Stepping Down

Outside one of the faculty offices in Teiko Middle School, Nijimura Shuzo readied himself to go in and talk with the assistant coach of the first-string.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Nijimura: "Nijiumra here."

A voice from within the faculty office called out to Njimura.

Sanada: 'Come in.'

Nijimura opened the door and stepped inside. The room was similar to a classroom; it had a green board, a few bulletin boards, and the layout of the room was similar to a typical classroom.

Instead of the desks and chairs used by students, work stations were set up in the room for teachers to use.

Cabinets and drawers lined the wall of the room, filled with records of students, academics, among other things.

Nijimura saw that the office was empty, and only the assistant coach Sanada was present in the room.

He stepped forward to the assistant coach's desk.

Sanada looked at the first-strings captain and the best power forward in the middle school scene.

Sanada: "Nijimura-kun, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Nijimura looked at his coach and stated his reason for the visit.

Nijimura: "It is about the matter we talked about earlier."

Sanada realized what Nijimura was thinking and sighed.

Nijimura saw that Sanada understood what he was talking about and cut straight to the chase.

Nijimura: "I really thought it over, but I feel this is the best way.

Both for the team and myself..."

Nijimura paused for a moment, put together the words in his mind, and spoke.

Nijimura: "...please make Akashi Seijuro the team captain for the first-string."

Sanada looked at the player with a bright future in front of him and sighed as he spoke his thoughts.

Sanada: "I don't get it. You also suggested Akashi be vice-captain last year when he was only a first-year.

Both the head coach and I sensed his potential, so we made an exception and allowed it..."

He looked straight into Nijimura's eyes and asked.

Sanada: "... but why are you in such a hurry to relinquishing your spot to him?"

Nijimura thought for a while if he should tell him the reason, and decided that he should come clean and avoid any misunderstandings.

Nijimura: "My father's been in the hospital since last spring."

Sanda wasn't expecting Nijimura to deliver such a heavy reason, and a gasp escaped his throat.

Nijimura continued without minding Sanada's reaction.

Nijimura: "His condition's stable now, but they're unsure what will happen by the nationals."

Nijimura looked at the floor near his feet and continued.

Nijimura: "But if something happens, I'll throw everything aside, even mid-game, and head to the hospital.

Even if it doesn't, if I heard his condition worsened, I probably couldn't play calmly."

Nijimura pulled his sight up and stated with conviction.

Nijimura: "I love basketball, and accepting my father's condition was scary.

That is why I couldn't bring it up until now. I am really sorry."

Sanada frowned as he knew that none of this Nijimura's fault and family was very important.

Nijimura could have continued to act as the captain by not bringing up this matter, but he didn't that showed that he cared about the club, and wanted nothing but good for it.

While Sanada wasn't happy, he nodded.

Sanada: "All right. I will relay this to the head coach."

Nijimura bowed slightly and said his thanks to Sanada.

Nijimura: "Thank you, coach. I will leave now."


As Nijimura exited the faculty office, he saw someone standing outside the room.

Nijimura: "Oh, it's you, Akashi."

Akashi, who was approached by Nijimura, greeted him.

Akashi: "Hello."

Nijimura noticed that something was wrong with Akashi's expression and body language.

He frowned and questioned his junior.

Nijimura: "Wait, you overheard, didn't you?"

Akashi didn't hide the truth and replied truthfully.

Akashi: "Just the last bit."

Nijimura grumbled at Akashi's answer.

Nijimura: "The part I wanted you to hear the least."

Akashi looked up to his captain as he came near him.

Nijimura smiled a little as he congratulated his junior.

Nijimura: "It's a bit early, but you are the captain from now on, Akashi."

Akashi tried to deny it.

Akashi: "It hasn't been decided yet."

Nijimura frowned as he spoke.

Nijimura: "Sure, it has. Are you going to force me to stay as captain after hearing all that?"

A wind blow outside, gently rattling the windows that lined corridor.

Nijimura looked at his silent teammate and asked.

Nijimura: "Feeling uncertain?"

Akashi shook his head and answered.

Akashi: "No. I am merely worried about you, Nijimura-san."

Nijimura smiled at his ever so calm junior and said.

Nijimura: "Figures. That's why I am not worried at all."

He turned away from Akashi and walked away as he spoke.

Nijimura: "I have faith in you, Captain Akashi."

Nijimura walked away, ending the conversation.

He knew that his time at the club was coming to an end, at the rate his juniors were improving, it was a matter of time before he was pushed down the bench.

Akashi looked at the retreating figure of his senior and said.

Akashi: "Yes."


(Perspective change)

Akashi Seijuro was of two minds. When he arrived in front of the faculty, he wasn't expecting to overhear the conversation between Sanada and Nijimura.

When Nijimura said that he wanted Akashi to replace him as the captain, the 'other' one in the background of Akashi's mind thought.

Akashi(Other): 'This might be the perfect chance to regain some control over the team.'

Akashi(True) was not thinking about that. He was concerned about why his captain was stepping down, but then he heard the reason.

A parent with weak health to the point of hospitalization, it was something that brought out the memories from his childhood.

These memories were not enough to send Akashi(True) into panic as it had been years after their mother's death, but they were enough to create a moment of weakness that was exploited by Akashi(Other).

He took over the front seat and came out.

Akashi: 'If I become the captain, then I would have much more control over the team. I can exercise more authority over the team.'

Nijimura came out of the faculty office, and the one who was waiting for him was Akashi(Other).

Nijimura: "Oh, it's you, Akashi."

Akashi greeted Nijimura.

Akashi: "Hello."

Akashi put on an uncomfortable body language, which caused Nijimura to ask.

Nijimura: "Wait, you overheard, didn't you?"

Akashi smiled inside and thought.

Akashi: 'All of it.'

But what he said was.

Akashi: "Just the last bit."

Nijimura grumbled at Akashi's answer.

Nijimura: "The part I wanted you to hear the least."

Akashi looked up to his captain as he came near him and thought.

Akashi: 'It was good news.'

Nijimura smiled a little as he congratulated his junior.

Nijimura: "It's a bit early, but you are the captain from now on, Akashi."

Akashi thought otherwise.

Akashi: 'Not at all, this is the perfect timing.'

Akashi acted as it wasn't finalized yet.

Akashi: "It hasn't been decided yet."

Nijimura frowned as he spoke.

Nijimura: "Sure, it has. Are you going to force me to stay as captain after hearing all that?"

Akashi saw Nijimura look into his eyes and then asked.

Nijimura: "Feeling uncertain?"

Akashi internally scoffed as he thought.

Akashi: 'Me, uncertain! Ha! I am anything but that. I am happy if nothing else.'

Akashi shook his head and answered.

Akashi: "No. I am merely worried about you, Nijimura-san."

Nijimura smiled at his ever so calm junior and said.

Nijimura: "Figures. That's why I am not worried at all."

He turned away from Akashi and walked away as he spoke.

Nijimura: "I have faith in you, Captain Akashi."

Akashi faintly smiled as he looked at the back of the former captain and simply said.

Akashi: "Yes."