When Did All These Start?

"When did all these start? My constant need to check the cooker to see if I remembered to turn the knob off or check the tap at least 4 times before leaving the kitchen and bathroom? Always checking the door that leads outside at least 6 times a day when I didn't move an inch from my apartment? Maybe I should mention when I have to check the fridge 10 times a day to see if I closed it well. I know I'm beginning to lose my mind. If not how else can I explain my bizarre behavior to others? It's simple! I will be labelled a crazy person that needs to be seen by a shrink! But my pride would not let me seek the help that my mind is begging for every single day!"

Deb Oh continued to rationalize her reasons for not seeking medical treatment, her diagnosis was made by a virtual free psychiatric consult, she had not gone to a psychiatrist to receive an official diagnosis of her suspected mental illness.

Answering a couple of questions online and waiting 10 seconds for the result to populate was what she held on as proof of her mental health.