It was an unidentified day of the summer break.
Shun laid down on a couch, his whole being lazing around.
He shifted his head and spoke.
Shun: "Hachiman, your house is the best place to laze around. Your parents work, and it is an equal distance from all our houses."
Shun, Romio, and Shikamaru were visiting Hachiman's house during the summer break.
He turned to Shikamaru and said.
Shun: "Shikamaru, no offense to your title of The Lazy Lord, but your mom wouldn't let us laze around. She would kick us out if she saw us doing nothing."
Shikamaru, who was leaning into a with his usual lazy expression, said.
Shikamaru: "Hey, don't give me a weird nickname, even though you are right about my house."
Shun moved his head towards Romio and continued.
Shun: "And, if we go to Romio's house, we would end up helping him with his homework. Romio, seriously you should start your homework before it is too late, and you have to rush to complete it."
Romio furrowed his brows and replied.
Romio: "Yeah-yeah, I would do it in time."
Hachiman raised his hand and spoke.
Hachiman: "500-Yen, that Romio would visit us in the last week to copy our homework."
Shun raised his hand and added.
Shun: "600-Yen on that he would come with just three days remaining in the break."
Romio raised his voice a little and said.
Romio: "Oye, I don't like that."
Shun chuckled, and when he turned his head, he saw Shikamaru looking at his Dog-Tag chain.
Shun smiled and asked.
Shun: "So, do you like the Dog-Tag?"
Shikamaru glanced towards Shun and sighed.
Shikamaru: "Yeah, I like them, but why did you have to go and engrave 'Foolish Four' on them."
Shun laughed and replied.
Shun: "Oh, come on. Cool sounding names aren't any fun. Foolish Four sounds fun to me. I always end up laughing when I look at the tag."
The inscription on the Dog-Tag was the owner's name in English, under it was written Foolish Four, and on the backside of the Tag were the names of the other three.
All four of them ended up pulling out their Dog-Tag chains to look at them.
Romio smiled and said.
Romio: "These are just fine. I like them. Thank you for having them made, Shun."
The other two nodded, and just when Shun was about to reply and bring the moment to the top of the Bromance scale, the door to Hachiman's living room opened and a person, whom Shun could only describe as an angel, entered the room.
Shun, who had his body relaxed on the couch, immediately sat up straight on the couch.
Hachiman, who saw that, also sat up straight in his chair and locked his eyes on to Shun.
Shun felt Hachiman's gaze that said, not to do anything weird.
Shun shook his head and said in a condescending tone.
Shun: "You don't deserver her."
Hachiman scoffed and replied.
Hachiman: "Bullshit."
Shun harrumphed and continued.
Shun: "I can't comprehend why she had to be born in your family."
Hachiman let out a superior smirk.
Hachiman: "Whatever you think, the truth of the world is that she is MY little sister."
Shun clicked his tongue at that and put on a displeased expression.
The person that the two were talking about cleared her throats and sighed.
???: "Big Brother and his tall friend are once again being weird."
The person who Shun and Hachiman were fighting about was Hikigaya Komachi, Hachiman's little sister. She had short-medium length black hair and just like Hachiman, and a strand of hair standing straight from her head. [1]
She did a short bow to greet Romio and Shikamaru, who also returned the bow with their own.
Shun smiled and said.
Shun: "Komachi-chan, you are looking cute as ever. I bought a lot of sweets, so please do eat them."
Komachi looked at Shun and spoke.
Komachi: "Shun-san is weird, but because you were able to become friends with big brother and stayed friends with him despite his personality earns you a lot of Komachi-points in Komachi's book, so I know you are nice even though you are weird."
Shun showed two thumbs-up to Komachi and said.
Shun: "I will take that."
Komachi turned to Hachiman and asked him where he kept this week's Shonen Jump and then left the room.
Shun waved her goodbye with a pleasant smile on his face, and when she left the room, he smiled at Hachiman and complimented him.
Shun: "Hachiman, thank you for leaving all the good genes for your sister."
Hachiman didn't look displeased one bit and nodded.
Hachiman: "It might be the biggest accomplishment of my life."
Shikamaru looked at his two friends and commented.
Shikamaru: "Hachiman's sister was right, you two are weird."
Romio laughed at them mockingly.
Shun scoffed and said.
Shun: "You just don't get the greatness of little sisters."
Hachiman nodded and said.
Hachiman: "They are to be protected."
Shun: "They are to be adored."
Shun and Hachiman looked at each other, stood, and grabbed each other's hand, and said at the same time.
Shun & Hachiman: "Comerade!"
Once again, all four of them got back to lazing around.
Shun suddenly remembered that he still hadn't given them the shirts that he had brought.
Shun: "Oh, yeah. I brought some tee-shirts with some captions that I thought would suit you guys."
Shun pulled out some shirts from his bag and tossed them to the three.
Shun: "Let's see.
I'm Not Lazy. I'm On Energy Saving Mode. This is for Shikamaru.
I'm Not Anti-Social. I'm Socially Selective, And I've Selected To Avoid You. This one is for Hachiman.
And for Romio,
I Don't Have An Attitude Problem, I Just Carry A Problem You Can't Handle.
So, how did you like them?"
All of them showed thumbs-up to Shun when they saw the caption shirts.
The shirt sizes were also fitting, so everyone was happy.
And thus, a day of lazing around continued with the four playing games, watching TV and just doing nothing in particular.
A/N [1]: The character is from Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy Wa Machigatteiru. She is Hikigaya Hachiman's sister Hikigaya Komachi.
The link to the character would be in the comments.