Tokiwadai vs. Aiwa, Part 3.

The first quarter ended with Tokiwadai in the lead with nine points. The score was 27-18 in Tokiwadai's favor.

Shun had started to go on offense, but the first quarter ended before Shun could build up momentum.

On the bench, Shun addressed the team. He was the point guard and the playmaker, so Mibuchi and coach left this part of the briefing to Shun.

Shun: "As we discussed in the time-out, we will be scoring with shooting rather than finishing at the rim. Aone-san and Yuki, please set up screens for the shooters to shot with ease.

Set up screens even if the ball is not with Mibuchi or Kaitani. This will help both of them get away from the defenders.

If the shots are taken without disturbance, or hurry they will go in more, and the need to rebound will reduce."

He looked at everybody and gave them instructions for defense.

Shun: "Don't get close to your mark, this will give them a chance to score by shooting, but we have to give up something to gain something.

Leave the post to me. I will get more aggressive on rebounds. I will be moving more actively from this quarter, so please remember to move at your pace if you think you are getting tired."

Aone moved his hands, telling Shun not to do that as he may get injured.

Shun smiled and placated Aone.

Shun: "Aone-san, don't worry. I will not be making that much contact with them. I will be taking another approach."

The time-out ended, and both teams returned to the court.


The ball was with Aiwa, and Hanamiya dribbled the ball to inside the three-point arc.

Hanamiya had decided to score himself and close the gap a little bit. As he moved forward to score, in his way was Shun.

Hanamiya felt danger as he looked at Shun.

Hanamiya: 'What pressure!'

Hanamiya stopped and jumped up and raised his hand.

Mibuchi, who saw that recognized the attack.

Mibuchi: 'A scoop shot.'

The was on the verge of leaving Hanamiya's when a hand shot from in front of him and tipped the ball behind Hanamiya.

Shun had blocked the shot made by Hanamiya.

Hanamiya: 'He is fast! How did he cover that much distance and still managed to good hand on the ball.'

The ball was picked up by Kaitani, who went towards the basket. He was stopped by Aiwa's small forward.

Aiwa's small forward was going to step on Kaitani's foot, but Kitani backed away and passed the ball.

Mibuchi caught the ball, but he was covered up by Aiwa's shooting guard.

Mibuchi moved to the left. His defender followed him, but after a single step, he collided with a figure.

Aiwa's shooting guard looked and found Aone, who was now screening him.

Mibuchi stopped, took his time, and shot the ball from the three-point line.

Mibuchi: "Taking a shoot from a complete stop is the best."

Mibuchi smiled as the ball went into the basket.

Hanamiya looked at Tokiwadai and clicked his tongue.

Hanamiya: 'That screen was planned. Shooting off the screen has the best accuracy.'


Hanamiya went ahead instead of getting the ball from the start.

He wanted to get a pass so that he could score when he became open. He looked at his defender and saw Kaitani looking up at him, grinning ferally.

Hanamiya: "If you get too close, you will get hurt. I will give you a piece of advice, stay away from me and you won't get hurt."

Kaitani snorted and stuck his tongue out.

Hanamiya was going to say something to intimidate Kaitani, but he felt a slight push from behind.

He looked behind and saw Shun standing close to him, making contact.

Hanamiya's eyes narrowed, but then he felt a push from the front. He looked to find that Kaitani has also gotten closer.

Hanamiya's eyes widened as he saw Kaitani's feral grin and Shun's blank face. He continued to get pushed around by both of them, Kaitani and Shun were not allowing Hanamiya to move at all.

The rest of Aiwa's team faltered for a second when they saw Hanamiya pushed around by a double-team, who was playing slightly rough with him.

[A/N: Imagine Kise's first match with Kuroko during Teiko, Kise was pushed around by a double-team from the opponent team.]

Yuki shook his head, but he had a smile on his face.

Yuki: "I expected this from Kaitani, but to see Shun talking a part in that is surprising."

Mibuchi sighed but didn't stop them from double-teaming Hanamiya. Aone was focusing on defending his mark and didn't mind what Kaitani and Shun were doing.

Hanamiya frowned and questioned his defenders.

Hanamiya: "Are you guys trying to hurt me? I thought the way we play was below you guys?"

Shun shook his head and replied.

Shun: "Don't worry about getting injured. We are just making sure that you don't get the ball and participate in the game."

Kaitani laughed and said.

Kaitani: "So be ready for a long ride. The ride is just a little rough, so hang tight."

The game continued as Tokiwadai continued to rake in point, and Aiwa was also scoring because of Tokiwadai staying away from them.

Shun was just inside the three-point arc, Kaitani had shot from the mid-range. Shun could see that the shot was going to miss, so he ran to the low post and jumped.

The approaching run gave Shun an increased jump height, he got to the ball first and then dunked it at the same time.

All the rebounders, including the ones from Tokiwadai, were shocked from that and lagged for a while as they stood there and looked at each other. [1 - Link to a video that shows this play.]

Tokiwadai bench went wild at Shun's sudden play, and Aiwa's bench's morale was an all-time low.

The score was already 58-39 in Tokiwadai's favor, and there were still two and a half minutes left in the second quarter.

Hanamiya looked at Shun and decided something.

He pulled his team's power forward and instructed him.

Hanamiya: "In the next rebound. I don't care if you get the ball. I want you to jump as high as you can and the fall on top Kageyama Shun."

Aiwa's power forward was shocked, hearing Hanamiya's command, so he argued with him.

Aiwa's power forward: "Hanamiya, this is not what we decided. We decided that we won't cause any serious injuries."

Hanamiya clicked his tongue and grabbed him by his collar and yanked him.

Hanamiya: "Don't pretend to be innocent and do it. I wonder what your parents will say if they found out that their son skips school to go play in the arcade."

The current Aiwa team was not made up of the best players they had in the club. They were just the ones who agreed to play as Hanamiya instructed.

Aiwa's power forward clenched his fist and nodded his head.

Aiwa's power forward: "I will do it, so don't say anything to my parents."

Hanamiya removed his hand and straightened his teammate's jersey.

Hanamiya: "See, was that so difficult? Next time listen to me at once.

And always remember. Whether it's genius or prodigy, once it's broken, it's just garbage."


The game continued, and Aiwa's power forward looked behind him and saw Shun standing there ready for rebounding.

He clenched his teeth and his fists and remembered what Hanamiya said to him.

Hanamiya: 'You just have to pretend that you lost balance and fall on him. Make sure that you make good contact.'

The ball came and bounced off the rim. Aiwa's power forward jumped as high as he could.

Shun wasn't in a suitable position, so he stayed on the ground.

Shun looked up and saw that something was wrong.

Shun: 'Aiwa's power forward's posture is wrong.'

Shun then saw the power forward's body leaning backward and falling towards him.

All of the players on the court saw Aiwa's power forward falling towards Shun.

Hanamiya smiled far away from the rim.

Hanamiya: 'Whether it's genius or prodigy, once it's broken, it's just garbage.'

Tokiwadai members shouted, trying to warn Shun.

Yuki: "Kageyama! Watch out!"

Shun saw the falling power forward and then.



A/N [1] - The video is about the basketball Alex Caruso. It is about his best plays.

Alex Caruso Top 10 Plays of Career - NBATop10.

The link is in the comments, the URL will take you to the video and the specific time, but if it doesn't skip to 3:25.
