I Wonder If I Was Jealous Of Rei?

×Deb, I heard that Rei just passed away. I'm so sorry.×

Lately Deb Oh had been having dreams about some of her classmates from highschool, a sense of nostalgia would some times find it's way into her heart, but the text message from her younger sister sent Deb Oh into a depressed mood, she didn't know that the death of her highschool classmate would cause tears to form in her eyes. That night, tired from her 12 hours shift, Deb Oh cried her heart out. The text message sent by 11pm weighed on her as though a ball of lead was wrapped around her neck, draining the life from her.

"Was the dream a sign that I would lose more people in my life? Rei, back in school I wanted to be your only friend but you chose other people as friends, it hurt me that time. I wish I could have seen you before you died!"

Deb Oh didn't ask her sister what had caused the death of her former high school classmate. Too heartbroken by the shocking tragic news of a girl that in the past brought out a sense of bitterness from past rejection of friendship. Deb Oh could not put a name to the emotion that surfaced from a bittersweet memory.

"I wonder if I was jealous of Rei? I know I was angry when she went to befriend someone else as a new transfer student. Could it be that I felt more for Rei than I let on?"

Deb Oh heard the notification sound alerting her that another text had been sent by her sister but she flipped the screen shut and by so doing a glimpse of the head shot from the obituary caught the corner of Deb Oh's eyes.