To the readers who are thinking that Shun was tired after just '20 minutes'.
Do you really think that in a sports club, people enter the gym and start playing? The answer is NO! I mentioned in the previous chapters that this was Shun's first day on a new workout menu.
Playing is much easier than a physical workout. That is why people are reluctant to do it.
I don't know how many of you have gone to a gym, but when my trainer changed my workout menu, I was fine for the duration of the workout, but the moment I sat for a while after the workout, my body felt really weak.
Shun didn't use his body for just twenty minutes!
Shun had to do the actual physical training before the game. That was the real reason he was tired. Unlike the reader, an author has to think of the things that he has written before.
And, we have TWO GoM LvL players, FIVE Haizaki/Himuro LvL players, and THREE Uncrowned King LvL players, who all have played at an international level, and are four years older than Shun.
Do you understand what four years represent in a young player's life?
I can't just forget what I have written and start anew in every chapter.
Let's continue to the chapter, shall we?
Shun took a shower for after practice and went to the cafeteria to have lunch.
As he went down to the cafeteria, he thought.
Shun: 'We still have the classroom session, and then I have to watch the game video.
It is a good thing that I asked for a copy, and can watch it as long as I like it in my room.'
After eating and resting, Shun and the rest of the players went to a classroom to study a little.
In the classroom, Albert and Sarah put up a college game video, and they analyzed the game in its entirety.
They studied the pass routine, mistakes players made, and the things that they did correctly.
They picked both teams' defensive strategies, studied them, and learned about their weaknesses and strengths.
Shun studied every day for more than an hour, so it wasn't difficult for him to concentrate on what Albert and Sarah were saying. And, he ended up learning a little.
Shun: 'Hmm.... there were a couple of good pass routines. Maybe, I should modify them a little so that they would work back home.'
After studying, Shun went to sleep for two hours, woke up, and went down to retrieve today's practice.
He asked around the way to the AV room and made his way to the room.
Shun looked at the door sign and said.
Shun: "Okay, this is it."
Shun pushed the door open, and it had a lot of computer screens and one of the FIBA personnel sitting in there.
Shun approached him and asked.
Shun: "Hello, can you give me a copy of today's Division-One practice?"
The FIBA personnel looked at Shun and said.
FIBA Personnel: "Oh yeah, Coach Sarah told me to get a copy ready for a player. Are you from Division-One?"
Shun smiled and nodded. The FIBA personnel opened a drawer, retrieved a CD, and handed it to Shun.
Shun looked at the CD and turned to the personnel.
Shun: "Thanks."
Ming entered his and Shun's room, he had just returned from the AV room after seeing the footage.
The players could see the footage in the room, and Ming was one of them. He watched the parts he wanted to see and then left the room.
As he entered his room, he thought.
Ming: 'All of these guys are so unique. The possibilities for pass routines and attack strategies increase by a lot. Heh, this is good stuff.'
Ming stretched his arms as he entered the room, and he saw Shun sitting in front of his study table, watching something on his laptop.
Ming called out to Shun.
Ming: "Hey, Shun. What are you watching?"
Ming waited, but there was no reply from Shun. He walked towards Shun and said.
Ming: "What are you watching?"
Ming looked at the screen and recognized the video as Division-One practice.
Ming: 'He got a copy?'
Ming once again called out to Shun.
Ming: "Shun?"
Ming closed in some more and finally got a look at Shun's face.
Ming saw Shun staring at the screen, his unblinking eyes fixed on the screen, taking in all the information the video could offer.
Ming gulped when he saw Shun's expression and the focus he was showing.
Ming gulped and raised his hand towards Shun, but stopped just when he was about to touch him.
Ming decided not to disturb Shun and let him be.
Shun finished watching the game part of the video and leaned back in the chair and stretched his arms and legs.
He groaned as he checked the time.
Shun: "I should call home."
He got up from the chair and turned to see that Ming was sitting in his bed, reading a book.
Shun: "Woah! When did you get here?"
Ming looked away from his book and said.
Ming: "Half an hour ago."
Shun was stunned, hearing that.
Shun: "Half an hour?! Why didn't you say something?"
Ming flipped a page of his book and said.
Ming: "I did, but you were too focused, so I decided not to disturb you."
Shun scratched the back his head and said.
Shun: "Oh. Well, I am going to call my family, talk to you in a while."
Ming showed a thumbs-up. Shun smiled and picked up his phone and went outside to talk to his parents while taking a walk.
Albert and Sarah were in a meeting room, discussing today's practice.
They talked about all the players, and in the end, they arrived to talk about Shun.
Sarah sighed as he thought about the first stretch in which Shun played.
Sarah: "In the first stretch, Shun's playstyle was abnormal. I saw the attempts to imitate styles of multiple players."
Albert nodded and said.
Albert: "You're correct. His playstyle completely changed, it was more natural, and it looked like he had more control over it. His efficiency increased. He even managed to score some points.
But what was he trying to do in the first half?"
Sarah looked at her colleague and said.
Sarah: "Albert, I noticed something."
Albert looked back at Sarah and asked.
Albert: "What?"
Sarah: "... Those attempts of imitation weren't just trying to do similar moved to the other players, from where I saw it, Shun was trying to copy them perfectly, to the last detail.
He failed, even so, his forms and moves were extremely close to the originals."
She looked at Albert and concluded.
Sarah: "Shun was trying to become the player that he was copying. He was holding the ball like them, dribbling the ball like them, his body language became like theirs.
He was becoming like them. I was shocked when I looked at the footage and saw the little details that Shun displayed."
Albert stayed silent for a moment and then said.
Albert: "We need some information on Shun. We need to see how he plays back in Japan."
Sarah tried to think of something that could give more insight into Shun, and then it clicked.
Sarah: "Ah, yes, we can ask his chaperone. He must have something that he can offer."
Albert tilted his head and asked.
Albert: "He has a chaperone?"
Sarah looked at Albert, strangely and said.
Sarah: "He is a thirteen-year-old kid. Of course, he has a chaperone. Did you really think his parents would let him go to a foreign country alone?"
Albert looked embarrassed and said.
Albert: "Yes, that is true. It slipped my mind. Now, let's get into contact with him, shall we?"
The coaches contacted Shun's chaperone, Hattori Akira. Hattori informed that he was familiar with Shun, and even had a game video that he brought with him.
But, because it was so late, they decided to meet tomorrow.
Sarah and Albert were in for a hell of a meeting because they were going to dive deep into the player known as Kageyama Shun.