I Guess He Is Not So Wrong After All

Deb Oh stared at the white window blinds from which she could see the dull grey sky and hear from where she laid on her blanket the sound of falling rain. The driver that picked her from work yesterday told her that it was going to rain all week.

"I hope I'll be able to read 3 out of the 5 powerpoint lecture notes that I have left. Let me check the astrology reading for my birth month before studying!"

Deb Oh's eyes felt dry and her head was starting to pound from stress. After watching the drama 'Nix You' she began a search on the internet for her astrological birth month. Clicking the website J-tarot reading.

=August 29, XXXX=

Deb Oh typed her birthday into the calender chart provided and hit enter to submit the information provided.

=Virgo, you are ruled by mercury. Strength: Romantic, Intelligence, Loyal and Creative. Weakness: Indecisive, Irresponsible, Dreamer and Ostentatious. Beware of living in a world of fantasy or suffer the consequences=

Deb Oh smiled at the result, she could tell that some of it rang true for her.

"Uncle says that I'm not practical about my outlook on life. I guess he is not so wrong after all."