Try Ghatsapp

That morning Deb Oh woke up to call her father to wish him a happy birthday.

"I'll try Ghatsapp and if he doesn't pick up I'll call him with Yetel!"

Deb Oh wanted to use Ghatsapp which was a free calling social media platform which allowed its users from different parts of the world to call each other for free, it was an incentive sponsored by a giant tech company Nacebook to provide poor nations with the means to communicate with other people.

Deb Oh heard the phone dialing but it kept ringing and her father wasn't picking up. She then decided to try the other option Yetel which was an expensive International phone service company.

Deb Oh heard the connection sound beeping and shortly thereafter the phone from the other end was dialed but still her father had not picked up the call.

"I'll send him a message through Ghatsapp, he may be busy or could be unhappy that I waited until today to call him."

When it came to calling and texting her family and other people Deb Oh was bad at doing what many people saw as the most natural way to keep in touch with others.

=Happy Birthday Daddy, continue to be in good health=

Deb Oh always felt awkward when she had to call or text others especially her family. To her it was an emotionally draining exercise but she was duty bound to maintain the cultural, religious and societal aspects that came with having a family.