That Smells Of Supremacy

That same day Deb Oh came across an even more disturbing post.

=Who are you to call other authors refugees? There is nothing wrong if an author states their opinion but to ridicule them is absolutely wrong and inhumane! I get that you are a top performer but that does not give you the right to use foul language on other struggling authors and calling their novel trash!=

Deb Oh could sense a lot of anger from the person that posted on the reading app's forum. She enjoyed reading on Sebnovel and didn't know that there was so much bad blood among the authors on the reading site.

"Refugee?! That smells of supremacy! Can't some authors write without causing drama? I guess if they did write without their attention seeking nature they will definitely die since they can't function if not at the center of attention! That feeds their overblown ego and wretched pride!"

Deb Oh was a silent champion of justice and when she saw others been treated harshly, this usually cause her blood to boil in anger.

Deb Oh knew better than to enter the politics of the Sebnovel reading site, she signed up to read and reading is what she promised to do, no more no less.