This Too Shall Pass

Deb Oh listened to one of her favorite musicians, a song by a reggae singer Gob 'Deception In The World', for no reason tears gathered in her eyes as she thought about the people that had lost their lives from a mental condition.

Natsura a Pro Wrestler died a week ago and Deb Oh could not let go of the grief from the low key celebrity's death. Another was Yul an actor who starred in one of her favorite male on male drama 'The Fate We Share.'

Deb Oh did not know any of them personally but they both shared one thing in common, taking their life after endless hate from netizens. When outrage from the public had passed no real change about censorship nor making people accountable for their action was enforced. It was another death, a number to the ever growing statistics of people that had committed suicide in the entertainment industry.

"Deb, it is going to okay. This too shall pass!"

Deb Oh muttered her usual mantra, this was her good luck charm when agonizing over a society's injustice.

Deb Oh wanted positive change, how could someone so powerless move the heart of the government to step in and protect its vulnerable citizens?