Tokiwadai Basketball Club was in a suspended period till the end of the summer break, but you couldn't keep Shun away from basketball for that long.
So, Shun decided to go to his usual outdoor court to keep himself from getting rusty, and a get a small headstart on integrating moves the copied the moves he learned into his playstyle.
Shun with his practice clothes, basketball shoes, and a basketball exited his house.
His destination? The outdoor court near the shopping district.
That court was always empty, so it was perfect for Shun to practice in peace.
Shun hummed as he entered the outdoor court.
Shun: "I knew it. This court is always empty."
Shun's eyes caught the sight of the bright red basket on both sides of the court.
Shun: "Ooh! New hoops!"
The court that Shun was used to visiting had gotten new baskets while Shun was at summer camp.
Shun put his bag to the side and was about to do some warmup before starting his practice when something crossed Shun's mind.
He froze on the spot and shut his eyes. Shun linked his hands and pleaded that what he just noticed wasn't real.
Shun: "Oh god, or anyone listening, please, please let it not be that."
Shun opened his eyes and slowly cranked his neck towards one of the new rims, and his fears came true.
Shun: "$^?@#!*%&!"
What Shun saw was that the new baskets were different from the previously installed baskets.
The new baskets were double-rimmed.
If there was one thing that could make Shun not wanting to play basketball were double-rimmed baskets.
Unlike other basketball hoops, double rims force you to make shots through the center every time. There was no scope for error when shooting on double-rims.
Double-rimmed baskets had two layers of rims stuck together to give it a firmer structure to extend the longevity of the basket, but at the same time, they took away the give of the single-rimmed basket.
Every time a shot ball made contact with a double-rimmed, they would bounce off it, resulting in the shot missing.
If you didn't have an extreme back-spin to your shot or you shot went through the center, not making contact with the rim, then you would hate double-rimmed basket, and that constituted of almost all people who played basketball.
Shun placed his palm against his forehead and spoke.
Shun: "Midorima might be the only one who wouldn't mind double-rimmed baskets."
Midorima's high-projectile shots made sure that his ball won't touch the rim at all.
Shun almost wanted to pack up and go home, but then he started to pace around the court, groaning as he walked with his hand under his chin.
Finally, Shun pulled his hair back and glared at the new hoops.
Shun: "I will accompany you, cursed ones. I shall conquer your double-rimmed madness."
Shun stomped his way to where his bag was and took out the basketball and got ready for a day shooting practice on the baskets, that made you want to kill yourself.
Shun's usual shooting routine was what you called an Inside-Out shooting routine.
He would start near the basket and then make his way outside to the three-point arc.
Shun's shooting routine involved him shooting from five distance, at five different angles, repeating till he made a hundred shots, this made up one set.
Shun did two sets of hundred shots.
But, this was not the end. Shun by copying Mibuchi had added the versatility factor to his shooting, to back up that versatility, Shun couldn't just make spot-up jump shots.
So, in those three hundred shots that he made, he would mix in fadeaway motion for the 'Heaven' shot, a forward-leaning posture for the 'Earth' shot, and even though Shun didn't utilize it that much, he would assume the lower stance for the 'Void' shot.
Plus, Shun wasn't a catch-and-shoot type of players and shot off-the-dribble, so in the last fifty shots of the second set, he would add two steps of dribbling the ball.
Shun started his routine and started to shoot the ball, the close distance went fine, but just as shun reached mid-range shots, the shots miss.
Shun shot the ball, but it bounced off the rim.
Shun: "That makes it one miss."
He ran towards the ball to fetch it and then ran back to the next spot for another shot.
Shun: "Next."
Shun shot the ball, it made contact with the rim, rolled on it once, and then with the same speed that it made contact with the rim, the ball left the rim, and so Shun faced another miss.
He once again ran towards the ball to rebound it and then ran back to the next spot to shoot once again.
The same thing happened and again, and Shun missed another shot.
Shun: "*%$#!"
Things got worse as Shun increased the distance, and that left Shun a little frustrated.
Frustration was fine with Shun, but when Shun switched to difficult shots, his accuracy went down the drain.
And, by the time completed the last stretch of off-the-dribble, Shun was in a mood that he had never been in.
Shun held the ball in both his hand and threw it to the ground.
In an embarrassing event, the ball bounced and rebounded towards Shun's face hitting his forehead.
Shun started to shake as veins appeared on his face.
Shun in a half-growling voice, spoke to the inanimate, basketball hoop.
Shun: "You evil, abominable, demonic, double-rimmed basket.
I, Kageyama Shun, swear that I will come here every day till the end of my summer break, and even after that, I will come every weekend to challenge you.
I will not rest till the day I put an end to your tyranny and surpass you."
Shun, on an empty court, was pointing towards a basketball hoop and spouting lines at it.
A mother and her son were passing by the court, the kid pointed towards Shun and asked her mother.
Kid: "Mama, what is that big brother doing?"
The mother pulled her kid and walked a little faster.
Mother: "Don't look at him. Good grief, what are kids doing these days?"