my hand, again Satsuki, the food was delicious."
Aomine left the room, and the moment he was out of sight, he put a hand on his mouth and ran as fast as he could. He even ignored the one teacher who shouted at him to stop running in the corridor and entered the boy's washroom.
He quickly entered a stall, lifted the lid, and puked rainbows into the toilet.
Aomine had only one thought as he puked.
Aomine: 'Six more times of this. Damn you, Kageyama!'
With that thought, Aomine continued puking in the toilet.
On the other hand, Shun gained a weird reputation with his classmates for laughing loudly in front of the whole class during lunch while looking at his phone's screen for a whole week.